blob: ed89852dc48da63010be52885842dbac543a2a82 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The various algorithms from the paper.
use crate::cmp::min;
use crate::cmp::Ordering::{Less, Equal, Greater};
use crate::num::diy_float::Fp;
use crate::num::dec2flt::table;
use crate::num::dec2flt::rawfp::{self, Unpacked, RawFloat, fp_to_float, next_float, prev_float};
use crate::num::dec2flt::num::{self, Big};
/// Number of significand bits in Fp
const P: u32 = 64;
// We simply store the best approximation for *all* exponents, so the variable "h" and the
// associated conditions can be omitted. This trades performance for a couple kilobytes of space.
fn power_of_ten(e: i16) -> Fp {
assert!(e >= table::MIN_E);
let i = e - table::MIN_E;
let sig = table::POWERS.0[i as usize];
let exp = table::POWERS.1[i as usize];
Fp { f: sig, e: exp }
// In most architectures, floating point operations have an explicit bit size, therefore the
// precision of the computation is determined on a per-operation basis.
#[cfg(any(not(target_arch="x86"), target_feature="sse2"))]
mod fpu_precision {
pub fn set_precision<T>() { }
// On x86, the x87 FPU is used for float operations if the SSE/SSE2 extensions are not available.
// The x87 FPU operates with 80 bits of precision by default, which means that operations will
// round to 80 bits causing double rounding to happen when values are eventually represented as
// 32/64 bit float values. To overcome this, the FPU control word can be set so that the
// computations are performed in the desired precision.
#[cfg(all(target_arch="x86", not(target_feature="sse2")))]
mod fpu_precision {
use crate::mem::size_of;
/// A structure used to preserve the original value of the FPU control word, so that it can be
/// restored when the structure is dropped.
/// The x87 FPU is a 16-bits register whose fields are as follows:
/// | 12-15 | 10-11 | 8-9 | 6-7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
/// |------:|------:|----:|----:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|
/// | | RC | PC | | PM | UM | OM | ZM | DM | IM |
/// The documentation for all of the fields is available in the IA-32 Architectures Software
/// Developer's Manual (Volume 1).
/// The only field which is relevant for the following code is PC, Precision Control. This
/// field determines the precision of the operations performed by the FPU. It can be set to:
/// - 0b00, single precision i.e., 32-bits
/// - 0b10, double precision i.e., 64-bits
/// - 0b11, double extended precision i.e., 80-bits (default state)
/// The 0b01 value is reserved and should not be used.
pub struct FPUControlWord(u16);
fn set_cw(cw: u16) {
unsafe { asm!("fldcw $0" :: "m" (cw) :: "volatile") }
/// Sets the precision field of the FPU to `T` and returns a `FPUControlWord`.
pub fn set_precision<T>() -> FPUControlWord {
let cw = 0u16;
// Compute the value for the Precision Control field that is appropriate for `T`.
let cw_precision = match size_of::<T>() {
4 => 0x0000, // 32 bits
8 => 0x0200, // 64 bits
_ => 0x0300, // default, 80 bits
// Get the original value of the control word to restore it later, when the
// `FPUControlWord` structure is dropped
unsafe { asm!("fnstcw $0" : "=*m" (&cw) ::: "volatile") }
// Set the control word to the desired precision. This is achieved by masking away the old
// precision (bits 8 and 9, 0x300) and replacing it with the precision flag computed above.
set_cw((cw & 0xFCFF) | cw_precision);
impl Drop for FPUControlWord {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// The fast path of Bellerophon using machine-sized integers and floats.
