blob: a14dfceed750e3cf24f96cb2aba5a52a58ab3dc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// edition:2021
trait MyTrait<'a, 'b, T> {
async fn foo(&'a self, key: &'b T) -> (&'a ConnImpl, &'b T);
//~^ ERROR: cannot find type `ConnImpl` in this scope [E0412]
impl<'a, 'b, T, U> MyTrait<T> for U {
//~^ ERROR: implicit elided lifetime not allowed here [E0726]
async fn foo(_: T) -> (&'a U, &'b T) {}
//~^ ERROR: method `foo` has a `&self` declaration in the trait, but not in the impl [E0186]
//~| ERROR: mismatched types [E0308]
fn main() {}