blob: 3c23d2d8b755031ae1504bc1a91f8b7f30b3537f [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::{self, FromStr};
use crate::core::compiler::CompileKind;
use crate::core::TargetKind;
use crate::util::config::StringList;
use crate::util::{CargoResult, CargoResultExt, Config, ProcessBuilder, Rustc};
use cargo_platform::{Cfg, CfgExpr};
/// Information about the platform target gleaned from querying rustc.
/// The `BuildContext` keeps two of these, one for the host and one for the
/// target. If no target is specified, it uses a clone from the host.
pub struct TargetInfo {
/// A base process builder for discovering crate type information. In
/// particular, this is used to determine the output filename prefix and
/// suffix for a crate type.
crate_type_process: ProcessBuilder,
/// Cache of output filename prefixes and suffixes.
/// The key is the crate type name (like `cdylib`) and the value is
/// `Some((prefix, suffix))`, for example `` would be
/// `Some(("lib", ".so")). The value is `None` if the crate type is not
/// supported.
crate_types: RefCell<HashMap<String, Option<(String, String)>>>,
/// `cfg` information extracted from `rustc --print=cfg`.
cfg: Vec<Cfg>,
/// Path to the "lib" or "bin" directory that rustc uses for its dynamic
/// libraries.
pub sysroot_host_libdir: PathBuf,
/// Path to the "lib" directory in the sysroot which rustc uses for linking
/// target libraries.
pub sysroot_target_libdir: PathBuf,
/// Extra flags to pass to `rustc`, see `env_args`.
pub rustflags: Vec<String>,
/// Extra flags to pass to `rustdoc`, see `env_args`.
pub rustdocflags: Vec<String>,
/// Kind of each file generated by a Unit, part of `FileType`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum FileFlavor {
/// Not a special file type.
/// Like `Normal`, but not directly executable
/// Something you can link against (e.g., a library).
Linkable { rmeta: bool },
/// Piece of external debug information (e.g., `.dSYM`/`.pdb` file).
/// Type of each file generated by a Unit.
pub struct FileType {
/// The kind of file.
pub flavor: FileFlavor,
/// The suffix for the file (for example, `.rlib`).
/// This is an empty string for executables on Unix-like platforms.
suffix: String,
/// The prefix for the file (for example, `lib`).
/// This is an empty string for things like executables.
prefix: String,
/// Flag to convert hyphen to underscore.
/// wasm bin targets will generate two files in deps such as
/// "web-stuff.js" and "web_stuff.wasm". Note the different usages of "-"
/// and "_". This flag indicates that the stem "web-stuff" should be
/// converted to "web_stuff".
should_replace_hyphens: bool,
impl FileType {
pub fn filename(&self, stem: &str) -> String {
let stem = if self.should_replace_hyphens {
stem.replace("-", "_")
} else {
format!("{}{}{}", self.prefix, stem, self.suffix)
impl TargetInfo {
pub fn new(
config: &Config,
requested_kind: CompileKind,
rustc: &Rustc,
kind: CompileKind,
) -> CargoResult<TargetInfo> {
let rustflags = env_args(config, requested_kind, &, None, kind, "RUSTFLAGS")?;
let mut process = rustc.process();
if let CompileKind::Target(target) = kind {
let crate_type_process = process.clone();
const KNOWN_CRATE_TYPES: &[&str] =
&["bin", "rlib", "dylib", "cdylib", "staticlib", "proc-macro"];
for crate_type in KNOWN_CRATE_TYPES.iter() {
let (output, error) = rustc
.chain_err(|| "failed to run `rustc` to learn about target-specific information")?;
let mut lines = output.lines();
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for crate_type in KNOWN_CRATE_TYPES {
let out = parse_crate_type(crate_type, &process, &output, &error, &mut lines)?;
map.insert(crate_type.to_string(), out);
let line = match {
Some(line) => line,
None => failure::bail!(
"output of --print=sysroot missing when learning about \
target-specific information from rustc\n{}",
output_err_info(&process, &output, &error)
let mut sysroot_host_libdir = PathBuf::from(line);
if cfg!(windows) {
} else {
let mut sysroot_target_libdir = PathBuf::from(line);
sysroot_target_libdir.push(match &kind {
CompileKind::Host =>,
CompileKind::Target(target) => target.short_name(),
let cfg = lines
.map(|line| Ok(Cfg::from_str(line)?))
