blob: 244acd8f2be5ec4b3a89bce6f0ae9d92266088fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Doesn't need an aliasing model.
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-disable-stacked-borrows
use std::intrinsics::mir::*;
use std::panic;
struct S(i32, [u8; 128]);
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
fn docall(out: &mut S) {
mir! {
Call(*out = callee(), ReturnTo(after_call), UnwindContinue())
after_call = {
fn startpanic() -> () {
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
fn callee() -> S {
mir! {
type RET = S;
let _unit: ();
// We test whether changes done to RET before unwinding
// become visible to the outside. In codegen we can see them
// but Miri should detect this as UB!
RET.0 = 42;
Call(_unit = startpanic(), ReturnTo(after_call), UnwindContinue())
after_call = {
fn main() {
let mut x = S(0, [0; 128]);
panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| docall(&mut x))).unwrap_err();
// The return place got de-initialized before the call and assigning to RET
// does not propagate if we do not reach the `Return`.
dbg!(x.0); //~ERROR: uninitialized