blob: b13d291573daf6485509240eed87216a3b5418ca [file] [log] [blame]
//! Lowering rules for X64.
// ISLE integration glue.
pub(super) mod isle;
use crate::ir::{types, ExternalName, Inst as IRInst, LibCall, Opcode, Type};
use crate::isa::x64::abi::*;
use crate::isa::x64::inst::args::*;
use crate::isa::x64::inst::*;
use crate::isa::{x64::X64Backend, CallConv};
use crate::machinst::abi::SmallInstVec;
use crate::machinst::lower::*;
use crate::machinst::*;
use crate::result::CodegenResult;
use crate::settings::Flags;
use smallvec::smallvec;
use target_lexicon::Triple;
// Helpers for instruction lowering.
impl Lower<'_, Inst> {
pub fn temp_writable_gpr(&mut self) -> WritableGpr {
pub fn temp_writable_xmm(&mut self) -> WritableXmm {
fn is_int_or_ref_ty(ty: Type) -> bool {
match ty {
types::I8 | types::I16 | types::I32 | types::I64 | types::R64 => true,
types::R32 => panic!("shouldn't have 32-bits refs on x64"),
_ => false,
/// Returns whether the given specified `input` is a result produced by an instruction with Opcode
/// `op`.
// TODO investigate failures with checking against the result index.
fn matches_input(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, input: InsnInput, op: Opcode) -> Option<IRInst> {
let inputs = ctx.get_input_as_source_or_const(input.insn, input.input);
inputs.inst.as_inst().and_then(|(src_inst, _)| {
let data =;
if data.opcode() == op {
return Some(src_inst);
/// Put the given input into possibly multiple registers, and mark it as used (side-effect).
fn put_input_in_regs(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, spec: InsnInput) -> ValueRegs<Reg> {
let ty = ctx.input_ty(spec.insn, spec.input);
let input = ctx.get_input_as_source_or_const(spec.insn, spec.input);
if let Some(c) = input.constant {
// Generate constants fresh at each use to minimize long-range register pressure.
let from_bits = ty_bits(ty);
let (size, c) = if from_bits < 64 {
(OperandSize::Size32, c & ((1u64 << from_bits) - 1))
} else {
(OperandSize::Size64, c)
assert!(is_int_or_ref_ty(ty)); // Only used for addresses.
let cst_copy = ctx.alloc_tmp(ty);
ctx.emit(Inst::imm(size, c, cst_copy.only_reg().unwrap()));
} else {
ctx.put_input_in_regs(spec.insn, spec.input)
/// Put the given input into a register, and mark it as used (side-effect).
fn put_input_in_reg(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, spec: InsnInput) -> Reg {
put_input_in_regs(ctx, spec)
.expect("Multi-register value not expected")
enum MergeableLoadSize {
/// The load size performed by a sinkable load merging operation is
/// precisely the size necessary for the type in question.
/// Narrower-than-32-bit values are handled by ALU insts that are at least
/// 32 bits wide, which is normally OK as we ignore upper buts; but, if we
/// generate, e.g., a direct-from-memory 32-bit add for a byte value and
/// the byte is the last byte in a page, the extra data that we load is
/// incorrectly accessed. So we only allow loads to merge for
/// 32-bit-and-above widths.
/// Determines whether a load operation (indicated by `src_insn`) can be merged
/// into the current lowering point. If so, returns the address-base source (as
/// an `InsnInput`) and an offset from that address from which to perform the
/// load.
fn is_mergeable_load(
ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>,
src_insn: IRInst,
size: MergeableLoadSize,
) -> Option<(InsnInput, i32)> {
let insn_data =;
let inputs = ctx.num_inputs(src_insn);
if inputs != 1 {
return None;
// If this type is too small to get a merged load, don't merge the load.
let load_ty = ctx.output_ty(src_insn, 0);
if ty_bits(load_ty) < 32 {
match size {
MergeableLoadSize::Exact => {}
MergeableLoadSize::Min32 => return None,
// Just testing the opcode is enough, because the width will always match if
// the type does (and the type should match if the CLIF is properly
// constructed).
if insn_data.opcode() == Opcode::Load {
let offset = insn_data
.expect("load should have offset");
InsnInput {
insn: src_insn,
input: 0,
} else {
fn input_to_imm(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, spec: InsnInput) -> Option<u64> {
ctx.get_input_as_source_or_const(spec.insn, spec.input)
fn emit_vm_call(
ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>,
flags: &Flags,
triple: &Triple,
libcall: LibCall,
inputs: &[Reg],
outputs: &[Writable<Reg>],
) -> CodegenResult<()> {
let extname = ExternalName::LibCall(libcall);
let dist = if flags.use_colocated_libcalls() {
} else {
// TODO avoid recreating signatures for every single Libcall function.
