blob: 717da41f8713dcda732491f1ece5f9a984f3fae2 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
trait Tr1 { type As1: Copy; }
trait Tr2 { type As2: Copy; }
struct S1;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct S2;
impl Tr1 for S1 { type As1 = S2; }
trait _Tr3 {
type A: Iterator<Item: Copy>;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
type B: Iterator<Item: 'static>;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
struct _St1<T: Tr1<As1: Tr2>> {
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
outest: T,
outer: T::As1,
inner: <T::As1 as Tr2>::As2,
enum _En1<T: Tr1<As1: Tr2>> {
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
Inner(<T::As1 as Tr2>::As2),
union _Un1<T: Tr1<As1: Tr2>> {
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
outest: ManuallyDrop<T>,
outer: ManuallyDrop<T::As1>,
inner: ManuallyDrop<<T::As1 as Tr2>::As2>,
type _TaWhere1<T> where T: Iterator<Item: Copy> = T;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
fn _apit(_: impl Tr1<As1: Copy>) {}
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
fn _rpit() -> impl Tr1<As1: Copy> { S1 }
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
const _cdef: impl Tr1<As1: Copy> = S1;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` is not allowed in const types
static _sdef: impl Tr1<As1: Copy> = S1;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` is not allowed in static types
fn main() {
let _: impl Tr1<As1: Copy> = S1;
//~^ ERROR associated type bounds are unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` is not allowed in the type of variable bindings