blob: 9e45b728ad4aab25db31837e6d38df6b53cda96f [file] [log] [blame]
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use gix_features::threading::OwnShared;
use gix_macros::momo;
use crate::{
bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice},
config::{CommitAutoRollback, Snapshot, SnapshotMut},
/// Access configuration values, frozen in time, using a `key` which is a `.` separated string of up to
/// three tokens, namely `section_name.[subsection_name.]value_name`, like `core.bare` or `remote.origin.url`.
/// Note that single-value methods always return the last value found, which is the one set most recently in the
/// hierarchy of configuration files, aka 'last one wins'.
impl<'repo> Snapshot<'repo> {
/// Return the boolean at `key`, or `None` if there is no such value or if the value can't be interpreted as
/// boolean.
/// For a non-degenerating version, use [`try_boolean(…)`][Self::try_boolean()].
/// Note that this method takes the most recent value at `key` even if it is from a file with reduced trust.
pub fn boolean<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<bool> {
/// Like [`boolean()`][Self::boolean()], but it will report an error if the value couldn't be interpreted as boolean.
pub fn try_boolean<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<Result<bool, gix_config::value::Error>> {
/// Return the resolved integer at `key`, or `None` if there is no such value or if the value can't be interpreted as
/// integer or exceeded the value range.
/// For a non-degenerating version, use [`try_integer(…)`][Self::try_integer()].
/// Note that this method takes the most recent value at `key` even if it is from a file with reduced trust.
pub fn integer<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<i64> {
/// Like [`integer()`][Self::integer()], but it will report an error if the value couldn't be interpreted as boolean.
pub fn try_integer<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>> {
/// Return the string at `key`, or `None` if there is no such value.
/// Note that this method takes the most recent value at `key` even if it is from a file with reduced trust.
pub fn string<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<Cow<'repo, BStr>> {
/// Return the trusted and fully interpolated path at `key`, or `None` if there is no such value
/// or if no value was found in a trusted file.
/// An error occurs if the path could not be interpolated to its final value.
pub fn trusted_path<'a>(
key: impl Into<&'a BStr>,
) -> Option<Result<Cow<'repo, std::path::Path>, gix_config::path::interpolate::Error>> {
let key = gix_config::parse::key(key.into())?;
.trusted_file_path(key.section_name, key.subsection_name, key.value_name)
/// Return the trusted string at `key` for launching using [command::prepare()](gix_command::prepare()),
/// or `None` if there is no such value or if no value was found in a trusted file.
pub fn trusted_program<'a>(&self, key: impl Into<&'a BStr>) -> Option<Cow<'repo, OsStr>> {
let value = self
.string_filter_by_key(key, &mut self.repo.config.filter_config_section.clone())?;
Some(match gix_path::from_bstr(value) {
Cow::Borrowed(v) => Cow::Borrowed(v.as_os_str()),
Cow::Owned(v) => Cow::Owned(v.into_os_string()),
/// Utilities and additional access
impl<'repo> Snapshot<'repo> {
/// Returns the underlying configuration implementation for a complete API, despite being a little less convenient.
/// It's expected that more functionality will move up depending on demand.
pub fn plumbing(&self) -> &gix_config::File<'static> {
/// Utilities
impl<'repo> SnapshotMut<'repo> {
/// Append configuration values of the form `core.abbrev=5` or `remote.origin.url = foo` or `core.bool-implicit-true`
/// to the end of the repository configuration, with each section marked with the given `source`.
/// Note that doing so applies the configuration at the very end, so it will always override what came before it
/// even though the `source` is of lower priority as what's there.
pub fn append_config(
&mut self,
values: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<BStr>>,
source: gix_config::Source,
) -> Result<&mut Self, crate::config::overrides::Error> {
crate::config::overrides::append(&mut self.config, values, source, |v| Some(format!("-c {v}").into()))?;
/// Apply all changes made to this instance.
/// Note that this would also happen once this instance is dropped, but using this method may be more intuitive and won't squelch errors
/// in case the new configuration is partially invalid.
pub fn commit(mut self) -> Result<&'repo mut crate::Repository, crate::config::Error> {
let repo = self.repo.take().expect("always present here");
/// Set the value at `key` to `new_value`, possibly creating the section if it doesn't exist yet, or overriding the most recent existing
/// value, which will be returned.
pub fn set_value<'b>(
&mut self,
key: &'static dyn crate::config::tree::Key,
new_value: impl Into<&'b BStr>,
) -> Result<Option<BString>, crate::config::set_value::Error> {
if let Some(crate::config::tree::SubSectionRequirement::Parameter(_)) = key.subsection_requirement() {
return Err(crate::config::set_value::Error::SubSectionRequired);
let value = new_value.into();
let section = key.section();
let current = match section.parent() {
Some(parent) => self
.set_raw_value(, Some(,, value)?,
None => self.config.set_raw_value(, None,, value)?,
/// Set the value at `key` to `new_value` in the given `subsection`, possibly creating the section and sub-section if it doesn't exist yet,
/// or overriding the most recent existing value, which will be returned.
pub fn set_subsection_value<'a, 'b>(
&mut self,
key: &'static dyn crate::config::tree::Key,
subsection: impl Into<&'a BStr>,
new_value: impl Into<&'b BStr>,
) -> Result<Option<BString>, crate::config::set_value::Error> {
if let Some(crate::config::tree::SubSectionRequirement::Never) = key.subsection_requirement() {
return Err(crate::config::set_value::Error::SubSectionForbidden);
let value = new_value.into();
let name = key
.expect("we know it needs a subsection");
let key = gix_config::parse::key((**name).as_bstr()).expect("statically known keys can always be parsed");
let current =
.set_raw_value(key.section_name, key.subsection_name, key.value_name.to_owned(), value)?;
pub(crate) fn commit_inner(
&mut self,
repo: &'repo mut crate::Repository,
) -> Result<&'repo mut crate::Repository, crate::config::Error> {
repo.reread_values_and_clear_caches_replacing_config(std::mem::take(&mut self.config).into())?;
/// Create a structure the temporarily commits the changes, but rolls them back when dropped.
pub fn commit_auto_rollback(mut self) -> Result<CommitAutoRollback<'repo>, crate::config::Error> {
let repo = self.repo.take().expect("this only runs once on consumption");
let prev_config = OwnShared::clone(&repo.config.resolved);
Ok(CommitAutoRollback {
repo: self.commit_inner(repo)?.into(),
/// Don't apply any of the changes after consuming this instance, effectively forgetting them, returning the changed configuration.
pub fn forget(mut self) -> gix_config::File<'static> {
std::mem::take(&mut self.config)
/// Utilities
impl<'repo> CommitAutoRollback<'repo> {
/// Rollback the changes previously applied and all values before the change.
pub fn rollback(mut self) -> Result<&'repo mut crate::Repository, crate::config::Error> {
let repo = self.repo.take().expect("still present, consumed only once");
pub(crate) fn rollback_inner(
&mut self,
repo: &'repo mut crate::Repository,
) -> Result<&'repo mut crate::Repository, crate::config::Error> {