let call_conv = CallConv::for_libcall(flags, CallConv::triple_default(triple));
let sig = libcall.signature(call_conv, types::I64);
let caller_conv = ctx.abi().call_conv(ctx.sigs());
if !ctx.sigs().have_abi_sig_for_signature(&sig) {
.make_abi_sig_from_ir_signature::<X64ABIMachineSpec>(sig.clone(), flags)?;
let mut abi =
X64CallSite::from_libcall(ctx.sigs(), &sig, &extname, dist, caller_conv, flags.clone());
assert_eq!(inputs.len(), abi.num_args(ctx.sigs()));
for (i, input) in inputs.iter().enumerate() {
for inst in abi.gen_arg(ctx, i, ValueRegs::one(*input)) {
let mut retval_insts: SmallInstVec<_> = smallvec![];
for (i, output) in outputs.iter().enumerate() {
retval_insts.extend(abi.gen_retval(ctx, i, ValueRegs::one(*output)).into_iter());
for inst in retval_insts {
/// Returns whether the given input is a shift by a constant value less or equal than 3.
/// The goal is to embed it within an address mode.
fn matches_small_constant_shift(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, spec: InsnInput) -> Option<(InsnInput, u8)> {
matches_input(ctx, spec, Opcode::Ishl).and_then(|shift| {
match input_to_imm(
InsnInput {
insn: shift,
input: 1,
) {
Some(shift_amt) if shift_amt <= 3 => Some((
InsnInput {
insn: shift,
input: 0,
shift_amt as u8,
_ => None,
/// Lowers an instruction to one of the x86 addressing modes.
/// Note: the 32-bit offset in Cranelift has to be sign-extended, which maps x86's behavior.
fn lower_to_amode(ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, spec: InsnInput, offset: i32) -> Amode {
let flags = ctx
.expect("Instruction with amode should have memflags");
// We now either have an add that we must materialize, or some other input; as well as the
// final offset.
if let Some(add) = matches_input(ctx, spec, Opcode::Iadd) {
debug_assert_eq!(ctx.output_ty(add, 0), types::I64);
let add_inputs = &[
InsnInput {
insn: add,
input: 0,
InsnInput {
insn: add,
input: 1,
// TODO heap_addr legalization generates a uext64 *after* the shift, so these optimizations
// aren't happening in the wasm case. We could do better, given some range analysis.
let (base, index, shift) = if let Some((shift_input, shift_amt)) =
matches_small_constant_shift(ctx, add_inputs[0])
put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[1]),
put_input_in_reg(ctx, shift_input),
} else if let Some((shift_input, shift_amt)) =
matches_small_constant_shift(ctx, add_inputs[1])
put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[0]),
put_input_in_reg(ctx, shift_input),
} else {
for i in 0..=1 {
// Try to pierce through uextend.
if let Some(uextend) = matches_input(
InsnInput {
insn: add,
input: i,
) {
if let Some(cst) = ctx.get_input_as_source_or_const(uextend, 0).constant {
// Zero the upper bits.
let input_size = ctx.input_ty(uextend, 0).bits() as u64;
let shift: u64 = 64 - input_size;
let uext_cst: u64 = (cst << shift) >> shift;
let final_offset = (offset as i64).wrapping_add(uext_cst as i64);
if low32_will_sign_extend_to_64(final_offset as u64) {
let base = put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[1 - i]);
return Amode::imm_reg(final_offset as u32, base).with_flags(flags);
// If it's a constant, add it directly!
if let Some(cst) = ctx.get_input_as_source_or_const(add, i).constant {
let final_offset = (offset as i64).wrapping_add(cst as i64);
if low32_will_sign_extend_to_64(final_offset as u64) {
let base = put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[1 - i]);
return Amode::imm_reg(final_offset as u32, base).with_flags(flags);
put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[0]),
put_input_in_reg(ctx, add_inputs[1]),
return Amode::imm_reg_reg_shift(
offset as u32,
let input = put_input_in_reg(ctx, spec);
Amode::imm_reg(offset as u32, input).with_flags(flags)
// Lowering-backend trait implementation.
impl LowerBackend for X64Backend {
type MInst = Inst;
fn lower(&self, ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>, ir_inst: IRInst) -> Option<InstOutput> {
isle::lower(ctx, self, ir_inst)
fn lower_branch(
ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>,
ir_inst: IRInst,
targets: &[MachLabel],
) -> Option<()> {
isle::lower_branch(ctx, self, ir_inst, targets)
fn maybe_pinned_reg(&self) -> Option<Reg> {