blob: 9959409a244bb6fa81cb851db1025eb956ab8903 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implementation of a standard AArch64 ABI.
use crate::ir;
use crate::ir::types;
use crate::ir::types::*;
use crate::ir::MemFlags;
use crate::ir::Opcode;
use crate::ir::{dynamic_to_fixed, ExternalName, LibCall, Signature};
use crate::isa;
use crate::isa::aarch64::{inst::EmitState, inst::*, settings as aarch64_settings};
use crate::isa::unwind::UnwindInst;
use crate::machinst::*;
use crate::settings;
use crate::{CodegenError, CodegenResult};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use regalloc2::{PRegSet, VReg};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
// We use a generic implementation that factors out AArch64 and x64 ABI commonalities, because
// these ABIs are very similar.
/// Support for the AArch64 ABI from the callee side (within a function body).
pub(crate) type AArch64Callee = Callee<AArch64MachineDeps>;
/// Support for the AArch64 ABI from the caller side (at a callsite).
pub(crate) type AArch64CallSite = CallSite<AArch64MachineDeps>;
/// This is the limit for the size of argument and return-value areas on the
/// stack. We place a reasonable limit here to avoid integer overflow issues
/// with 32-bit arithmetic: for now, 128 MB.
static STACK_ARG_RET_SIZE_LIMIT: u32 = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
impl Into<AMode> for StackAMode {
fn into(self) -> AMode {
match self {
StackAMode::FPOffset(off, ty) => AMode::FPOffset { off, ty },
StackAMode::NominalSPOffset(off, ty) => AMode::NominalSPOffset { off, ty },
StackAMode::SPOffset(off, ty) => AMode::SPOffset { off, ty },
// Returns the size of stack space needed to store the
// `int_reg` and `vec_reg`.
fn saved_reg_stack_size(
int_reg: &[Writable<RealReg>],
vec_reg: &[Writable<RealReg>],
) -> (usize, usize) {
// Round up to multiple of 2, to keep 16-byte stack alignment.
let int_save_bytes = (int_reg.len() + (int_reg.len() & 1)) * 8;
// The Procedure Call Standard for the Arm 64-bit Architecture
// (AAPCS64, including several related ABIs such as the one used by
// Windows) mandates saving only the bottom 8 bytes of the vector
// registers, so we round up the number of registers to ensure
// proper stack alignment (similarly to the situation with
// `int_reg`).
let vec_reg_size = 8;
let vec_save_padding = vec_reg.len() & 1;
// FIXME: SVE: ABI is different to Neon, so do we treat all vec regs as Z-regs?
let vec_save_bytes = (vec_reg.len() + vec_save_padding) * vec_reg_size;
(int_save_bytes, vec_save_bytes)
/// AArch64-specific ABI behavior. This struct just serves as an implementation
/// point for the trait; it is never actually instantiated.
pub struct AArch64MachineDeps;
impl IsaFlags for aarch64_settings::Flags {
fn is_forward_edge_cfi_enabled(&self) -> bool {
impl ABIMachineSpec for AArch64MachineDeps {
type I = Inst;
type F = aarch64_settings::Flags;
fn word_bits() -> u32 {
/// Return required stack alignment in bytes.
fn stack_align(_call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> u32 {
fn compute_arg_locs<'a, I>(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
_flags: &settings::Flags,
params: I,
args_or_rets: ArgsOrRets,
add_ret_area_ptr: bool,
mut args: ArgsAccumulator<'_>,
) -> CodegenResult<(u32, Option<usize>)>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a ir::AbiParam>,
if call_conv == isa::CallConv::Tail {
return compute_arg_locs_tail(params, add_ret_area_ptr, args);
let is_apple_cc = call_conv.extends_apple_aarch64();
// See AArch64 ABI (, sections 6.4.
// MacOS aarch64 is slightly different, see also
// We are diverging from the MacOS aarch64 implementation in the
// following ways:
// - sign- and zero- extensions of data types less than 32 bits are not
// implemented yet.
// - we align the arguments stack space to a 16-bytes boundary, while
// the MacOS allows aligning only on 8 bytes. In practice it means we're
// slightly overallocating when calling, which is fine, and doesn't
// break our other invariants that the stack is always allocated in
// 16-bytes chunks.
let mut next_xreg = 0;
let mut next_vreg = 0;
let mut next_stack: u32 = 0;
let (max_per_class_reg_vals, mut remaining_reg_vals) = match args_or_rets {
ArgsOrRets::Args => (8, 16), // x0-x7 and v0-v7
// Note on return values: on the regular ABI, we may return values
// in 8 registers for V128 and I64 registers independently of the
// number of register values returned in the other class. That is,
// we can return values in up to 8 integer and
// 8 vector registers at once.
