blob: 8a32210bac3c9cc944fbfad131c8907d19124695 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- LVCodeViewReader.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the LVCodeViewReader class, which is used to describe a
// debug information (COFF) reader.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/AppendingTypeTableBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugInlineeLinesSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugLinesSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugStringTableSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeRecord.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Readers/LVBinaryReader.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/LogicalView/Readers/LVCodeViewVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/NativeSession.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDB.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryByteStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryItemStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamArray.h"
namespace llvm {
template <> struct BinaryItemTraits<codeview::CVType> {
static size_t length(const codeview::CVType &Item) { return Item.length(); }
static ArrayRef<uint8_t> bytes(const codeview::CVType &Item) {
namespace codeview {
class LazyRandomTypeCollection;
namespace object {
struct coff_section;
namespace pdb {
class SymbolGroup;
namespace logicalview {
class LVElement;
class LVLine;
class LVScope;
class LVScopeCompileUnit;
class LVSymbol;
class LVType;
class LVTypeVisitor;
class LVSymbolVisitor;
class LVSymbolVisitorDelegate;
using LVNames = SmallVector<StringRef, 16>;
// The ELF reader uses the DWARF constants to create the logical elements.
// The DW_TAG_* and DW_AT_* are used to select the logical object and to
// set specific attributes, such as name, type, etc.
// As the CodeView constants are different to the DWARF constants, the
// CodeView reader will map them to the DWARF ones.
class LVCodeViewReader final : public LVBinaryReader {
friend class LVTypeVisitor;
friend class LVSymbolVisitor;
friend class LVSymbolVisitorDelegate;
using LVModules = std::vector<LVScope *>;
LVModules Modules;
// Encapsulates access to the input file and any dependent type server,
// including any precompiled header object.
llvm::pdb::InputFile Input;
std::shared_ptr<llvm::pdb::InputFile> TypeServer;
std::shared_ptr<LazyRandomTypeCollection> PrecompHeader;
// Persistance data when loading a type server.
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BuffOrErr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> MemBuffer;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::pdb::IPDBSession> Session;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::pdb::NativeSession> PdbSession;
// Persistance data when loading a precompiled header.
BumpPtrAllocator BuilderAllocator;
std::unique_ptr<AppendingTypeTableBuilder> Builder;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryItemStream<CVType>> ItemStream;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryStreamReader> ReaderPrecomp;
std::vector<CVType> TypeArray;
CVTypeArray TypeStream;
CVTypeArray CVTypesPrecomp;
// Persistance data when loading an executable file.
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> BinaryBuffer;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::object::Binary> BinaryExecutable;
Error loadTargetInfo(const object::ObjectFile &Obj);
Error loadTargetInfo(const llvm::pdb::PDBFile &Pdb);
void mapRangeAddress(const object::ObjectFile &Obj,
const object::SectionRef &Section,
bool IsComdat) override;
llvm::object::COFFObjectFile &getObj() { return Input.obj(); }
llvm::pdb::PDBFile &getPdb() { return Input.pdb(); }
bool isObj() const { return Input.isObj(); }
bool isPdb() const { return Input.isPdb(); }
StringRef getFileName() { return Input.getFilePath(); }
// Pathname to executable image.
std::string ExePath;
LVOffset CurrentOffset = 0;
int32_t CurrentModule = -1;
using RelocMapTy = DenseMap<const llvm::object::coff_section *,
RelocMapTy RelocMap;
// Object files have only one type stream that contains both types and ids.
// Precompiled header objects don't contain an IPI stream. Use the TPI.