.chain_err(|| {
"failed to parse the cfg from `rustc --print=cfg`, got:\n{}",
Ok(TargetInfo {
crate_types: RefCell::new(map),
// recalculate `rustflags` from above now that we have `cfg`
// information
rustflags: env_args(
rustdocflags: env_args(
pub fn cfg(&self) -> &[Cfg] {
pub fn file_types(
crate_type: &str,
flavor: FileFlavor,
kind: &TargetKind,
target_triple: &str,
) -> CargoResult<Option<Vec<FileType>>> {
let mut crate_types = self.crate_types.borrow_mut();
let entry = crate_types.entry(crate_type.to_string());
let crate_type_info = match entry {
Entry::Occupied(o) => &*o.into_mut(),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let value = self.discover_crate_type(v.key())?;
let (prefix, suffix) = match *crate_type_info {
Some((ref prefix, ref suffix)) => (prefix, suffix),
None => return Ok(None),
let mut ret = vec![FileType {
suffix: suffix.clone(),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
should_replace_hyphens: false,
// See rust-lang/cargo#4500.
if target_triple.ends_with("pc-windows-msvc")
&& crate_type.ends_with("dylib")
&& suffix == ".dll"
ret.push(FileType {
suffix: ".dll.lib".to_string(),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
flavor: FileFlavor::Normal,
should_replace_hyphens: false,
// See rust-lang/cargo#4535.
if target_triple.starts_with("wasm32-") && crate_type == "bin" && suffix == ".js" {
ret.push(FileType {
suffix: ".wasm".to_string(),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
flavor: FileFlavor::Auxiliary,
should_replace_hyphens: true,
// See rust-lang/cargo#4490, rust-lang/cargo#4960.
// Only uplift debuginfo for binaries.
// - Tests are run directly from `target/debug/deps/` with the
// metadata hash still in the filename.
// - Examples are only uplifted for apple because the symbol file
// needs to match the executable file name to be found (i.e., it
// needs to remove the hash in the filename). On Windows, the path
// to the .pdb with the hash is embedded in the executable.
let is_apple = target_triple.contains("-apple-");
if *kind == TargetKind::Bin || (*kind == TargetKind::ExampleBin && is_apple) {
if is_apple {
ret.push(FileType {
suffix: ".dSYM".to_string(),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
flavor: FileFlavor::DebugInfo,
should_replace_hyphens: false,
} else if target_triple.ends_with("-msvc") {
ret.push(FileType {
suffix: ".pdb".to_string(),
prefix: prefix.clone(),
flavor: FileFlavor::DebugInfo,
should_replace_hyphens: false,
fn discover_crate_type(&self, crate_type: &str) -> CargoResult<Option<(String, String)>> {
let mut process = self.crate_type_process.clone();
let output = process.exec_with_output().chain_err(|| {
"failed to run `rustc` to learn about crate-type {} information",
let error = str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap();
let output = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap();
&mut output.lines(),
/// Takes rustc output (using specialized command line args), and calculates the file prefix and
/// suffix for the given crate type, or returns `None` if the type is not supported. (e.g., for a
/// Rust library like `libcargo.rlib`, we have prefix "lib" and suffix "rlib").
/// The caller needs to ensure that the lines object is at the correct line for the given crate
/// type: this is not checked.