ArgsOrRets::Rets => {
(8, 16) // x0-x7 and v0-v7
for param in params {
"Invalid type for AArch64: {:?}",
let (rcs, reg_types) = Inst::rc_for_type(param.value_type)?;
if let ir::ArgumentPurpose::StructArgument(size) = param.purpose {
assert_eq!(args_or_rets, ArgsOrRets::Args);
let offset = next_stack as i64;
let size = size;
assert!(size % 8 == 0, "StructArgument size is not properly aligned");
next_stack += size;
args.push(ABIArg::StructArg {
pointer: None,
size: size as u64,
purpose: param.purpose,
if let ir::ArgumentPurpose::StructReturn = param.purpose {
// FIXME add assert_eq!(args_or_rets, ArgsOrRets::Args); once
// ensure_struct_return_ptr_is_returned is gone.
param.value_type == types::I64,
"StructReturn must be a pointer sized integer"
args.push(ABIArg::Slots {
slots: smallvec![ABIArgSlot::Reg {
reg: xreg(8).to_real_reg().unwrap(),
ty: types::I64,
extension: param.extension,
purpose: ir::ArgumentPurpose::StructReturn,
// Handle multi register params
// See AArch64 ABI (, (Section 6.4.2 Stage C).
// For arguments with alignment of 16 we round up the the register number
// to the next even value. So we can never allocate for example an i128
// to X1 and X2, we have to skip one register and do X2, X3
// (Stage C.8)
// Note: The Apple ABI deviates a bit here. They don't respect Stage C.8
// and will happily allocate a i128 to X1 and X2
// For integer types with alignment of 16 we also have the additional
// restriction of passing the lower half in Xn and the upper half in Xn+1
// (Stage C.9)
// For examples of how LLVM handles this:
// On the Apple ABI it is unspecified if we can spill half the value into the stack
// i.e load the lower half into x7 and the upper half into the stack
// LLVM does not seem to do this, so we are going to replicate that behaviour
let is_multi_reg = rcs.len() >= 2;
if is_multi_reg {
rcs.len() == 2,
"Unable to handle multi reg params with more than 2 regs"
rcs == &[RegClass::Int, RegClass::Int],
"Unable to handle non i64 regs"
let reg_class_space = max_per_class_reg_vals - next_xreg;
let reg_space = remaining_reg_vals;
if reg_space >= 2 && reg_class_space >= 2 {
// The aarch64 ABI does not allow us to start a split argument
// at an odd numbered register. So we need to skip one register
// TODO: The Fast ABI should probably not skip the register
if !is_apple_cc && next_xreg % 2 != 0 {
next_xreg += 1;
let lower_reg = xreg(next_xreg);
let upper_reg = xreg(next_xreg + 1);
args.push(ABIArg::Slots {
slots: smallvec![
ABIArgSlot::Reg {
reg: lower_reg.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
ty: reg_types[0],
extension: param.extension,
ABIArgSlot::Reg {
reg: upper_reg.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
ty: reg_types[1],
extension: param.extension,
purpose: param.purpose,
next_xreg += 2;
remaining_reg_vals -= 2;
} else {
// Single Register parameters
let rc = rcs[0];
let next_reg = match rc {
RegClass::Int => &mut next_xreg,
RegClass::Float => &mut next_vreg,
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
if *next_reg < max_per_class_reg_vals && remaining_reg_vals > 0 {
let reg = match rc {
RegClass::Int => xreg(*next_reg),
RegClass::Float => vreg(*next_reg),
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
// Overlay Z-regs on V-regs for parameter passing.
let ty = if param.value_type.is_dynamic_vector() {
} else {
*next_reg += 1;
remaining_reg_vals -= 1;
// Spill to the stack
// Compute the stack slot's size.
let size = (ty_bits(param.value_type) / 8) as u32;
let size = if is_apple_cc {
// MacOS aarch64 allows stack slots with
// sizes less than 8 bytes. They still need to be
// properly aligned on their natural data alignment,
// though.
