blob: afa92ba99c61f7628cb54ce686d8cae05db42a4b [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::spec::base::apple::{ios_sim_llvm_target, opts, Arch};
use crate::spec::{Target, TargetOptions};
pub fn target() -> Target {
// i386-apple-ios is a simulator target, even though it isn't declared
// that way in the target name like the other ones...
let arch = Arch::I386_sim;
Target {
// Clang automatically chooses a more specific target based on
// This is required for the target to pick the right
// MACH-O commands, so we do too.
llvm_target: ios_sim_llvm_target(arch).into(),
metadata: crate::spec::TargetMetadata {
description: None,
tier: None,
host_tools: None,
std: None,
pointer_width: 32,
data_layout: "e-m:o-p:32:32-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-\
arch: arch.target_arch(),
options: TargetOptions { max_atomic_width: Some(64), ..opts("ios", arch) },