blob: 39969520b74556ffdd876878e705e282ae1a92d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- AppleObjCClassDescriptorV2.cpp ------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "AppleObjCClassDescriptorV2.h"
#include "lldb/Expression/FunctionCaller.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::Read_objc_class(
Process *process, std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> &objc_class) const {
objc_class = std::make_unique<objc_class_t>();
bool ret = objc_class->Read(process, m_objc_class_ptr);
if (!ret)
return ret;
static lldb::addr_t GetClassDataMask(Process *process) {
switch (process->GetAddressByteSize()) {
case 4:
return 0xfffffffcUL;
case 8:
return 0x00007ffffffffff8UL;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::objc_class_t::Read(Process *process,
lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t ptr_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();
size_t objc_class_size = ptr_size // uintptr_t isa;
+ ptr_size // Class superclass;
+ ptr_size // void *cache;
+ ptr_size // IMP *vtable;
+ ptr_size; // uintptr_t data_NEVER_USE;
DataBufferHeap objc_class_buf(objc_class_size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, objc_class_buf.GetBytes(), objc_class_size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(objc_class_buf.GetBytes(), objc_class_size,
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_isa = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor); // uintptr_t isa;
m_superclass = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor); // Class superclass;
m_cache_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor); // void *cache;
m_vtable_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor); // IMP *vtable;
lldb::addr_t data_NEVER_USE =
extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor); // uintptr_t data_NEVER_USE;
m_flags = (uint8_t)(data_NEVER_USE & (lldb::addr_t)3);
m_data_ptr = data_NEVER_USE & GetClassDataMask(process);
if (ABISP abi_sp = process->GetABI()) {
m_isa = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(m_isa);
m_superclass = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(m_superclass);
m_data_ptr = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(m_data_ptr);
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::class_rw_t::Read(Process *process, lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t ptr_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t flags;
+ sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t version;
+ ptr_size // const class_ro_t *ro;
+ ptr_size // union { method_list_t **method_lists;
// method_list_t *method_list; };
+ ptr_size // struct chained_property_list *properties;
+ ptr_size // const protocol_list_t **protocols;
+ ptr_size // Class firstSubclass;
+ ptr_size; // Class nextSiblingClass;
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_flags = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_version = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_ro_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
if (ABISP abi_sp = process->GetABI())
m_ro_ptr = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(m_ro_ptr);
m_method_list_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_properties_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_firstSubclass = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_nextSiblingClass = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
if (m_ro_ptr & 1) {
DataBufferHeap buffer(ptr_size, '\0');
process->ReadMemory(m_ro_ptr ^ 1, buffer.GetBytes(), ptr_size, error);
if (error.Fail())
return false;
cursor = 0;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), ptr_size,
m_ro_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
if (ABISP abi_sp = process->GetABI())
m_ro_ptr = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(m_ro_ptr);
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::class_ro_t::Read(Process *process, lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t ptr_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t flags;
+ sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t instanceStart;
+ sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t instanceSize;
+ (ptr_size == 8 ? sizeof(uint32_t)
: 0) // uint32_t reserved; // __LP64__ only
+ ptr_size // const uint8_t *ivarLayout;
+ ptr_size // const char *name;
+ ptr_size // const method_list_t *baseMethods;
+ ptr_size // const protocol_list_t *baseProtocols;
+ ptr_size // const ivar_list_t *ivars;
+ ptr_size // const uint8_t *weakIvarLayout;
+ ptr_size; // const property_list_t *baseProperties;
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_flags = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_instanceStart = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_instanceSize = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
if (ptr_size == 8)
m_reserved = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_reserved = 0;
m_ivarLayout_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_name_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_baseMethods_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_baseProtocols_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_ivars_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_weakIvarLayout_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_baseProperties_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
