blob: f15fd4ca3f1faad6b8a8fdf69f3f299f22a5aa91 [file] [log] [blame]
import os, json, struct, signal, uuid, tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict
import lldb
from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedProcess
from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedThread
from lldb.macosx.crashlog import CrashLog, CrashLogParser
class CrashLogScriptedProcess(ScriptedProcess):
def set_crashlog(self, crashlog):
self.crashlog = crashlog
if self.crashlog.process_id:
if type(self.crashlog.process_id) is int: = self.crashlog.process_id
elif type(self.crashlog.process_id) is str: = int(self.crashlog.process_id, 0)
else: = super().get_process_id()
self.addr_mask = self.crashlog.addr_mask
self.crashed_thread_idx = self.crashlog.crashed_thread_idx
self.loaded_images = []
self.exception = self.crashlog.exception
self.app_specific_thread = None
if hasattr(self.crashlog, "asi"):
self.metadata["asi"] = self.crashlog.asi
if hasattr(self.crashlog, "asb"):
self.extended_thread_info = self.crashlog.asb
if self.load_all_images:
for image in self.crashlog.images:
image.resolve = True
for thread in self.crashlog.threads:
if thread.did_crash():
for ident in thread.idents:
for image in self.crashlog.find_images_with_identifier(ident):
image.resolve = True
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as obj_dir:
for image in self.crashlog.images:
if image not in self.loaded_images:
if image.uuid == uuid.UUID(int=0):
err = image.add_module(, obj_dir)
if err:
# Append to SBCommandReturnObject
for thread in self.crashlog.threads:
if (
hasattr(thread, "app_specific_backtrace")
and thread.app_specific_backtrace
# We don't want to include the Application Specific Backtrace
# Thread into the Scripted Process' Thread list.
# Instead, we will try to extract the stackframe pcs from the
# backtrace and inject that as the extended thread info.
self.app_specific_thread = thread
self.threads[thread.index] = CrashLogScriptedThread(self, None, thread)
if self.app_specific_thread:
self.extended_thread_info = CrashLogScriptedThread.resolve_stackframes(
self.app_specific_thread, self.addr_mask,
def __init__(self, exe_ctx: lldb.SBExecutionContext, args: lldb.SBStructuredData):
super().__init__(exe_ctx, args)
if not or not
# Return error
self.crashlog_path = None
crashlog_path = args.GetValueForKey("file_path")
if crashlog_path and crashlog_path.IsValid():
if crashlog_path.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeString:
self.crashlog_path = crashlog_path.GetStringValue(4096)
if not self.crashlog_path:
# Return error
load_all_images = args.GetValueForKey("load_all_images")
if load_all_images and load_all_images.IsValid():
if load_all_images.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeBoolean:
self.load_all_images = load_all_images.GetBooleanValue()
if not self.load_all_images:
self.load_all_images = False = super().get_process_id()
self.crashed_thread_idx = 0
self.exception = None
self.extended_thread_info = None
def read_memory_at_address(
self, addr: int, size: int, error: lldb.SBError
) -> lldb.SBData:
# NOTE: CrashLogs don't contain any memory.
return lldb.SBData()
def get_loaded_images(self):
# TODO: Iterate over corefile_target modules and build a data structure
# from it.
return self.loaded_images
def should_stop(self) -> bool:
return True
def is_alive(self) -> bool:
return True
def get_scripted_thread_plugin(self):
return CrashLogScriptedThread.__module__ + "." + CrashLogScriptedThread.__name__
def get_process_metadata(self):
return self.metadata
class CrashLogScriptedThread(ScriptedThread):
def create_register_ctx(self):
if not self.has_crashed:
return dict.fromkeys(
[*map(lambda reg: reg["name"], self.register_info["registers"])], 0
if not self.backing_thread or not len(self.backing_thread.registers):
return dict.fromkeys(
[*map(lambda reg: reg["name"], self.register_info["registers"])], 0
for reg in self.register_info["registers"]:
reg_name = reg["name"]
if reg_name in self.backing_thread.registers:
self.register_ctx[reg_name] = self.backing_thread.registers[reg_name]
self.register_ctx[reg_name] = 0
return self.register_ctx
def resolve_stackframes(thread, addr_mask, target):
frames = []
for frame in thread.frames:
frame_pc = frame.pc & addr_mask
pc = frame_pc if frame.index == 0 or frame_pc == 0 else frame_pc - 1
sym_addr = lldb.SBAddress()
sym_addr.SetLoadAddress(pc, target)
if not sym_addr.IsValid():
frames.append({"idx": frame.index, "pc": pc})
return frames
def create_stackframes(self):
if not (self.scripted_process.load_all_images or self.has_crashed):
return None
if not self.backing_thread or not len(self.backing_thread.frames):
return None
self.frames = CrashLogScriptedThread.resolve_stackframes(
self.backing_thread, self.scripted_process.addr_mask,
return self.frames
def __init__(self, process, args, crashlog_thread):
super().__init__(process, args)
self.backing_thread = crashlog_thread
self.idx = self.backing_thread.index
self.tid =
if self.backing_thread.app_specific_backtrace: = "Application Specific Backtrace - " + str(self.idx)
else: =
self.queue = self.backing_thread.queue
self.has_crashed = self.scripted_process.crashed_thread_idx == self.idx
def get_state(self):
if not self.has_crashed:
return lldb.eStateStopped
return lldb.eStateCrashed
def get_stop_reason(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if not self.has_crashed:
return {"type": lldb.eStopReasonNone}
# TODO: Investigate what stop reason should be reported when crashed
stop_reason = {"type": lldb.eStopReasonException, "data": {}}
if self.scripted_process.exception:
stop_reason["data"]["mach_exception"] = self.scripted_process.exception
return stop_reason
def get_register_context(self) -> str:
if not self.register_ctx:
self.register_ctx = self.create_register_ctx()
return struct.pack(
"{}Q".format(len(self.register_ctx)), *self.register_ctx.values()
def get_extended_info(self):
if self.has_crashed:
self.extended_info = self.scripted_process.extended_thread_info
return self.extended_info