/// This is extracted into a separate function so that it can be attempted before constructing
/// a bignum.
pub fn fast_path<T: RawFloat>(integral: &[u8], fractional: &[u8], e: i64) -> Option<T> {
let num_digits = integral.len() + fractional.len();
// log_10(f64::MAX_SIG) ~ 15.95. We compare the exact value to MAX_SIG near the end,
// this is just a quick, cheap rejection (and also frees the rest of the code from
// worrying about underflow).
if num_digits > 16 {
return None;
if e.abs() >= T::CEIL_LOG5_OF_MAX_SIG as i64 {
return None;
let f = num::from_str_unchecked(integral.iter().chain(fractional.iter()));
if f > T::MAX_SIG {
return None;
// The fast path crucially depends on arithmetic being rounded to the correct number of bits
// without any intermediate rounding. On x86 (without SSE or SSE2) this requires the precision
// of the x87 FPU stack to be changed so that it directly rounds to 64/32 bit.
// The `set_precision` function takes care of setting the precision on architectures which
// require setting it by changing the global state (like the control word of the x87 FPU).
let _cw = fpu_precision::set_precision::<T>();
// The case e < 0 cannot be folded into the other branch. Negative powers result in
// a repeating fractional part in binary, which are rounded, which causes real
// (and occasionally quite significant!) errors in the final result.
if e >= 0 {
Some(T::from_int(f) * T::short_fast_pow10(e as usize))
} else {
Some(T::from_int(f) / T::short_fast_pow10(e.abs() as usize))
/// Algorithm Bellerophon is trivial code justified by non-trivial numeric analysis.
/// It rounds ``f`` to a float with 64 bit significand and multiplies it by the best approximation
/// of `10^e` (in the same floating point format). This is often enough to get the correct result.
/// However, when the result is close to halfway between two adjacent (ordinary) floats, the
/// compound rounding error from multiplying two approximation means the result may be off by a
/// few bits. When this happens, the iterative Algorithm R fixes things up.
/// The hand-wavy "close to halfway" is made precise by the numeric analysis in the paper.
/// In the words of Clinger:
/// > Slop, expressed in units of the least significant bit, is an inclusive bound for the error
/// > accumulated during the floating point calculation of the approximation to f * 10^e. (Slop is
/// > not a bound for the true error, but bounds the difference between the approximation z and
/// > the best possible approximation that uses p bits of significand.)
pub fn bellerophon<T: RawFloat>(f: &Big, e: i16) -> T {
let slop = if f <= &Big::from_u64(T::MAX_SIG) {
// The cases abs(e) < log5(2^N) are in fast_path()
if e >= 0 { 0 } else { 3 }
} else {
if e >= 0 { 1 } else { 4 }
let z = rawfp::big_to_fp(f).mul(&power_of_ten(e)).normalize();
let exp_p_n = 1 << (P - T::SIG_BITS as u32);
let lowbits: i64 = (z.f % exp_p_n) as i64;
// Is the slop large enough to make a difference when
// rounding to n bits?
if (lowbits - exp_p_n as i64 / 2).abs() <= slop {
algorithm_r(f, e, fp_to_float(z))
} else {
/// An iterative algorithm that improves a floating point approximation of `f * 10^e`.
/// Each iteration gets one unit in the last place closer, which of course takes terribly long to
/// converge if `z0` is even mildly off. Luckily, when used as fallback for Bellerophon, the
/// starting approximation is off by at most one ULP.
fn algorithm_r<T: RawFloat>(f: &Big, e: i16, z0: T) -> T {
let mut z = z0;
loop {
let raw = z.unpack();
let (m, k) = (raw.sig, raw.k);
let mut x = f.clone();
let mut y = Big::from_u64(m);
// Find positive integers `x`, `y` such that `x / y` is exactly `(f * 10^e) / (m * 2^k)`.
// This not only avoids dealing with the signs of `e` and `k`, we also eliminate the
// power of two common to `10^e` and `2^k` to make the numbers smaller.
make_ratio(&mut x, &mut y, e, k);
let m_digits = [(m & 0xFF_FF_FF_FF) as u32, (m >> 32) as u32];
// This is written a bit awkwardly because our bignums don't support
// negative numbers, so we use the absolute value + sign information.
// The multiplication with m_digits can't overflow. If `x` or `y` are large enough that
// we need to worry about overflow, then they are also large enough that `make_ratio` has
// reduced the fraction by a factor of 2^64 or more.
let (d2, d_negative) = if x >= y {
// Don't need x any more, save a clone().
