blob: 028fc25db46cc95c3d37acd091b7f7b64b7244f1 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0690]: transparent struct needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
--> $DIR/
LL | struct MultipleNonZst(u8, u8);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- -- this field is non-zero-sized
| | |
| | this field is non-zero-sized
| needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
error[E0690]: transparent struct needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct StructWithProjection(f32, <f32 as Mirror>::It);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --- ------------------- this field is non-zero-sized
| | |
| | this field is non-zero-sized
| needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
error[E0691]: zero-sized field in transparent struct has alignment larger than 1
--> $DIR/
LL | struct NontrivialAlignZst(u32, [u16; 0]);
| ^^^^^^^^ has alignment of 2, which is larger than 1
error[E0691]: zero-sized field in transparent struct has alignment larger than 1
--> $DIR/
LL | struct GenericAlign<T>(ZstAlign32<T>, u32);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has alignment of 32, which is larger than 1
error[E0084]: unsupported representation for zero-variant enum
--> $DIR/
LL | #[repr(transparent)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | enum Void {}
| --------- zero-variant enum
error[E0731]: transparent enum needs exactly one variant, but has 0
--> $DIR/
LL | enum Void {}
| ^^^^^^^^^ needs exactly one variant, but has 0
error[E0690]: the variant of a transparent enum needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
--> $DIR/
LL | enum TooManyFieldsEnum {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
LL | Foo(u32, String),
| --- ------ this field is non-zero-sized
| |
| this field is non-zero-sized
error[E0731]: transparent enum needs exactly one variant, but has 2
--> $DIR/
LL | enum MultipleVariants {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs exactly one variant, but has 2
LL | Foo(String),
| --- variant here
LL | Bar,
| --- too many variants in `MultipleVariants`
error[E0691]: zero-sized field in transparent enum has alignment larger than 1
--> $DIR/
LL | Foo(u32, [u16; 0]),
| ^^^^^^^^ has alignment of 2, which is larger than 1
error[E0691]: zero-sized field in transparent enum has alignment larger than 1
--> $DIR/
LL | Foo { bar: ZstAlign32<T>, baz: u32 }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has alignment of 32, which is larger than 1
error[E0690]: transparent union needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
--> $DIR/
LL | union TooManyFields {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs at most one non-zero-sized field, but has 2
LL | u: u32,
| ------ this field is non-zero-sized
LL | s: i32
| ------ this field is non-zero-sized
error: aborting due to 11 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0084, E0690, E0691, E0731.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0084`.