blob: 39b3e816f4becfc7081d7764fcdd53ef3882156c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- GNUstepObjCRuntime.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "GNUstepObjCRuntime.h"
#include "Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
#include "lldb/Expression/UtilityFunction.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
char GNUstepObjCRuntime::ID = 0;
void GNUstepObjCRuntime::Initialize() {
GetPluginNameStatic(), "GNUstep Objective-C Language Runtime - libobjc2",
void GNUstepObjCRuntime::Terminate() {
static bool CanModuleBeGNUstepObjCLibrary(const ModuleSP &module_sp,
const llvm::Triple &TT) {
if (!module_sp)
return false;
const FileSpec &module_file_spec = module_sp->GetFileSpec();
if (!module_file_spec)
return false;
llvm::StringRef filename = module_file_spec.GetFilename().GetStringRef();
if (TT.isOSBinFormatELF())
return filename.starts_with("");
if (TT.isOSWindows())
return filename == "objc.dll";
return false;
static bool ScanForGNUstepObjCLibraryCandidate(const ModuleList &modules,
const llvm::Triple &TT) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(modules.GetMutex());
size_t num_modules = modules.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_modules; i++) {
auto mod = modules.GetModuleAtIndex(i);
if (CanModuleBeGNUstepObjCLibrary(mod, TT))
return true;
return false;
LanguageRuntime *GNUstepObjCRuntime::CreateInstance(Process *process,
LanguageType language) {
if (language != eLanguageTypeObjC)
return nullptr;
if (!process)
return nullptr;
Target &target = process->GetTarget();
const llvm::Triple &TT = target.GetArchitecture().GetTriple();
if (TT.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::VendorType::Apple)
return nullptr;
const ModuleList &images = target.GetImages();
if (!ScanForGNUstepObjCLibraryCandidate(images, TT))
return nullptr;
if (TT.isOSBinFormatELF()) {
SymbolContextList eh_pers;
RegularExpression regex("__gnustep_objc[x]*_personality_v[0-9]+");
images.FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType(regex, eSymbolTypeCode, eh_pers);
if (eh_pers.GetSize() == 0)
return nullptr;
} else if (TT.isOSWindows()) {
SymbolContextList objc_mandatory;
eSymbolTypeCode, objc_mandatory);
if (objc_mandatory.GetSize() == 0)
return nullptr;
return new GNUstepObjCRuntime(process);
GNUstepObjCRuntime::~GNUstepObjCRuntime() = default;
GNUstepObjCRuntime::GNUstepObjCRuntime(Process *process)
: ObjCLanguageRuntime(process), m_objc_module_sp(nullptr) {
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::GetObjectDescription(Stream &str,
ValueObject &valobj) {
// TODO: ObjC has a generic way to do this
return false;
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::GetObjectDescription(
Stream &strm, Value &value, ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope) {
// TODO: ObjC has a generic way to do this
return false;
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::CouldHaveDynamicValue(ValueObject &in_value) {
static constexpr bool check_cxx = false;
static constexpr bool check_objc = true;
return in_value.GetCompilerType().IsPossibleDynamicType(nullptr, check_cxx,
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::GetDynamicTypeAndAddress(
ValueObject &in_value, DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address,
Value::ValueType &value_type) {
return false;
GNUstepObjCRuntime::FixUpDynamicType(const TypeAndOrName &type_and_or_name,
ValueObject &static_value) {
CompilerType static_type(static_value.GetCompilerType());
Flags static_type_flags(static_type.GetTypeInfo());
TypeAndOrName ret(type_and_or_name);
if (type_and_or_name.HasType()) {
// The type will always be the type of the dynamic object. If our parent's
// type was a pointer, then our type should be a pointer to the type of the
// dynamic object. If a reference, then the original type should be
// okay...
CompilerType orig_type = type_and_or_name.GetCompilerType();
CompilerType corrected_type = orig_type;
if (static_type_flags.AllSet(eTypeIsPointer))
corrected_type = orig_type.GetPointerType();
} else {
// If we are here we need to adjust our dynamic type name to include the
// correct & or * symbol
std::string corrected_name(type_and_or_name.GetName().GetCString());
if (static_type_flags.AllSet(eTypeIsPointer))
corrected_name.append(" *");
// the parent type should be a correctly pointer'ed or referenc'ed type
return ret;
GNUstepObjCRuntime::CreateExceptionResolver(const BreakpointSP &bkpt,
bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp) {
BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp;
if (throw_bp)
resolver_sp = std::make_shared<BreakpointResolverName>(
bkpt, "objc_exception_throw", eFunctionNameTypeBase,
eLanguageTypeUnknown, Breakpoint::Exact, 0, eLazyBoolNo);
return resolver_sp;
GNUstepObjCRuntime::CreateObjectChecker(std::string name,
ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) {
// TODO: This function is supposed to check whether an ObjC selector is
// present for an object. Might be implemented similar as in the Apple V2
// runtime.
const char *function_template = R"(
extern "C" void
%s(void *$__lldb_arg_obj, void *$__lldb_arg_selector) {}
char empty_function_code[2048];
int len = ::snprintf(empty_function_code, sizeof(empty_function_code),
function_template, name.c_str());
assert(len < (int)sizeof(empty_function_code));
return GetTargetRef().CreateUtilityFunction(empty_function_code, name,
eLanguageTypeC, exe_ctx);
GNUstepObjCRuntime::GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan(Thread &thread,
bool stop_others) {
// TODO: Implement this properly to avoid stepping into things like PLT stubs
return nullptr;
void GNUstepObjCRuntime::UpdateISAToDescriptorMapIfNeeded() {
// TODO: Support lazily named and dynamically loaded Objective-C classes
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::IsModuleObjCLibrary(const ModuleSP &module_sp) {
const llvm::Triple &TT = GetTargetRef().GetArchitecture().GetTriple();
return CanModuleBeGNUstepObjCLibrary(module_sp, TT);
bool GNUstepObjCRuntime::ReadObjCLibrary(const ModuleSP &module_sp) {
assert(m_objc_module_sp == nullptr && "Check HasReadObjCLibrary() first");
m_objc_module_sp = module_sp;
// Right now we don't use this, but we might want to check for debugger
// runtime support symbols like 'gdb_object_getClass' in the future.
return true;
void GNUstepObjCRuntime::ModulesDidLoad(const ModuleList &module_list) {