(x, false)
} else {
// Still need y - make a copy.
let mut y = y.clone();
(y, true)
if d2 < y {
let mut d2_double = d2;
if m == T::MIN_SIG && d_negative && d2_double > y {
z = prev_float(z);
} else {
return z;
} else if d2 == y {
if m % 2 == 0 {
if m == T::MIN_SIG && d_negative {
z = prev_float(z);
} else {
return z;
} else if d_negative {
z = prev_float(z);
} else {
z = next_float(z);
} else if d_negative {
z = prev_float(z);
} else {
z = next_float(z);
/// Given `x = f` and `y = m` where `f` represent input decimal digits as usual and `m` is the
/// significand of a floating point approximation, make the ratio `x / y` equal to
/// `(f * 10^e) / (m * 2^k)`, possibly reduced by a power of two both have in common.
fn make_ratio(x: &mut Big, y: &mut Big, e: i16, k: i16) {
let (e_abs, k_abs) = (e.abs() as usize, k.abs() as usize);
if e >= 0 {
if k >= 0 {
// x = f * 10^e, y = m * 2^k, except that we reduce the fraction by some power of two.
let common = min(e_abs, k_abs);
x.mul_pow5(e_abs).mul_pow2(e_abs - common);
y.mul_pow2(k_abs - common);
} else {
// x = f * 10^e * 2^abs(k), y = m
// This can't overflow because it requires positive `e` and negative `k`, which can
// only happen for values extremely close to 1, which means that `e` and `k` will be
// comparatively tiny.
x.mul_pow5(e_abs).mul_pow2(e_abs + k_abs);
} else {
if k >= 0 {
// x = f, y = m * 10^abs(e) * 2^k
// This can't overflow either, see above.
y.mul_pow5(e_abs).mul_pow2(k_abs + e_abs);
} else {
// x = f * 2^abs(k), y = m * 10^abs(e), again reducing by a common power of two.
let common = min(e_abs, k_abs);
x.mul_pow2(k_abs - common);
y.mul_pow5(e_abs).mul_pow2(e_abs - common);
/// Conceptually, Algorithm M is the simplest way to convert a decimal to a float.
/// We form a ratio that is equal to `f * 10^e`, then throwing in powers of two until it gives
/// a valid float significand. The binary exponent `k` is the number of times we multiplied
/// numerator or denominator by two, i.e., at all times `f * 10^e` equals `(u / v) * 2^k`.
/// When we have found out significand, we only need to round by inspecting the remainder of the
/// division, which is done in helper functions further below.
/// This algorithm is super slow, even with the optimization described in `quick_start()`.
/// However, it's the simplest of the algorithms to adapt for overflow, underflow, and subnormal
/// results. This implementation takes over when Bellerophon and Algorithm R are overwhelmed.
/// Detecting underflow and overflow is easy: The ratio still isn't an in-range significand,
/// yet the minimum/maximum exponent has been reached. In the case of overflow, we simply return
/// infinity.
/// Handling underflow and subnormals is trickier. One big problem is that, with the minimum
/// exponent, the ratio might still be too large for a significand. See underflow() for details.
pub fn algorithm_m<T: RawFloat>(f: &Big, e: i16) -> T {
let mut u;
let mut v;
let e_abs = e.abs() as usize;
let mut k = 0;
if e < 0 {
u = f.clone();
v = Big::from_small(1);
} else {
// FIXME possible optimization: generalize big_to_fp so that we can do the equivalent of
// fp_to_float(big_to_fp(u)) here, only without the double rounding.
u = f.clone();
v = Big::from_small(1);
quick_start::<T>(&mut u, &mut v, &mut k);
let mut rem = Big::from_small(0);
let mut x = Big::from_small(0);
let min_sig = Big::from_u64(T::MIN_SIG);
let max_sig = Big::from_u64(T::MAX_SIG);
loop {
u.div_rem(&v, &mut x, &mut rem);
if k == T::MIN_EXP_INT {
// We have to stop at the minimum exponent, if we wait until `k < T::MIN_EXP_INT`,
// then we'd be off by a factor of two. Unfortunately this means we have to special-
// case normal numbers with the minimum exponent.