} else {
// Every arg takes a minimum slot of 8 bytes. (16-byte stack
// alignment happens separately after all args.)
std::cmp::max(size, 8)
// Align the stack slot.
next_stack = align_to(next_stack, size);
let slots = reg_types
// Build the stack locations from each slot
.scan(next_stack, |next_stack, ty| {
let slot_offset = *next_stack as i64;
*next_stack += (ty_bits(ty) / 8) as u32;
Some((ty, slot_offset))
.map(|(ty, offset)| ABIArgSlot::Stack {
extension: param.extension,
args.push(ABIArg::Slots {
purpose: param.purpose,
next_stack += size;
let extra_arg = if add_ret_area_ptr {
debug_assert!(args_or_rets == ArgsOrRets::Args);
if next_xreg < max_per_class_reg_vals && remaining_reg_vals > 0 {
} else {
next_stack as i64,
next_stack += 8;
Some(args.args().len() - 1)
} else {
next_stack = align_to(next_stack, 16);
// To avoid overflow issues, limit the arg/return size to something
// reasonable -- here, 128 MB.
if next_stack > STACK_ARG_RET_SIZE_LIMIT {
return Err(CodegenError::ImplLimitExceeded);
Ok((next_stack, extra_arg))
fn fp_to_arg_offset(_call_conv: isa::CallConv, _flags: &settings::Flags) -> i64 {
16 // frame pointer + return address.
fn gen_load_stack(mem: StackAMode, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, ty: Type) -> Inst {
Inst::gen_load(into_reg, mem.into(), ty, MemFlags::trusted())
fn gen_store_stack(mem: StackAMode, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
Inst::gen_store(mem.into(), from_reg, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
fn gen_move(to_reg: Writable<Reg>, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
Inst::gen_move(to_reg, from_reg, ty)
fn gen_extend(
to_reg: Writable<Reg>,
from_reg: Reg,
signed: bool,
from_bits: u8,
to_bits: u8,
) -> Inst {
assert!(from_bits < to_bits);
Inst::Extend {
rd: to_reg,
rn: from_reg,
fn gen_args(_isa_flags: &aarch64_settings::Flags, args: Vec<ArgPair>) -> Inst {
Inst::Args { args }
fn gen_ret(
setup_frame: bool,
isa_flags: &aarch64_settings::Flags,
rets: Vec<RetPair>,
stack_bytes_to_pop: u32,
) -> Inst {
if isa_flags.sign_return_address() && (setup_frame || isa_flags.sign_return_address_all()) {
let key = if isa_flags.sign_return_address_with_bkey() {
} else {
Inst::AuthenticatedRet {
is_hint: !isa_flags.has_pauth(),
} else {
Inst::Ret {
fn gen_add_imm(
_call_conv: isa::CallConv,
into_reg: Writable<Reg>,
from_reg: Reg,
imm: u32,
) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
let imm = imm as u64;
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(imm) {
insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
alu_op: ALUOp::Add,
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: into_reg,
rn: from_reg,
} else {
let scratch2 = writable_tmp2_reg();
assert_ne!(scratch2.to_reg(), from_reg);
// `gen_add_imm` is only ever called after register allocation has taken place, and as a
// result it's ok to reuse the scratch2 register here. If that changes, we'll need to
// plumb through a way to allocate temporary virtual registers
insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(scratch2, imm.into(), &mut |_| scratch2));
insts.push(Inst::AluRRRExtend {
alu_op: ALUOp::Add,
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: into_reg,
rn: from_reg,
rm: scratch2.to_reg(),
extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
fn gen_stack_lower_bound_trap(limit_reg: Reg) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
insts.push(Inst::AluRRRExtend {
alu_op: ALUOp::SubS,
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: writable_zero_reg(),
rn: stack_reg(),
rm: limit_reg,
extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
insts.push(Inst::TrapIf {
trap_code: ir::TrapCode::StackOverflow,
// Here `Lo` == "less than" when interpreting the two
// operands as unsigned integers.
kind: CondBrKind::Cond(Cond::Lo),
fn gen_get_stack_addr(mem: StackAMode, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, _ty: Type) -> Inst {
// FIXME: Do something different for dynamic types?
let mem = mem.into();
Inst::LoadAddr { rd: into_reg, mem }
fn get_stacklimit_reg(_call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> Reg {
fn gen_load_base_offset(into_reg: Writable<Reg>, base: Reg, offset: i32, ty: Type) -> Inst {
let mem = AMode::RegOffset {
rn: base,
off: offset as i64,
Inst::gen_load(into_reg, mem, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
fn gen_store_base_offset(base: Reg, offset: i32, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
let mem = AMode::RegOffset {
rn: base,
off: offset as i64,
Inst::gen_store(mem, from_reg, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
fn gen_sp_reg_adjust(amount: i32) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
if amount == 0 {
return SmallVec::new();
let (amount, is_sub) = if amount > 0 {
(amount as u64, false)
} else {
(-amount as u64, true)
let alu_op = if is_sub { ALUOp::Sub } else { ALUOp::Add };
let mut ret = SmallVec::new();
if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(amount) {
let adj_inst = Inst::AluRRImm12 {
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: writable_stack_reg(),
rn: stack_reg(),
} else {
let tmp = writable_spilltmp_reg();
// `gen_sp_reg_adjust` is called after regalloc2, so it's acceptable to reuse `tmp` for
// intermediates in `load_constant`.