DataBufferHeap name_buf(1024, '\0');
process->ReadCStringFromMemory(m_name_ptr, (char *)name_buf.GetBytes(),
name_buf.GetByteSize(), error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
m_name.assign((char *)name_buf.GetBytes());
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::Read_class_row(
Process *process, const objc_class_t &objc_class,
std::unique_ptr<class_ro_t> &class_ro,
std::unique_ptr<class_rw_t> &class_rw) const {
Status error;
uint32_t class_row_t_flags = process->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory(
objc_class.m_data_ptr, sizeof(uint32_t), 0, error);
if (!error.Success())
return false;
if (class_row_t_flags & RW_REALIZED) {
class_rw = std::make_unique<class_rw_t>();
if (!class_rw->Read(process, objc_class.m_data_ptr)) {
return false;
class_ro = std::make_unique<class_ro_t>();
if (!class_ro->Read(process, class_rw->m_ro_ptr)) {
return false;
} else {
class_ro = std::make_unique<class_ro_t>();
if (!class_ro->Read(process, objc_class.m_data_ptr)) {
return false;
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::method_list_t::Read(Process *process,
lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t entsize_NEVER_USE;
+ sizeof(uint32_t); // uint32_t count;
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
if (ABISP abi_sp = process->GetABI())
addr = abi_sp->FixCodeAddress(addr);
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
uint32_t entsize = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_is_small = (entsize & 0x80000000) != 0;
m_has_direct_selector = (entsize & 0x40000000) != 0;
m_entsize = entsize & 0xfffc;
m_count = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_first_ptr = addr + cursor;
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::method_t::Read(Process *process, lldb::addr_t addr,
lldb::addr_t relative_selector_base_addr,
bool is_small, bool has_direct_sel) {
size_t ptr_size = process->GetAddressByteSize();
size_t size = GetSize(process, is_small);
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
if (is_small) {
uint32_t nameref_offset = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
uint32_t types_offset = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
uint32_t imp_offset = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_name_ptr = addr + nameref_offset;
if (!has_direct_sel) {
// The SEL offset points to a SELRef. We need to dereference twice.
m_name_ptr = process->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory(m_name_ptr, ptr_size,
0, error);
if (!error.Success())
return false;
} else if (relative_selector_base_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
m_name_ptr = relative_selector_base_addr + nameref_offset;
m_types_ptr = addr + 4 + types_offset;
m_imp_ptr = addr + 8 + imp_offset;
} else {
m_name_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_types_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_imp_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
process->ReadCStringFromMemory(m_name_ptr, m_name, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
process->ReadCStringFromMemory(m_types_ptr, m_types, error);
return !error.Fail();
bool ClassDescriptorV2::ivar_list_t::Read(Process *process, lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) // uint32_t entsize;
+ sizeof(uint32_t); // uint32_t count;
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_entsize = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_count = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_first_ptr = addr + cursor;
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::ivar_t::Read(Process *process, lldb::addr_t addr) {
size_t size = GetSize(process);
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_offset_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_name_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_type_ptr = extractor.GetAddress_unchecked(&cursor);
m_alignment = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_size = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
process->ReadCStringFromMemory(m_name_ptr, m_name, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
return false;
process->ReadCStringFromMemory(m_type_ptr, m_type, error);
return !error.Fail();
bool ClassDescriptorV2::relative_list_entry_t::Read(Process *process,
lldb::addr_t addr) {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Types);
size_t size = sizeof(uint64_t); // m_image_index : 16
// m_list_offset : 48
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
// FIXME: Propagate this error up
if (error.Fail()) {
LLDB_LOG(log, "Failed to read relative_list_entry_t at address {0:x}",
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
uint64_t raw_entry = extractor.GetU64_unchecked(&cursor);
m_image_index = raw_entry & 0xFFFF;
m_list_offset = (int64_t)(raw_entry >> 16);
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::relative_list_list_t::Read(Process *process,
lldb::addr_t addr) {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Types);
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) // m_entsize
+ sizeof(uint32_t); // m_count
