blob: 1903f87f35a990dd503b80e08a4d071ae1e169d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ check-pass
//@ compile-flags: -Znext-solver
// check that a goal such as `alias-eq(<T as TraitB>::Assoc<bool>, <T as TraitB>::Assoc<?0>)`
// succeeds with a constraint that `?0 = bool`
// FIXME(deferred_projection_equality): add a test that this is true during coherence
trait TraitA {}
trait TraitB {
type Assoc<T: ?Sized>;
impl<T: TraitB> TraitA for (T, T::Assoc<bool>) {}
impl TraitB for i32 {
type Assoc<T: ?Sized> = u32;
fn needs_a<T: TraitA>() {}
fn bar<T: TraitB>() {
needs_a::<(T, <T as TraitB>::Assoc<_>)>();
fn main() {