let const_inst = Inst::load_constant(tmp, amount, &mut |_| tmp);
let adj_inst = Inst::AluRRRExtend {
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: writable_stack_reg(),
rn: stack_reg(),
rm: tmp.to_reg(),
extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
fn gen_nominal_sp_adj(offset: i32) -> Inst {
Inst::VirtualSPOffsetAdj {
offset: offset as i64,
fn gen_prologue_start(
setup_frame: bool,
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
flags: &settings::Flags,
isa_flags: &aarch64_settings::Flags,
) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
if isa_flags.sign_return_address() && (setup_frame || isa_flags.sign_return_address_all()) {
let key = if isa_flags.sign_return_address_with_bkey() {
} else {
insts.push(Inst::Pacisp { key });
if flags.unwind_info() {
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::Aarch64SetPointerAuth {
return_addresses: true,
} else {
if isa_flags.use_bti() {
insts.push(Inst::Bti {
targets: BranchTargetType::C,
if flags.unwind_info() && call_conv.extends_apple_aarch64() {
// The macOS unwinder seems to require this.
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::Aarch64SetPointerAuth {
return_addresses: false,
fn gen_prologue_frame_setup(flags: &settings::Flags) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
// stp fp (x29), lr (x30), [sp, #-16]!
insts.push(Inst::StoreP64 {
rt: fp_reg(),
rt2: link_reg(),
mem: PairAMode::SPPreIndexed(SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(-16, types::I64).unwrap()),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
if flags.unwind_info() {
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::PushFrameRegs {
offset_upward_to_caller_sp: 16, // FP, LR
// mov fp (x29), sp. This uses the ADDI rd, rs, 0 form of `MOV` because
// the usual encoding (`ORR`) does not work with SP.
insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
alu_op: ALUOp::Add,
size: OperandSize::Size64,
rd: writable_fp_reg(),
rn: stack_reg(),
imm12: Imm12 {
bits: 0,
shift12: false,
fn gen_epilogue_frame_restore(_: &settings::Flags) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
// N.B.: sp is already adjusted to the appropriate place by the
// clobber-restore code (which also frees the fixed frame). Hence, there
// is no need for the usual `mov sp, fp` here.
// `ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16`
insts.push(Inst::LoadP64 {
rt: writable_fp_reg(),
rt2: writable_link_reg(),
mem: PairAMode::SPPostIndexed(SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(16, types::I64).unwrap()),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
fn gen_probestack(_insts: &mut SmallInstVec<Self::I>, _: u32) {
// TODO: implement if we ever require stack probes on an AArch64 host
// (unlikely unless Lucet is ported)
unimplemented!("Stack probing is unimplemented on AArch64");
fn gen_inline_probestack(
insts: &mut SmallInstVec<Self::I>,
_call_conv: isa::CallConv,
frame_size: u32,
guard_size: u32,
) {
// The stack probe loop currently takes 6 instructions and each inline
// probe takes 2 (ish, these numbers sort of depend on the constants).
// Set this to 3 to keep the max size of the probe to 6 instructions.
const PROBE_MAX_UNROLL: u32 = 3;
let probe_count = align_to(frame_size, guard_size) / guard_size;
if probe_count <= PROBE_MAX_UNROLL {
// When manually unrolling stick an instruction that stores 0 at a
// constant offset relative to the stack pointer. This will
// turn into something like `movn tmp, #n ; stur xzr [sp, tmp]`.
// Note that this may actually store beyond the stack size for the
// last item but that's ok since it's unused stack space and if
// that faults accidentally we're so close to faulting it shouldn't
// make too much difference to fault there.
insts.reserve(probe_count as usize);
for i in 0..probe_count {
let offset = (guard_size * (i + 1)) as i64;
StackAMode::SPOffset(-offset, I8),
} else {
// The non-unrolled version uses two temporary registers. The
// `start` contains the current offset from sp and counts downwards
// during the loop by increments of `guard_size`. The `end` is
// the size of the frame and where we stop.