DataBufferHeap buffer(size, '\0');
Status error;
// FIXME: Propagate this error up
process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.GetBytes(), size, error);
if (error.Fail()) {
LLDB_LOG(log, "Failed to read relative_list_list_t at address 0x" PRIx64,
return false;
DataExtractor extractor(buffer.GetBytes(), size, process->GetByteOrder(),
lldb::offset_t cursor = 0;
m_entsize = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_count = extractor.GetU32_unchecked(&cursor);
m_first_ptr = addr + cursor;
return true;
ClassDescriptorV2::GetMethodList(Process *process,
lldb::addr_t method_list_ptr) const {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Types);
ClassDescriptorV2::method_list_t method_list;
if (!method_list.Read(process, method_list_ptr))
return std::nullopt;
const size_t method_size = method_t::GetSize(process, method_list.m_is_small);
if (method_list.m_entsize != method_size) {
"method_list_t at address 0x" PRIx64 " has an entsize of " PRIu16
" but method size should be " PRIu64,
method_list_ptr, method_list.m_entsize, method_size);
return std::nullopt;
return method_list;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::ProcessMethodList(
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *)> const &instance_method_func,
ClassDescriptorV2::method_list_t &method_list) const {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
auto method = std::make_unique<method_t>();
lldb::addr_t relative_selector_base_addr =
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = method_list.m_count; i < e; ++i) {
method->Read(process, method_list.m_first_ptr + (i * method_list.m_entsize),
relative_selector_base_addr, method_list.m_is_small,
if (instance_method_func(method->m_name.c_str(), method->m_types.c_str()))
return true;
// The relevant data structures:
// - relative_list_list_t
// - uint32_t count
// - uint32_t entsize
// - Followed by <count> number of relative_list_entry_t of size <entsize>
// - relative_list_entry_t
// - uint64_t image_index : 16
// - int64_t list_offset : 48
// - Note: The above 2 fit into 8 bytes always
// image_index corresponds to an image in the shared cache
// list_offset is used to calculate the address of the method_list_t we want
bool ClassDescriptorV2::ProcessRelativeMethodLists(
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *)> const &instance_method_func,
lldb::addr_t relative_method_list_ptr) const {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
auto relative_method_lists = std::make_unique<relative_list_list_t>();
// 1. Process the count and entsize of the relative_list_list_t
if (!relative_method_lists->Read(process, relative_method_list_ptr))
return false;
auto entry = std::make_unique<relative_list_entry_t>();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < relative_method_lists->m_count; i++) {
// 2. Extract the image index and the list offset from the
// relative_list_entry_t
const lldb::addr_t entry_addr = relative_method_lists->m_first_ptr +
(i * relative_method_lists->m_entsize);
if (!entry->Read(process, entry_addr))
return false;
// 3. Calculate the pointer to the method_list_t from the
// relative_list_entry_t
const lldb::addr_t method_list_addr = entry_addr + entry->m_list_offset;
// 4. Get the method_list_t from the pointer
std::optional<method_list_t> method_list =
GetMethodList(process, method_list_addr);
if (!method_list)
return false;
// 5. Cache the result so we don't need to reconstruct it later.
// 6. If the relevant image is loaded, add the methods to the Decl
if (!m_runtime.IsSharedCacheImageLoaded(entry->m_image_index))
if (!ProcessMethodList(instance_method_func, *method_list))
return false;
// We need to keep track of the last time we updated so we can re-update the
// type information in the future
m_last_version_updated = m_runtime.GetSharedCacheImageHeaderVersion();
return true;
bool ClassDescriptorV2::Describe(
std::function<void(ObjCLanguageRuntime::ObjCISA)> const &superclass_func,
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *)> const &instance_method_func,
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *)> const &class_method_func,
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *, lldb::addr_t,
uint64_t)> const &ivar_func) const {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
std::unique_ptr<class_ro_t> class_ro;
std::unique_ptr<class_rw_t> class_rw;
if (!Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
return false;
if (!Read_class_row(process, *objc_class, class_ro, class_rw))
return false;
static ConstString NSObject_name("NSObject");
if (m_name != NSObject_name && superclass_func)
if (instance_method_func) {
// This is a relative list of lists
if (class_ro->m_baseMethods_ptr & 1) {
if (!ProcessRelativeMethodLists(instance_method_func,
class_ro->m_baseMethods_ptr ^ 1))
return false;
} else {
std::optional<method_list_t> base_method_list =
GetMethodList(process, class_ro->m_baseMethods_ptr);
if (!base_method_list)
return false;
if (!ProcessMethodList(instance_method_func, *base_method_list))
return false;
if (class_method_func) {
AppleObjCRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP metaclass(GetMetaclass());
// We don't care about the metaclass's superclass, or its class methods.
