blob: 98495f25bc66292d54e850cdbacfff09681b474c [file] [log] [blame]
//! rustbuild, the Rust build system
//! This is the entry point for the build system used to compile the `rustc`
//! compiler. Lots of documentation can be found in the `` file in the
//! parent directory, and otherwise documentation can be found throughout the `build`
//! directory in each respective module.
use std::io::Write;
use std::process;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{
fs::{self, OpenOptions},
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, IsTerminal},
use bootstrap::{
find_recent_config_change_ids, t, Build, Config, Subcommand, CONFIG_CHANGE_HISTORY,
fn main() {
let args = env::args().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let config = Config::parse(&args);
let mut build_lock;
let _build_lock_guard;
if !config.bypass_bootstrap_lock {
// Display PID of process holding the lock
// PID will be stored in a lock file
let lock_path = config.out.join("lock");
let pid = match fs::read_to_string(&lock_path) {
Ok(contents) => contents,
Err(_) => String::new(),
build_lock = fd_lock::RwLock::new(t!(fs::OpenOptions::new()
_build_lock_guard = match build_lock.try_write() {
Ok(mut lock) => {
err => {
println!("WARNING: build directory locked by process {pid}, waiting for lock");
let mut lock = t!(build_lock.write());
// check_version warnings are not printed during setup
let changelog_suggestion =
if matches!(config.cmd, Subcommand::Setup { .. }) { None } else { check_version(&config) };
// NOTE: Since `./configure` generates a `config.toml`, distro maintainers will see the
// changelog warning, not the ` setup` message.
let suggest_setup = config.config.is_none() && !matches!(config.cmd, Subcommand::Setup { .. });
if suggest_setup {
println!("WARNING: you have not made a `config.toml`");
"HELP: consider running `./ setup` or copying `config.example.toml` by running \
`cp config.example.toml config.toml`"
} else if let Some(suggestion) = &changelog_suggestion {
let pre_commit = config.src.join(".git").join("hooks").join("pre-commit");
let dump_bootstrap_shims = config.dump_bootstrap_shims;
let out_dir = config.out.clone();
if suggest_setup {
println!("WARNING: you have not made a `config.toml`");
"HELP: consider running `./ setup` or copying `config.example.toml` by running \
`cp config.example.toml config.toml`"
} else if let Some(suggestion) = &changelog_suggestion {
// Give a warning if the pre-commit script is in pre-commit and not pre-push.
// HACK: Since the commit script uses hard links, we can't actually tell if it was installed by setup or not.
// We could see if it's identical to src/etc/, but pre-push may have been modified in the meantime.
// Instead, look for this comment, which is almost certainly not in any custom hook.
if fs::read_to_string(pre_commit).map_or(false, |contents| {
}) {
"WARNING: You have the pre-push script installed to .git/hooks/pre-commit. \
Consider moving it to .git/hooks/pre-push instead, which runs less often."
if suggest_setup || changelog_suggestion.is_some() {
println!("NOTE: this message was printed twice to make it more likely to be seen");
if dump_bootstrap_shims {
let dump_dir = out_dir.join("bootstrap-shims-dump");
for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(&dump_dir) {
let entry = t!(entry);
if !entry.file_type().is_file() {
let file = t!(fs::File::open(entry.path()));
// To ensure deterministic results we must sort the dump lines.
// This is necessary because the order of rustc invocations different
// almost all the time.
let mut lines: Vec<String> = t!(BufReader::new(&file).lines().collect());
lines.sort_by_key(|t| t.to_lowercase());
let mut file = t!(OpenOptions::new().write(true).truncate(true).open(entry.path()));
fn check_version(config: &Config) -> Option<String> {
let mut msg = String::new();
if config.changelog_seen.is_some() {
msg.push_str("WARNING: The use of `changelog-seen` is deprecated. Please refer to `change-id` option in `config.example.toml` instead.\n");
let latest_change_id = CONFIG_CHANGE_HISTORY.last().unwrap().change_id;
let warned_id_path = config.out.join("bootstrap").join(".last-warned-change-id");
if let Some(mut id) = config.change_id {
if id == latest_change_id {
return None;
// Always try to use `change-id` from .last-warned-change-id first. If it doesn't exist,
// then use the one from the config.toml. This way we never show the same warnings
// more than once.
if let Ok(t) = fs::read_to_string(&warned_id_path) {
let last_warned_id =
usize::from_str(&t).expect(&format!("{} is corrupted.", warned_id_path.display()));
// We only use the last_warned_id if it exists in `CONFIG_CHANGE_HISTORY`.
// Otherwise, we may retrieve all the changes if it's not the highest value.
// For better understanding, refer to `change_tracker::find_recent_config_change_ids`.
if CONFIG_CHANGE_HISTORY.iter().any(|config| config.change_id == last_warned_id) {
id = last_warned_id;
let changes = find_recent_config_change_ids(id);
if changes.is_empty() {
return None;
msg.push_str("There have been changes to since you last updated:\n");
for change in changes {
msg.push_str(&format!(" [{}] {}\n", change.severity, change.summary));
" - PR Link{}\n",
msg.push_str("NOTE: to silence this warning, ");
"update `config.toml` to use `change-id = {latest_change_id}` instead"
if io::stdout().is_terminal() && !config.dry_run() {
t!(fs::write(warned_id_path, latest_change_id.to_string()));
} else {
msg.push_str("WARNING: The `change-id` is missing in the `config.toml`. This means that you will not be able to track the major changes made to the bootstrap configurations.\n");
msg.push_str("NOTE: to silence this warning, ");
msg.push_str(&format!("add `change-id = {latest_change_id}` at the top of `config.toml`"));