// Note that this emission is all post-regalloc so it should be ok
// to use the temporary registers here as input/output as the loop
// itself is not allowed to use the registers.
let start = writable_spilltmp_reg();
let end = writable_tmp2_reg();
// `gen_inline_probestack` is called after regalloc2, so it's acceptable to reuse
// `start` and `end` as temporaries in load_constant.
insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(start, 0, &mut |_| start));
insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(end, frame_size.into(), &mut |_| end));
insts.push(Inst::StackProbeLoop {
end: end.to_reg(),
step: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(guard_size.into()).unwrap(),
// Returns stack bytes used as well as instructions. Does not adjust
// nominal SP offset; abi generic code will do that.
fn gen_clobber_save(
_call_conv: isa::CallConv,
setup_frame: bool,
flags: &settings::Flags,
clobbered_callee_saves: &[Writable<RealReg>],
fixed_frame_storage_size: u32,
_outgoing_args_size: u32,
) -> (u64, SmallVec<[Inst; 16]>) {
let mut clobbered_int = vec![];
let mut clobbered_vec = vec![];
for &reg in clobbered_callee_saves.iter() {
match reg.to_reg().class() {
RegClass::Int => clobbered_int.push(reg),
RegClass::Float => clobbered_vec.push(reg),
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
let (int_save_bytes, vec_save_bytes) = saved_reg_stack_size(&clobbered_int, &clobbered_vec);
let total_save_bytes = int_save_bytes + vec_save_bytes;
let clobber_size = total_save_bytes as i32;
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
if flags.unwind_info() && setup_frame {
// The *unwind* frame (but not the actual frame) starts at the
// clobbers, just below the saved FP/LR pair.
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::DefineNewFrame {
offset_downward_to_clobbers: clobber_size as u32,
offset_upward_to_caller_sp: 16, // FP, LR
// We use pre-indexed addressing modes here, rather than the possibly
// more efficient "subtract sp once then used fixed offsets" scheme,
// because (i) we cannot necessarily guarantee that the offset of a
// clobber-save slot will be within a SImm7Scaled (+504-byte) offset
// range of the whole frame including other slots, it is more complex to
// conditionally generate a two-stage SP adjustment (clobbers then fixed
// frame) otherwise, and generally we just want to maintain simplicity
// here for maintainability. Because clobbers are at the top of the
// frame, just below FP, all that is necessary is to use the pre-indexed
// "push" `[sp, #-16]!` addressing mode.
// `frame_offset` tracks offset above start-of-clobbers for unwind-info
// purposes.
let mut clobber_offset = clobber_size as u32;
let clobber_offset_change = 16;
let iter = clobbered_int.chunks_exact(2);
if let [rd] = iter.remainder() {
let rd: Reg = rd.to_reg().into();
debug_assert_eq!(rd.class(), RegClass::Int);
// str rd, [sp, #-16]!
insts.push(Inst::Store64 {
mem: AMode::SPPreIndexed {
simm9: SImm9::maybe_from_i64(-clobber_offset_change).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
if flags.unwind_info() {
clobber_offset -= clobber_offset_change as u32;
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
reg: rd.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
let mut iter = iter.rev();
while let Some([rt, rt2]) = {
// .to_reg().into(): Writable<RealReg> --> RealReg --> Reg
let rt: Reg = rt.to_reg().into();
let rt2: Reg = rt2.to_reg().into();
debug_assert!(rt.class() == RegClass::Int);
debug_assert!(rt2.class() == RegClass::Int);
// stp rt, rt2, [sp, #-16]!
insts.push(Inst::StoreP64 {
mem: PairAMode::SPPreIndexed(
SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(-clobber_offset_change, types::I64).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
if flags.unwind_info() {
clobber_offset -= clobber_offset_change as u32;
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
reg: rt.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
clobber_offset: clobber_offset + (clobber_offset_change / 2) as u32,
reg: rt2.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
let store_vec_reg = |rd| Inst::FpuStore64 {
mem: AMode::SPPreIndexed {
simm9: SImm9::maybe_from_i64(-clobber_offset_change).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
let iter = clobbered_vec.chunks_exact(2);
if let [rd] = iter.remainder() {
let rd: Reg = rd.to_reg().into();
debug_assert_eq!(rd.class(), RegClass::Float);
if flags.unwind_info() {
clobber_offset -= clobber_offset_change as u32;
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
reg: rd.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
let store_vec_reg_pair = |rt, rt2| {
let clobber_offset_change = 16;
Inst::FpuStoreP64 {
mem: PairAMode::SPPreIndexed(
SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(-clobber_offset_change, F64).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
clobber_offset_change as u32,
let mut iter = iter.rev();
while let Some([rt, rt2]) = {
let rt: Reg = rt.to_reg().into();
let rt2: Reg = rt2.to_reg().into();
debug_assert_eq!(rt.class(), RegClass::Float);
debug_assert_eq!(rt2.class(), RegClass::Float);
let (inst, clobber_offset_change) = store_vec_reg_pair(rt, rt2);
if flags.unwind_info() {
clobber_offset -= clobber_offset_change;
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
reg: rt.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
clobber_offset: clobber_offset + clobber_offset_change / 2,
reg: rt2.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
// Allocate the fixed frame below the clobbers if necessary.
