blob: f56b30ab82ec669747755c292ec2879db20d5fe5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ProcessInfo.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Environment.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/NameMatches.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StructuredData.h"
#include <vector>
namespace lldb_private {
class UserIDResolver;
// ProcessInfo
// A base class for information for a process. This can be used to fill
// out information for a process prior to launching it, or it can be used for
// an instance of a process and can be filled in with the existing values for
// that process.
class ProcessInfo {
ProcessInfo(const char *name, const ArchSpec &arch, lldb::pid_t pid);
void Clear();
const char *GetName() const;
llvm::StringRef GetNameAsStringRef() const;
FileSpec &GetExecutableFile() { return m_executable; }
void SetExecutableFile(const FileSpec &exe_file,
bool add_exe_file_as_first_arg);
const FileSpec &GetExecutableFile() const { return m_executable; }
uint32_t GetUserID() const { return m_uid; }
uint32_t GetGroupID() const { return m_gid; }
bool UserIDIsValid() const { return m_uid != UINT32_MAX; }
bool GroupIDIsValid() const { return m_gid != UINT32_MAX; }
void SetUserID(uint32_t uid) { m_uid = uid; }
void SetGroupID(uint32_t gid) { m_gid = gid; }
ArchSpec &GetArchitecture() { return m_arch; }
const ArchSpec &GetArchitecture() const { return m_arch; }
void SetArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch) { m_arch = arch; }
lldb::pid_t GetProcessID() const { return m_pid; }
void SetProcessID(lldb::pid_t pid) { m_pid = pid; }
bool ProcessIDIsValid() const { return m_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; }
void Dump(Stream &s, Platform *platform) const;
Args &GetArguments() { return m_arguments; }
const Args &GetArguments() const { return m_arguments; }
llvm::StringRef GetArg0() const;
void SetArg0(llvm::StringRef arg);
void SetArguments(const Args &args, bool first_arg_is_executable);
void SetArguments(char const **argv, bool first_arg_is_executable);
Environment &GetEnvironment() { return m_environment; }
const Environment &GetEnvironment() const { return m_environment; }
bool IsScriptedProcess() const;
lldb::ScriptedMetadataSP GetScriptedMetadata() const {
return m_scripted_metadata_sp;
void SetScriptedMetadata(lldb::ScriptedMetadataSP metadata_sp) {
m_scripted_metadata_sp = metadata_sp;
// Get and set the actual listener that will be used for the process events
lldb::ListenerSP GetListener() const { return m_listener_sp; }
void SetListener(const lldb::ListenerSP &listener_sp) {
m_listener_sp = listener_sp;
lldb::ListenerSP GetHijackListener() const { return m_hijack_listener_sp; }
void SetHijackListener(const lldb::ListenerSP &listener_sp) {
m_hijack_listener_sp = listener_sp;
lldb::ListenerSP GetShadowListener() const { return m_shadow_listener_sp; }
void SetShadowListener(const lldb::ListenerSP &listener_sp) {
m_shadow_listener_sp = listener_sp;
FileSpec m_executable;
std::string m_arg0; // argv[0] if supported. If empty, then use m_executable.
// Not all process plug-ins support specifying an argv[0] that differs from
// the resolved platform executable (which is in m_executable)
Args m_arguments; // All program arguments except argv[0]
Environment m_environment;
uint32_t m_uid = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t m_gid = UINT32_MAX;
ArchSpec m_arch;
lldb::pid_t m_pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
lldb::ScriptedMetadataSP m_scripted_metadata_sp = nullptr;
lldb::ListenerSP m_listener_sp = nullptr;
lldb::ListenerSP m_hijack_listener_sp = nullptr;
lldb::ListenerSP m_shadow_listener_sp = nullptr;
// ProcessInstanceInfo
// Describes an existing process and any discoverable information that pertains
// to that process.
class ProcessInstanceInfo : public ProcessInfo {
ProcessInstanceInfo() = default;
ProcessInstanceInfo(const char *name, const ArchSpec &arch, lldb::pid_t pid)
: ProcessInfo(name, arch, pid), m_euid(UINT32_MAX), m_egid(UINT32_MAX),
m_parent_pid(LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) {}
void Clear() {
m_euid = UINT32_MAX;
m_egid = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t GetEffectiveUserID() const { return m_euid; }
uint32_t GetEffectiveGroupID() const { return m_egid; }
bool EffectiveUserIDIsValid() const { return m_euid != UINT32_MAX; }
bool EffectiveGroupIDIsValid() const { return m_egid != UINT32_MAX; }
void SetEffectiveUserID(uint32_t uid) { m_euid = uid; }
void SetEffectiveGroupID(uint32_t gid) { m_egid = gid; }
lldb::pid_t GetParentProcessID() const { return m_parent_pid; }
void SetParentProcessID(lldb::pid_t pid) { m_parent_pid = pid; }
bool ParentProcessIDIsValid() const {
return m_parent_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
void Dump(Stream &s, UserIDResolver &resolver) const;
static void DumpTableHeader(Stream &s, bool show_args, bool verbose);
void DumpAsTableRow(Stream &s, UserIDResolver &resolver, bool show_args,
bool verbose) const;
uint32_t m_euid = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t m_egid = UINT32_MAX;
lldb::pid_t m_parent_pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
typedef std::vector<ProcessInstanceInfo> ProcessInstanceInfoList;
// ProcessInstanceInfoMatch
// A class to help matching one ProcessInstanceInfo to another.
class ProcessInstanceInfoMatch {
ProcessInstanceInfoMatch() = default;
ProcessInstanceInfoMatch(const char *process_name,
NameMatch process_name_match_type)
: m_name_match_type(process_name_match_type), m_match_all_users(false) {
ProcessInstanceInfo &GetProcessInfo() { return m_match_info; }
const ProcessInstanceInfo &GetProcessInfo() const { return m_match_info; }
bool GetMatchAllUsers() const { return m_match_all_users; }
void SetMatchAllUsers(bool b) { m_match_all_users = b; }
NameMatch GetNameMatchType() const { return m_name_match_type; }
void SetNameMatchType(NameMatch name_match_type) {
m_name_match_type = name_match_type;
/// Return true iff the architecture in this object matches arch_spec.
bool ArchitectureMatches(const ArchSpec &arch_spec) const;
/// Return true iff the process name in this object matches process_name.
bool NameMatches(const char *process_name) const;
/// Return true iff the process ID and parent process IDs in this object match
/// the ones in proc_info.
bool ProcessIDsMatch(const ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info) const;
/// Return true iff the (both effective and real) user and group IDs in this
/// object match the ones in proc_info.
bool UserIDsMatch(const ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info) const;
bool Matches(const ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info) const;
bool MatchAllProcesses() const;
void Clear();
ProcessInstanceInfo m_match_info;
NameMatch m_name_match_type = NameMatch::Ignore;
bool m_match_all_users = false;
} // namespace lldb_private