// This function can not handle more than one file per type (with wasm32-unknown-emscripten, there
// are two files for bin (`.wasm` and `.js`)).
fn parse_crate_type(
crate_type: &str,
cmd: &ProcessBuilder,
output: &str,
error: &str,
lines: &mut str::Lines<'_>,
) -> CargoResult<Option<(String, String)>> {
let not_supported = error.lines().any(|line| {
(line.contains("unsupported crate type") || line.contains("unknown crate type"))
&& line.contains(&format!("crate type `{}`", crate_type))
if not_supported {
return Ok(None);
let line = match {
Some(line) => line,
None => failure::bail!(
"malformed output when learning about crate-type {} information\n{}",
output_err_info(cmd, output, error)
let mut parts = line.trim().split("___");
let prefix =;
let suffix = match {
Some(part) => part,
None => failure::bail!(
"output of --print=file-names has changed in the compiler, cannot parse\n{}",
output_err_info(cmd, output, error)
Ok(Some((prefix.to_string(), suffix.to_string())))
/// Helper for creating an error message when parsing rustc output fails.
fn output_err_info(cmd: &ProcessBuilder, stdout: &str, stderr: &str) -> String {
let mut result = format!("command was: {}\n", cmd);
if !stdout.is_empty() {
result.push_str("\n--- stdout\n");
if !stderr.is_empty() {
result.push_str("\n--- stderr\n");
if stdout.is_empty() && stderr.is_empty() {
result.push_str("(no output received)");
/// Acquire extra flags to pass to the compiler from various locations.
/// The locations are:
/// - the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable
/// then if this was not found
/// - `target.*.rustflags` from the manifest (Cargo.toml)
/// - `target.cfg(..).rustflags` from the manifest
/// then if neither of these were found
/// - `build.rustflags` from the manifest
/// Note that if a `target` is specified, no args will be passed to host code (plugins, build
/// scripts, ...), even if it is the same as the target.
fn env_args(
config: &Config,
requested_kind: CompileKind,
host_triple: &str,
target_cfg: Option<&[Cfg]>,
kind: CompileKind,
name: &str,
) -> CargoResult<Vec<String>> {
// We *want* to apply RUSTFLAGS only to builds for the
// requested target architecture, and not to things like build
// scripts and plugins, which may be for an entirely different
// architecture. Cargo's present architecture makes it quite
// hard to only apply flags to things that are not build
// scripts and plugins though, so we do something more hacky
// instead to avoid applying the same RUSTFLAGS to multiple targets
// arches:
// 1) If --target is not specified we just apply RUSTFLAGS to
// all builds; they are all going to have the same target.
// 2) If --target *is* specified then we only apply RUSTFLAGS
// to compilation units with the Target kind, which indicates
// it was chosen by the --target flag.
// This means that, e.g., even if the specified --target is the
// same as the host, build scripts in plugins won't get
if !requested_kind.is_host() && kind.is_host() {
// This is probably a build script or plugin and we're
// compiling with --target. In this scenario there are
// no rustflags we can apply.
return Ok(Vec::new());
// First try RUSTFLAGS from the environment
if let Ok(a) = env::var(name) {
let args = a
.split(' ')
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
return Ok(args.collect());
let mut rustflags = Vec::new();
let name = name
.flat_map(|c| c.to_lowercase())
// Then the target.*.rustflags value...
let target = match &kind {
CompileKind::Host => host_triple,
CompileKind::Target(target) => target.short_name(),
let key = format!("target.{}.{}", target, name);
if let Some(args) = config.get::<Option<StringList>>(&key)? {
// ...including target.'cfg(...)'.rustflags
if let Some(target_cfg) = target_cfg {
if let Some(table) = config.get_table("target")? {
let cfgs = table
.filter(|key| CfgExpr::matches_key(key, target_cfg));
// Note that we may have multiple matching `[target]` sections and
// because we're passing flags to the compiler this can affect
// cargo's caching and whether it rebuilds. Ensure a deterministic
// ordering through sorting for now. We may perhaps one day wish to
// ensure a deterministic ordering via the order keys were defined
// in files perhaps.
let mut cfgs = cfgs.collect::<Vec<_>>();
for n in cfgs {
let key = format!("target.{}.{}", n, name);
if let Some(args) = config.get::<Option<StringList>>(&key)? {
if !rustflags.is_empty() {
return Ok(rustflags);
// Then the `build.rustflags` value.
let build = config.build_config()?;
let list = if name == "rustflags" {
} else {
if let Some(list) = list {
return Ok(list.as_slice().to_vec());