if fixed_frame_storage_size > 0 {
insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(-(fixed_frame_storage_size as i32)));
(total_save_bytes as u64, insts)
fn gen_clobber_restore(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
sig: &Signature,
flags: &settings::Flags,
clobbers: &[Writable<RealReg>],
fixed_frame_storage_size: u32,
_outgoing_args_size: u32,
) -> SmallVec<[Inst; 16]> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
let (clobbered_int, clobbered_vec) =
get_regs_restored_in_epilogue(call_conv, flags, sig, clobbers);
// Free the fixed frame if necessary.
if fixed_frame_storage_size > 0 {
insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(fixed_frame_storage_size as i32));
let load_vec_reg = |rd| Inst::FpuLoad64 {
mem: AMode::SPPostIndexed {
simm9: SImm9::maybe_from_i64(16).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
let load_vec_reg_pair = |rt, rt2| Inst::FpuLoadP64 {
mem: PairAMode::SPPostIndexed(SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(16, F64).unwrap()),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
let mut iter = clobbered_vec.chunks_exact(2);
while let Some([rt, rt2]) = {
let rt: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
let rt2: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
debug_assert_eq!(rt.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Float);
debug_assert_eq!(rt2.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Float);
insts.push(load_vec_reg_pair(rt, rt2));
debug_assert!(iter.remainder().len() <= 1);
if let [rd] = iter.remainder() {
let rd: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
debug_assert_eq!(rd.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Float);
let mut iter = clobbered_int.chunks_exact(2);
while let Some([rt, rt2]) = {
let rt: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
let rt2: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
debug_assert_eq!(rt.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Int);
debug_assert_eq!(rt2.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Int);
// ldp rt, rt2, [sp], #16
insts.push(Inst::LoadP64 {
mem: PairAMode::SPPostIndexed(SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(16, I64).unwrap()),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
debug_assert!(iter.remainder().len() <= 1);
if let [rd] = iter.remainder() {
let rd: Writable<Reg> =|r| r.into());
debug_assert_eq!(rd.to_reg().class(), RegClass::Int);
// ldr rd, [sp], #16
insts.push(Inst::ULoad64 {
mem: AMode::SPPostIndexed {
simm9: SImm9::maybe_from_i64(16).unwrap(),
flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
fn gen_call(
dest: &CallDest,
uses: CallArgList,
defs: CallRetList,
clobbers: PRegSet,
opcode: ir::Opcode,
tmp: Writable<Reg>,
callee_conv: isa::CallConv,
caller_conv: isa::CallConv,
callee_pop_size: u32,
) -> SmallVec<[Inst; 2]> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
match &dest {
&CallDest::ExtName(ref name, RelocDistance::Near) => insts.push(Inst::Call {
info: Box::new(CallInfo {
dest: name.clone(),
caller_callconv: caller_conv,
callee_callconv: callee_conv,
&CallDest::ExtName(ref name, RelocDistance::Far) => {
insts.push(Inst::LoadExtName {
rd: tmp,
name: Box::new(name.clone()),
offset: 0,
insts.push(Inst::CallInd {
info: Box::new(CallIndInfo {
rn: tmp.to_reg(),
caller_callconv: caller_conv,
callee_callconv: callee_conv,
&CallDest::Reg(reg) => insts.push(Inst::CallInd {
info: Box::new(CallIndInfo {
rn: *reg,
caller_callconv: caller_conv,
callee_callconv: callee_conv,
fn gen_memcpy<F: FnMut(Type) -> Writable<Reg>>(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
dst: Reg,
src: Reg,
size: usize,
mut alloc_tmp: F,
) -> SmallVec<[Self::I; 8]> {
let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
let arg0 = writable_xreg(0);
let arg1 = writable_xreg(1);
let arg2 = writable_xreg(2);
let tmp = alloc_tmp(Self::word_type());
insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(tmp, size as u64, &mut alloc_tmp));
insts.push(Inst::Call {
info: Box::new(CallInfo {
dest: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memcpy),
uses: smallvec![
CallArgPair {
vreg: dst,
preg: arg0.to_reg()
CallArgPair {
vreg: src,
preg: arg1.to_reg()
CallArgPair {
vreg: tmp.to_reg(),
preg: arg2.to_reg()
defs: smallvec![],
clobbers: Self::get_regs_clobbered_by_call(call_conv),
opcode: Opcode::Call,
caller_callconv: call_conv,
callee_callconv: call_conv,
callee_pop_size: 0,
fn get_number_of_spillslots_for_value(
rc: RegClass,
vector_size: u32,
_isa_flags: &Self::F,
) -> u32 {
assert_eq!(vector_size % 8, 0);
// We allocate in terms of 8-byte slots.
