blob: 504ad2fb7938aff4510918f9eb35aa41e9feab5d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Formula.cpp ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Formula.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace clang::dataflow {
Formula &Formula::create(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, Kind K,
ArrayRef<const Formula *> Operands, unsigned Value) {
assert(Operands.size() == numOperands(K));
if (Value != 0) // Currently, formulas have values or operands, not both.
assert(numOperands(K) == 0);
void *Mem = Alloc.Allocate(sizeof(Formula) +
Operands.size() * sizeof(Operands.front()),
Formula *Result = new (Mem) Formula();
Result->FormulaKind = K;
Result->Value = Value;
// Operands are stored as `const Formula *`s after the formula itself.
// We don't need to construct an object as pointers are trivial types.
// Formula is alignas(const Formula *), so alignment is satisfied.
llvm::copy(Operands, reinterpret_cast<const Formula **>(Result + 1));
return *Result;
static llvm::StringLiteral sigil(Formula::Kind K) {
switch (K) {
case Formula::AtomRef:
return "";
case Formula::Not:
return "!";
case Formula::And:
return " & ";
case Formula::Or:
return " | ";
case Formula::Implies:
return " => ";
case Formula::Equal:
return " = ";
llvm_unreachable("unhandled formula kind");
void Formula::print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const AtomNames *Names) const {
if (Names && kind() == AtomRef)
if (auto It = Names->find(getAtom()); It != Names->end()) {
OS << It->second;
switch (numOperands(kind())) {
case 0:
OS << getAtom();
case 1:
OS << sigil(kind());
operands()[0]->print(OS, Names);
case 2:
OS << '(';
operands()[0]->print(OS, Names);
OS << sigil(kind());
operands()[1]->print(OS, Names);
OS << ')';
llvm_unreachable("unhandled formula arity");
} // namespace clang::dataflow