blob: 9ceef0139f05f50f5f5e44d5d25efc1e3a2aa074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for issue #76202
// Tests that we don't ICE when we have a trait impl on a TAIT.
//@ revisions: current next
//@ ignore-compare-mode-next-solver (explicit revisions)
//@[next] compile-flags: -Znext-solver
//@ check-pass
trait Test {
fn test(self);
impl Test for define::F {
fn test(self) {}
// Ok because `i32` does not implement `Dummy`,
// so it can't possibly be the hidden type of `F`.
impl Test for i32 {
fn test(self) {}
mod define {
use super::*;
pub trait Dummy {}
impl Dummy for () {}
pub type F = impl Dummy;
pub fn f() -> F {}
fn main() {
let x = define::f();