blob: 74b6c74ae5f6f0671644f8141816ea846bb68f23 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::ops::Deref;
type SomeBox = Box<dyn Any>;
struct BadBox(Box<dyn Any>);
impl Deref for BadBox {
type Target = Box<dyn Any>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn existential() -> impl Any {
Box::new(1) as Box<dyn Any>
fn main() {
let any_box: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(0usize);
let _ = any_box.type_id();
let _ = TypeId::of::<Box<dyn Any>>(); // Don't lint. We explicitly say "do this instead" if this is intentional
let _ = (*any_box).type_id();
let any_box: &Box<dyn Any> = &(Box::new(0usize) as Box<dyn Any>);
let _ = any_box.type_id(); // 2 derefs are needed here to get to the `dyn Any`
let b = existential();
let _ = b.type_id(); // Don't lint.
let b: SomeBox = Box::new(0usize);
let _ = b.type_id();
let b = BadBox(Box::new(0usize));
let _ = b.type_id(); // Don't lint. This is a call to `<BadBox as Any>::type_id`. Not `std::boxed::Box`!