blob: 0c2647e42bd9569d0040547e750da916fcc544c0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This example shows an example of how to parse an escaped string. The
//! rules for the string are similar to JSON and rust. A string is:
//! - Enclosed by double quotes
//! - Can contain any raw unescaped code point besides \ and "
//! - Matches the following escape sequences: \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \", \\, \/
//! - Matches code points like Rust: \u{XXXX}, where XXXX can be up to 6
//! hex characters
//! - an escape followed by whitespace consumes all whitespace between the
//! escape and the next non-whitespace character
#![cfg(feature = "alloc")]
mod parser;
use winnow::prelude::*;
fn main() -> Result<(), lexopt::Error> {
let args = Args::parse()?;
let data = args.input.as_deref().unwrap_or("\"abc\"");
let result = parser::parse_string::<()>.parse(data);
match result {
Ok(data) => println!("{}", data),
Err(err) => println!("{:?}", err),
struct Args {
input: Option<String>,
impl Args {
fn parse() -> Result<Self, lexopt::Error> {
use lexopt::prelude::*;
let mut res = Args::default();
let mut args = lexopt::Parser::from_env();
while let Some(arg) = {
match arg {
Value(input) => {
res.input = Some(input.string()?);
_ => return Err(arg.unexpected()),
fn simple() {
let data = "\"abc\"";
let result = parser::parse_string::<()>.parse(data);
assert_eq!(result, Ok(String::from("abc")));
fn escaped() {
let data = "\"tab:\\tafter tab, newline:\\nnew line, quote: \\\", emoji: \\u{1F602}, newline:\\nescaped whitespace: \\ abc\"";
let result = parser::parse_string::<()>.parse(data);
Ok(String::from("tab:\tafter tab, newline:\nnew line, quote: \", emoji: 😂, newline:\nescaped whitespace: abc"))