// Its instance methods are our class methods.
if (metaclass) {
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *)>(nullptr),
std::function<bool(const char *, const char *, lldb::addr_t,
if (ivar_func) {
if (class_ro->m_ivars_ptr != 0) {
ivar_list_t ivar_list;
if (!ivar_list.Read(process, class_ro->m_ivars_ptr))
return false;
if (ivar_list.m_entsize != ivar_t::GetSize(process))
return false;
ivar_t ivar;
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = ivar_list.m_count; i < e; ++i) {
ivar.Read(process, ivar_list.m_first_ptr + (i * ivar_list.m_entsize));
if (ivar_func(ivar.m_name.c_str(), ivar.m_type.c_str(),
ivar.m_offset_ptr, ivar.m_size))
return true;
ConstString ClassDescriptorV2::GetClassName() {
if (!m_name) {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
if (process) {
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
std::unique_ptr<class_ro_t> class_ro;
std::unique_ptr<class_rw_t> class_rw;
if (!Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
return m_name;
if (!Read_class_row(process, *objc_class, class_ro, class_rw))
return m_name;
m_name = ConstString(class_ro->m_name.c_str());
return m_name;
ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP ClassDescriptorV2::GetSuperclass() {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
if (!process)
return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP();
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
if (!Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP();
return m_runtime.ObjCLanguageRuntime::GetClassDescriptorFromISA(
ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP ClassDescriptorV2::GetMetaclass() const {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
if (!process)
return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP();
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
if (!Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP();
lldb::addr_t candidate_isa = m_runtime.GetPointerISA(objc_class->m_isa);
return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP(
new ClassDescriptorV2(m_runtime, candidate_isa, nullptr));
uint64_t ClassDescriptorV2::GetInstanceSize() {
lldb_private::Process *process = m_runtime.GetProcess();
if (process) {
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
std::unique_ptr<class_ro_t> class_ro;
std::unique_ptr<class_rw_t> class_rw;
if (!Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
return 0;
if (!Read_class_row(process, *objc_class, class_ro, class_rw))
return 0;
return class_ro->m_instanceSize;
return 0;
// From the ObjC runtime.
static uint8_t IS_SWIFT_STABLE = 1U << 1;
LanguageType ClassDescriptorV2::GetImplementationLanguage() const {
std::unique_ptr<objc_class_t> objc_class;
if (auto *process = m_runtime.GetProcess())
if (Read_objc_class(process, objc_class))
if (objc_class->m_flags & IS_SWIFT_STABLE)
return lldb::eLanguageTypeSwift;
return lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC;
ClassDescriptorV2::iVarsStorage::iVarsStorage() : m_ivars(), m_mutex() {}
size_t ClassDescriptorV2::iVarsStorage::size() { return m_ivars.size(); }
ClassDescriptorV2::iVarDescriptor &ClassDescriptorV2::iVarsStorage::
operator[](size_t idx) {
return m_ivars[idx];
void ClassDescriptorV2::iVarsStorage::fill(AppleObjCRuntimeV2 &runtime,
ClassDescriptorV2 &descriptor) {
if (m_filled)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Types);
LLDB_LOGV(log, "class_name = {0}", descriptor.GetClassName());
m_filled = true;
ObjCLanguageRuntime::EncodingToTypeSP encoding_to_type_sp(
Process *process(runtime.GetProcess());
if (!encoding_to_type_sp)
descriptor.Describe(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, [this, process,
log](const char *name,
const char *type,
lldb::addr_t offset_ptr,
uint64_t size) -> bool {
const bool for_expression = false;
const bool stop_loop = false;
LLDB_LOGV(log, "name = {0}, encoding = {1}, offset_ptr = {2:x}, size = {3}",
name, type, offset_ptr, size);
CompilerType ivar_type =
encoding_to_type_sp->RealizeType(type, for_expression);
if (ivar_type) {
"name = {0}, encoding = {1}, offset_ptr = {2:x}, size = "
"{3}, type_size = {4}",
name, type, offset_ptr, size,
Scalar offset_scalar;
Status error;
const int offset_ptr_size = 4;
const bool is_signed = false;
size_t read = process->ReadScalarIntegerFromMemory(
offset_ptr, offset_ptr_size, is_signed, offset_scalar, error);
if (error.Success() && 4 == read) {
LLDB_LOGV(log, "offset_ptr = {0:x} --> {1}", offset_ptr,
{ConstString(name), ivar_type, size, offset_scalar.SInt()});
} else
LLDB_LOGV(log, "offset_ptr = {0:x} --> read fail, read = %{1}",
offset_ptr, read);
return stop_loop;
void ClassDescriptorV2::GetIVarInformation() {
m_ivars_storage.fill(m_runtime, *this);