blob: 910935541bd33abbd523faf46b863afba3899bab [file] [log] [blame]
//! System bindings for HermitCore
//! This module contains the facade (aka platform-specific) implementations of
//! OS level functionality for HermitCore.
//! This is all super highly experimental and not actually intended for
//! wide/production use yet, it's still all in the experimental category. This
//! will likely change over time.
//! Currently all functions here are basically stubs that immediately return
//! errors. The hope is that with a portability lint we can turn actually just
//! remove all this and just omit parts of the standard library if we're
//! compiling for wasm. That way it's a compile time error for something that's
//! guaranteed to be a runtime error!
#![allow(missing_docs, nonstandard_style, unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]
use crate::os::raw::c_char;
pub mod alloc;
pub mod args;
pub mod env;
pub mod fd;
pub mod fs;
pub mod futex;
#[path = "../unsupported/"]
pub mod io;
pub mod net;
pub mod os;
#[path = "../unsupported/"]
pub mod pipe;
#[path = "../unsupported/"]
pub mod process;
pub mod stdio;
pub mod thread;
pub mod thread_local_dtor;
#[path = "../unsupported/"]
pub mod thread_local_key;
pub mod time;
use crate::io::ErrorKind;
use crate::os::hermit::abi;
pub fn unsupported<T>() -> crate::io::Result<T> {
pub fn unsupported_err() -> crate::io::Error {
"operation not supported on HermitCore yet",
pub fn abort_internal() -> ! {
unsafe {
pub fn hashmap_random_keys() -> (u64, u64) {
let mut buf = [0; 16];
let mut slice = &mut buf[..];
while !slice.is_empty() {
let res = cvt(unsafe { abi::read_entropy(slice.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len(), 0) })
.expect("failed to generate random hashmap keys");
slice = &mut slice[res as usize..];
let key1 = buf[..8].try_into().unwrap();
let key2 = buf[8..].try_into().unwrap();
(u64::from_ne_bytes(key1), u64::from_ne_bytes(key2))
// This function is needed by the panic runtime. The symbol is named in
// pre-link args for the target specification, so keep that in sync.
// NB. used by both libunwind and libpanic_abort
pub extern "C" fn __rust_abort() {
// SAFETY: must be called only once during runtime initialization.
// NOTE: this is not guaranteed to run, for example when Rust code is called externally.
pub unsafe fn init(argc: isize, argv: *const *const u8, _sigpipe: u8) {
args::init(argc, argv);
// SAFETY: must be called only once during runtime cleanup.
// NOTE: this is not guaranteed to run, for example when the program aborts.
pub unsafe fn cleanup() {}
pub unsafe extern "C" fn runtime_entry(
argc: i32,
argv: *const *const c_char,
env: *const *const c_char,
) -> ! {
use thread_local_dtor::run_dtors;
extern "C" {
fn main(argc: isize, argv: *const *const c_char) -> i32;
// initialize environment
os::init_environment(env as *const *const i8);
let result = main(argc as isize, argv);
pub(crate) fn is_interrupted(errno: i32) -> bool {
errno == abi::errno::EINTR
pub fn decode_error_kind(errno: i32) -> ErrorKind {
match errno {
abi::errno::EACCES => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
abi::errno::EADDRINUSE => ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
abi::errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL => ErrorKind::AddrNotAvailable,
abi::errno::EAGAIN => ErrorKind::WouldBlock,
abi::errno::ECONNABORTED => ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted,
abi::errno::ECONNREFUSED => ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused,
abi::errno::ECONNRESET => ErrorKind::ConnectionReset,
abi::errno::EEXIST => ErrorKind::AlreadyExists,
abi::errno::EINTR => ErrorKind::Interrupted,
abi::errno::EINVAL => ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
abi::errno::ENOENT => ErrorKind::NotFound,
abi::errno::ENOTCONN => ErrorKind::NotConnected,
abi::errno::EPERM => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
abi::errno::EPIPE => ErrorKind::BrokenPipe,
abi::errno::ETIMEDOUT => ErrorKind::TimedOut,
_ => ErrorKind::Uncategorized,
pub trait IsNegative {
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool;
fn negate(&self) -> i32;
macro_rules! impl_is_negative {
($($t:ident)*) => ($(impl IsNegative for $t {
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
*self < 0
fn negate(&self) -> i32 {
impl IsNegative for i32 {
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
*self < 0
fn negate(&self) -> i32 {
impl_is_negative! { i8 i16 i64 isize }
pub fn cvt<T: IsNegative>(t: T) -> crate::io::Result<T> {
if t.is_negative() {
let e = decode_error_kind(t.negate());
} else {
pub fn cvt_r<T, F>(mut f: F) -> crate::io::Result<T>
T: IsNegative,
F: FnMut() -> T,
loop {
match cvt(f()) {
Err(ref e) if e.is_interrupted() => {}
other => return other,