blob: c069ae7da021232d8ab79ec6e543440857152d89 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::Cell;
pub(crate) struct NonZero<T>(pub(crate) T);
fn main() {}
const fn foo() -> NonZero<Cell<u32>> {
let mut x = unsafe { NonZero(Cell::new(1)) };
let y = &x.0; //~ ERROR the borrowed element may contain interior mutability
//~^ ERROR borrow of layout constrained field with interior mutability
unsafe { NonZero(Cell::new(1)) }
const fn bar() -> NonZero<Cell<u32>> {
let mut x = unsafe { NonZero(Cell::new(1)) };
let y = unsafe { &x.0 }; //~ ERROR the borrowed element may contain interior mutability
unsafe { NonZero(Cell::new(1)) }