blob: 18a69afa7d91baf5dd839fd7af50de2558d7e6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
use r_efi::protocols::loaded_image;
use super::helpers;
use crate::env::current_exe;
use crate::ffi::OsString;
use crate::fmt;
use crate::iter::Iterator;
use crate::mem::size_of;
use crate::vec;
pub struct Args {
parsed_args_list: vec::IntoIter<OsString>,
pub fn args() -> Args {
let lazy_current_exe = || Vec::from([current_exe().map(Into::into).unwrap_or_default()]);
// Each loaded image has an image handle that supports `EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL`. Thus, this
// will never fail.
let protocol =
let lp_size = unsafe { (*protocol.as_ptr()).load_options_size } as usize;
// Break if we are sure that it cannot be UTF-16
if lp_size < size_of::<u16>() || lp_size % size_of::<u16>() != 0 {
return Args { parsed_args_list: lazy_current_exe().into_iter() };
let lp_size = lp_size / size_of::<u16>();
let lp_cmd_line = unsafe { (*protocol.as_ptr()).load_options as *const u16 };
if !lp_cmd_line.is_aligned() {
return Args { parsed_args_list: lazy_current_exe().into_iter() };
let lp_cmd_line = unsafe { crate::slice::from_raw_parts(lp_cmd_line, lp_size) };
Args {
parsed_args_list: parse_lp_cmd_line(lp_cmd_line)
impl fmt::Debug for Args {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl Iterator for Args {
type Item = OsString;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<OsString> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl ExactSizeIterator for Args {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl DoubleEndedIterator for Args {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<OsString> {
/// Implements the UEFI command-line argument parsing algorithm.
/// This implementation is based on what is defined in Section 3.4 of
/// [UEFI Shell Specification](
/// Return None in the following cases:
/// - Invalid UTF-16 (unpaired surrogate)
/// - Empty/improper arguments
fn parse_lp_cmd_line(code_units: &[u16]) -> Option<Vec<OsString>> {
const QUOTE: char = '"';
const SPACE: char = ' ';
const CARET: char = '^';
const NULL: char = '\0';
let mut ret_val = Vec::new();
let mut code_units_iter = char::decode_utf16(code_units.iter().cloned()).peekable();
// The executable name at the beginning is special.
let mut in_quotes = false;
let mut cur = String::new();
while let Some(w) = {
let w = w.ok()?;
match w {
// break on NULL
NULL => break,
// A quote mark always toggles `in_quotes` no matter what because
// there are no escape characters when parsing the executable name.
QUOTE => in_quotes = !in_quotes,
// If not `in_quotes` then whitespace ends argv[0].
SPACE if !in_quotes => break,
// In all other cases the code unit is taken literally.
_ => cur.push(w),
// If exe name is missing, the cli args are invalid
if cur.is_empty() {
return None;
// Skip whitespace.
while code_units_iter.next_if_eq(&Ok(SPACE)).is_some() {}
// Parse the arguments according to these rules:
// * All code units are taken literally except space, quote and caret.
// * When not `in_quotes`, space separate arguments. Consecutive spaces are
// treated as a single separator.
// * A space `in_quotes` is taken literally.
// * A quote toggles `in_quotes` mode unless it's escaped. An escaped quote is taken literally.
// * A quote can be escaped if preceded by caret.
// * A caret can be escaped if preceded by caret.
let mut cur = String::new();
let mut in_quotes = false;
while let Some(w) = {
let w = w.ok()?;
match w {
// break on NULL
NULL => break,
// If not `in_quotes`, a space or tab ends the argument.
SPACE if !in_quotes => {
// Skip whitespace.
while code_units_iter.next_if_eq(&Ok(SPACE)).is_some() {}
// Caret can escape quotes or carets
CARET if in_quotes => {
if let Some(x) = {
// If quote then flip `in_quotes`
QUOTE => in_quotes = !in_quotes,
// Everything else is always taken literally.
_ => cur.push(w),
// Push the final argument, if any.
if !cur.is_empty() || in_quotes {