LazyRandomTypeCollection &types() {
return TypeServer ? TypeServer->types()
: (PrecompHeader ? *PrecompHeader : Input.types());
LazyRandomTypeCollection &ids() {
return TypeServer ? TypeServer->ids()
: (PrecompHeader ? *PrecompHeader : Input.ids());
LVLogicalVisitor LogicalVisitor;
getFileNameForFileOffset(uint32_t FileOffset,
const llvm::pdb::SymbolGroup *SG = nullptr);
void printRelocatedField(StringRef Label,
const llvm::object::coff_section *CoffSection,
uint32_t RelocOffset, uint32_t Offset,
StringRef *RelocSym);
Error printFileNameForOffset(StringRef Label, uint32_t FileOffset,
const llvm::pdb::SymbolGroup *SG = nullptr);
Error loadPrecompiledObject(PrecompRecord &Precomp, CVTypeArray &CVTypesObj);
Error loadTypeServer(TypeServer2Record &TS);
Error traverseTypes(llvm::pdb::PDBFile &Pdb, LazyRandomTypeCollection &Types,
LazyRandomTypeCollection &Ids);
Error collectInlineeInfo(DebugInlineeLinesSubsectionRef &Lines,
const llvm::pdb::SymbolGroup *SG = nullptr);
void cacheRelocations();
Error resolveSymbol(const llvm::object::coff_section *CoffSection,
uint64_t Offset, llvm::object::SymbolRef &Sym);
Error resolveSymbolName(const llvm::object::coff_section *CoffSection,
uint64_t Offset, StringRef &Name);
Error traverseTypeSection(StringRef SectionName,
const llvm::object::SectionRef &Section);
Error traverseSymbolSection(StringRef SectionName,
const llvm::object::SectionRef &Section);
Error traverseInlineeLines(StringRef Subsection);
DebugChecksumsSubsectionRef CVFileChecksumTable;
DebugStringTableSubsectionRef CVStringTable;
Error traverseSymbolsSubsection(StringRef Subsection,
const llvm::object::SectionRef &Section,
StringRef SectionContents);
/// Given a .debug$S section, find the string table and file checksum table.
/// This function taken from (COFFDumper.cpp).
/// TODO: It can be moved to the COFF library.
Error initializeFileAndStringTables(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
Error createLines(const FixedStreamArray<LineNumberEntry> &LineNumbers,
LVAddress Addendum, uint32_t Segment, uint32_t Begin,
uint32_t Size, uint32_t NameIndex,
const llvm::pdb::SymbolGroup *SG = nullptr);
Error createScopes(llvm::object::COFFObjectFile &Obj);
Error createScopes(llvm::pdb::PDBFile &Pdb);
Error processModule();
Error createScopes() override;
void sortScopes() override;
LVCodeViewReader() = delete;
LVCodeViewReader(StringRef Filename, StringRef FileFormatName,
llvm::object::COFFObjectFile &Obj, ScopedPrinter &W,
StringRef ExePath)
: LVBinaryReader(Filename, FileFormatName, W, LVBinaryType::COFF),
Input(&Obj), ExePath(ExePath), LogicalVisitor(this, W, Input) {}
LVCodeViewReader(StringRef Filename, StringRef FileFormatName,
llvm::pdb::PDBFile &Pdb, ScopedPrinter &W, StringRef ExePath)
: LVBinaryReader(Filename, FileFormatName, W, LVBinaryType::COFF),
Input(&Pdb), ExePath(ExePath), LogicalVisitor(this, W, Input) {}
LVCodeViewReader(const LVCodeViewReader &) = delete;
LVCodeViewReader &operator=(const LVCodeViewReader &) = delete;
~LVCodeViewReader() = default;
void getLinkageName(const llvm::object::coff_section *CoffSection,
uint32_t RelocOffset, uint32_t Offset,
StringRef *RelocSym);
void addModule(LVScope *Scope) { Modules.push_back(Scope); }
LVScope *getScopeForModule(uint32_t Modi) {
return Modi >= Modules.size() ? nullptr : Modules[Modi];
// Get the string representation for the CodeView symbols.
static StringRef getSymbolKindName(SymbolKind Kind);
static std::string formatRegisterId(RegisterId Register, CPUType CPU);
std::string getRegisterName(LVSmall Opcode,
ArrayRef<uint64_t> Operands) override;
bool isSystemEntry(LVElement *Element, StringRef Name) const override;
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void printRecords(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
} // end namespace logicalview
} // end namespace llvm