match rc {
RegClass::Int => 1,
RegClass::Float => vector_size / 8,
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
/// Get the current virtual-SP offset from an instruction-emission state.
fn get_virtual_sp_offset_from_state(s: &EmitState) -> i64 {
/// Get the nominal-SP-to-FP offset from an instruction-emission state.
fn get_nominal_sp_to_fp(s: &EmitState) -> i64 {
fn get_regs_clobbered_by_call(call_conv_of_callee: isa::CallConv) -> PRegSet {
if call_conv_of_callee == isa::CallConv::Tail {
} else {
fn get_ext_mode(
_call_conv: isa::CallConv,
_specified: ir::ArgumentExtension,
) -> ir::ArgumentExtension {
fn get_clobbered_callee_saves(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
flags: &settings::Flags,
sig: &Signature,
regs: &[Writable<RealReg>],
) -> Vec<Writable<RealReg>> {
let mut regs: Vec<Writable<RealReg>> = regs
.filter(|r| {
is_reg_saved_in_prologue(call_conv, flags.enable_pinned_reg(), sig, r.to_reg())
// Sort registers for deterministic code output. We can do an unstable
// sort because the registers will be unique (there are no dups).
regs.sort_unstable_by_key(|r| VReg::from(r.to_reg()).vreg());
fn is_frame_setup_needed(
is_leaf: bool,
stack_args_size: u32,
num_clobbered_callee_saves: usize,
fixed_frame_storage_size: u32,
) -> bool {
// The function arguments that are passed on the stack are addressed
// relative to the Frame Pointer.
|| stack_args_size > 0
|| num_clobbered_callee_saves > 0
|| fixed_frame_storage_size > 0
fn compute_arg_locs_tail<'a, I>(
params: I,
add_ret_area_ptr: bool,
mut args: ArgsAccumulator<'_>,
) -> CodegenResult<(u32, Option<usize>)>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a ir::AbiParam>,
let mut xregs = TAIL_CLOBBERS
.filter(|r| r.class() == RegClass::Int)
// We reserve `x0` for the return area pointer. For simplicity, we
// reserve it even when there is no return area pointer needed. This
// also means that identity functions don't have to shuffle arguments to
// different return registers because we shifted all argument register
// numbers down by one to make space for the return area pointer.
// Also, we cannot use all allocatable GPRs as arguments because we need
// at least one allocatable register for holding the callee address in
// indirect calls. So skip `x1` also, reserving it for that role.
let mut vregs = TAIL_CLOBBERS
.filter(|r| r.class() == RegClass::Float);
let mut next_stack: u32 = 0;
// Get the next stack slot for the given type.
let stack = |next_stack: &mut u32, ty: ir::Type| {
*next_stack = align_to(*next_stack, ty.bytes());
let offset = i64::from(*next_stack);
*next_stack += ty.bytes();
ABIArgSlot::Stack {
extension: ir::ArgumentExtension::None,
// Get the next `x` register available, or a stack slot if all are in use.
let mut xreg = |next_stack: &mut u32, ty| {
.map(|reg| ABIArgSlot::Reg {
reg: reg.into(),
extension: ir::ArgumentExtension::None,
.unwrap_or_else(|| stack(next_stack, ty))
// Get the next `v` register available, or a stack slot if all are in use.
let mut vreg = |next_stack: &mut u32, ty| {
.map(|reg| ABIArgSlot::Reg {
reg: reg.into(),
extension: ir::ArgumentExtension::None,
.unwrap_or_else(|| stack(next_stack, ty))
for param in params {
"Invalid type for AArch64: {:?}",
match param.purpose {
ir::ArgumentPurpose::Normal | ir::ArgumentPurpose::VMContext => {}
| ir::ArgumentPurpose::StructReturn
| ir::ArgumentPurpose::StackLimit => unimplemented!(
"support for {:?} parameters is not implemented for the `tail` \
calling convention yet",
let (reg_classes, reg_types) = Inst::rc_for_type(param.value_type)?;
args.push(ABIArg::Slots {
slots: reg_classes
.map(|(cls, ty)| match cls {
RegClass::Int => xreg(&mut next_stack, *ty),
RegClass::Float => vreg(&mut next_stack, *ty),
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
purpose: param.purpose,
let ret_ptr = if add_ret_area_ptr {
let idx = args.args().len();
} else {
next_stack = align_to(next_stack, 16);
// To avoid overflow issues, limit the arg/return size to something
// reasonable -- here, 128 MB.