// FIXME find a more elegant formulation, but run the `tiny-pow10` test to make sure
// that it's actually correct!
if x >= min_sig && x <= max_sig {
return underflow(x, v, rem);
if k > T::MAX_EXP_INT {
return T::INFINITY;
if x < min_sig {
k -= 1;
} else if x > max_sig {
k += 1;
} else {
let q = num::to_u64(&x);
let z = rawfp::encode_normal(Unpacked::new(q, k));
round_by_remainder(v, rem, q, z)
/// Skips over most Algorithm M iterations by checking the bit length.
fn quick_start<T: RawFloat>(u: &mut Big, v: &mut Big, k: &mut i16) {
// The bit length is an estimate of the base two logarithm, and log(u / v) = log(u) - log(v).
// The estimate is off by at most 1, but always an under-estimate, so the error on log(u)
// and log(v) are of the same sign and cancel out (if both are large). Therefore the error
// for log(u / v) is at most one as well.
// The target ratio is one where u/v is in an in-range significand. Thus our termination
// condition is log2(u / v) being the significand bits, plus/minus one.
// FIXME Looking at the second bit could improve the estimate and avoid some more divisions.
let target_ratio = T::SIG_BITS as i16;
let log2_u = u.bit_length() as i16;
let log2_v = v.bit_length() as i16;
let mut u_shift: i16 = 0;
let mut v_shift: i16 = 0;
assert!(*k == 0);
loop {
if *k == T::MIN_EXP_INT {
// Underflow or subnormal. Leave it to the main function.
if *k == T::MAX_EXP_INT {
// Overflow. Leave it to the main function.
let log2_ratio = (log2_u + u_shift) - (log2_v + v_shift);
if log2_ratio < target_ratio - 1 {
u_shift += 1;
*k -= 1;
} else if log2_ratio > target_ratio + 1 {
v_shift += 1;
*k += 1;
} else {
u.mul_pow2(u_shift as usize);
v.mul_pow2(v_shift as usize);
fn underflow<T: RawFloat>(x: Big, v: Big, rem: Big) -> T {
if x < Big::from_u64(T::MIN_SIG) {
let q = num::to_u64(&x);
let z = rawfp::encode_subnormal(q);
return round_by_remainder(v, rem, q, z);
// Ratio isn't an in-range significand with the minimum exponent, so we need to round off
// excess bits and adjust the exponent accordingly. The real value now looks like this:
// x lsb
// /--------------\/
// 1010101010101010.10101010101010 * 2^k
// \-----/\-------/ \------------/
// q trunc. (represented by rem)
// Therefore, when the rounded-off bits are != 0.5 ULP, they decide the rounding
// on their own. When they are equal and the remainder is non-zero, the value still
// needs to be rounded up. Only when the rounded off bits are 1/2 and the remainder
// is zero, we have a half-to-even situation.
let bits = x.bit_length();
let lsb = bits - T::SIG_BITS as usize;
let q = num::get_bits(&x, lsb, bits);
let k = T::MIN_EXP_INT + lsb as i16;
let z = rawfp::encode_normal(Unpacked::new(q, k));
let q_even = q % 2 == 0;
match num::compare_with_half_ulp(&x, lsb) {
Greater => next_float(z),
Less => z,
Equal if rem.is_zero() && q_even => z,
Equal => next_float(z),
/// Ordinary round-to-even, obfuscated by having to round based on the remainder of a division.
fn round_by_remainder<T: RawFloat>(v: Big, r: Big, q: u64, z: T) -> T {
let mut v_minus_r = v;
if r < v_minus_r {
} else if r > v_minus_r {
} else if q % 2 == 0 {
} else {