blob: 97294afd3df9eae2b585900a8f7800ef496c1d4a [file] [log] [blame]
warning: creating a mutable reference to mutable static is discouraged
--> $DIR/
LL | unsafe { &mut GLOBAL_MUT_T }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable reference to mutable static
= note: for more information, see issue #114447 <>
= note: this will be a hard error in the 2024 edition
= note: this mutable reference has lifetime `'static`, but if the static gets accessed (read or written) by any other means, or any other reference is created, then any further use of this mutable reference is Undefined Behavior
= note: `#[warn(static_mut_refs)]` on by default
help: use `addr_of_mut!` instead to create a raw pointer
LL | unsafe { addr_of_mut!(GLOBAL_MUT_T) }
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error[E0507]: cannot move out of a mutable reference
--> $DIR/
LL | let a = unsafe { *mut_ref() };
| ^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because value has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider removing the dereference here
LL - let a = unsafe { *mut_ref() };
LL + let a = unsafe { mut_ref() };
error[E0507]: cannot move out of a shared reference
--> $DIR/
LL | let b = unsafe { *imm_ref() };
| ^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because value has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider removing the dereference here
LL - let b = unsafe { *imm_ref() };
LL + let b = unsafe { imm_ref() };
error[E0507]: cannot move out of a raw pointer
--> $DIR/
LL | let c = unsafe { *mut_ptr() };
| ^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because value has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider removing the dereference here
LL - let c = unsafe { *mut_ptr() };
LL + let c = unsafe { mut_ptr() };
error[E0507]: cannot move out of a raw pointer
--> $DIR/
LL | let d = unsafe { *const_ptr() };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because value has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider removing the dereference here
LL - let d = unsafe { *const_ptr() };
LL + let d = unsafe { const_ptr() };
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors; 1 warning emitted
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0507`.