blob: 85f361cb089287449c2b4fd5ff3f540603b46362 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Security Policies support.
#[cfg(any(feature = "OSX_10_9", target_os = "ios"))]
use core_foundation::base::CFOptionFlags;
use core_foundation::base::TCFType;
use core_foundation::string::CFString;
#[cfg(any(feature = "OSX_10_9", target_os = "ios"))]
use security_framework_sys::base::errSecParam;
use security_framework_sys::base::SecPolicyRef;
use security_framework_sys::policy::*;
use std::fmt;
use std::ptr;
use crate::secure_transport::SslProtocolSide;
#[cfg(any(feature = "OSX_10_9", target_os = "ios"))]
use crate::Error;
declare_TCFType! {
/// A type representing a certificate validation policy.
SecPolicy, SecPolicyRef
impl_TCFType!(SecPolicy, SecPolicyRef, SecPolicyGetTypeID);
unsafe impl Sync for SecPolicy {}
unsafe impl Send for SecPolicy {}
impl fmt::Debug for SecPolicy {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(any(feature = "OSX_10_9", target_os = "ios"))]
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// The flags used to specify revocation policy options.
pub struct RevocationPolicy: CFOptionFlags {
/// Perform revocation checking using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).
const OCSP_METHOD = kSecRevocationOCSPMethod;
/// Perform revocation checking using the CRL (Certification Revocation List) method.
const CRL_METHOD = kSecRevocationCRLMethod;
/// Prefer CRL revocation checking over OCSP; by default, OCSP is preferred.
const PREFER_CRL = kSecRevocationPreferCRL;
/// Require a positive response to pass the policy.
const REQUIRE_POSITIVE_RESPONSE = kSecRevocationRequirePositiveResponse;
/// Consult only locally cached replies; do not use network access.
const NETWORK_ACCESS_DISABLED = kSecRevocationNetworkAccessDisabled;
/// Perform either OCSP or CRL checking.
const USE_ANY_METHOD_AVAILABLE = kSecRevocationUseAnyAvailableMethod;
impl SecPolicy {
/// Creates a `SecPolicy` for evaluating SSL certificate chains.
/// The side which you are evaluating should be provided (i.e. pass `SslSslProtocolSide::SERVER` if
/// you are a client looking to validate a server's certificate chain).
pub fn create_ssl(protocol_side: SslProtocolSide, hostname: Option<&str>) -> Self {
let hostname =;
let hostname = hostname
.map(|s| s.as_concrete_TypeRef())
let is_server = protocol_side == SslProtocolSide::SERVER;
unsafe {
let policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(is_server as _, hostname);
#[cfg(any(feature = "OSX_10_9", target_os = "ios"))]
/// Creates a `SecPolicy` for checking revocation of certificates.
/// If you do not specify this policy creating a `SecTrust` object, the system defaults
/// will be used during evaluation.
pub fn create_revocation(options: RevocationPolicy) -> crate::Result<Self> {
let policy = unsafe { SecPolicyCreateRevocation(options.bits()) };
if policy.is_null() {
} else {
Ok(unsafe { Self::wrap_under_create_rule(policy) })
/// Returns a policy object for the default X.509 policy.
pub fn create_x509() -> Self {
unsafe {
let policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509();
mod test {
use crate::policy::SecPolicy;
use crate::secure_transport::SslProtocolSide;
fn create_ssl() {
SecPolicy::create_ssl(SslProtocolSide::SERVER, Some(""));