if next_stack > STACK_ARG_RET_SIZE_LIMIT {
return Err(CodegenError::ImplLimitExceeded);
Ok((next_stack, ret_ptr))
/// Is this type supposed to be seen on this machine? E.g. references of the
/// wrong width are invalid.
fn legal_type_for_machine(ty: Type) -> bool {
match ty {
R32 => false,
_ => true,
/// Is the given register saved in the prologue if clobbered, i.e., is it a
/// callee-save?
fn is_reg_saved_in_prologue(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
enable_pinned_reg: bool,
sig: &Signature,
r: RealReg,
) -> bool {
if call_conv == isa::CallConv::Tail {
return false;
// FIXME: We need to inspect whether a function is returning Z or P regs too.
let save_z_regs = sig
.filter(|p| p.value_type.is_dynamic_vector())
!= 0;
match r.class() {
RegClass::Int => {
// x19 - x28 inclusive are callee-saves.
// However, x21 is the pinned reg if `enable_pinned_reg`
// is set, and is implicitly globally-allocated, hence not
// callee-saved in prologues.
if enable_pinned_reg && r.hw_enc() == PINNED_REG {
} else {
r.hw_enc() >= 19 && r.hw_enc() <= 28
RegClass::Float => {
// If a subroutine takes at least one argument in scalable vector registers
// or scalable predicate registers, or if it is a function that returns
// results in such registers, it must ensure that the entire contents of
// z8-z23 are preserved across the call. In other cases it need only
// preserve the low 64 bits of z8-z15.
if save_z_regs {
r.hw_enc() >= 8 && r.hw_enc() <= 23
} else {
// v8 - v15 inclusive are callee-saves.
r.hw_enc() >= 8 && r.hw_enc() <= 15
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
/// Return the set of all integer and vector registers that must be saved in the
/// prologue and restored in the epilogue, given the set of all registers
/// written by the function's body.
fn get_regs_restored_in_epilogue(
call_conv: isa::CallConv,
flags: &settings::Flags,
sig: &Signature,
regs: &[Writable<RealReg>],
) -> (Vec<Writable<RealReg>>, Vec<Writable<RealReg>>) {
let mut int_saves = vec![];
let mut vec_saves = vec![];
for &reg in regs {
if is_reg_saved_in_prologue(call_conv, flags.enable_pinned_reg(), sig, reg.to_reg()) {
match reg.to_reg().class() {
RegClass::Int => int_saves.push(reg),
RegClass::Float => vec_saves.push(reg),
RegClass::Vector => unreachable!(),
// Sort registers for deterministic code output. We can do an unstable sort because the
// registers will be unique (there are no dups).
int_saves.sort_unstable_by_key(|r| VReg::from(r.to_reg()).vreg());
vec_saves.sort_unstable_by_key(|r| VReg::from(r.to_reg()).vreg());
(int_saves, vec_saves)
const fn default_aapcs_clobbers() -> PRegSet {
// x0 - x17 inclusive are caller-saves.
// v0 - v7 inclusive and v16 - v31 inclusive are
// caller-saves. The upper 64 bits of v8 - v15 inclusive are
// also caller-saves. However, because we cannot currently
// represent partial registers to regalloc2, we indicate here
// that every vector register is caller-save. Because this
// function is used at *callsites*, approximating in this
// direction (save more than necessary) is conservative and
// thus safe.
// Note that we exclude clobbers from a call instruction when
// a call instruction's callee has the same ABI as the caller
// (the current function body); this is safe (anything
// clobbered by callee can be clobbered by caller as well) and
// avoids unnecessary saves of v8-v15 in the prologue even
// though we include them as defs here.
const DEFAULT_AAPCS_CLOBBERS: PRegSet = default_aapcs_clobbers();
// NB: The `tail` calling convention clobbers all allocatable registers.
const TAIL_CLOBBERS: PRegSet = PRegSet::empty()
// Cranelift reserves x16 and x17 as unallocatable scratch registers.
// x18 can be used by the platform and therefore is not allocatable.
// NB: x29 is the FP, x30 is the link register, and x31 is the SP. None of
// these are allocatable.