blob: 28b7db275a3074dc7927b45d6faf506251982eeb [file] [log] [blame]
//! There are four type combiners: [TypeRelating], [Lub], and [Glb],
//! and `NllTypeRelating` in rustc_borrowck, which is only used for NLL.
//! Each implements the trait [TypeRelation] and contains methods for
//! combining two instances of various things and yielding a new instance.
//! These combiner methods always yield a `Result<T>`. To relate two
//! types, you can use `, param_env)` which then allows
//! you to use the relevant methods of [At](crate::infer::at::At).
//! Combiners mostly do their specific behavior and then hand off the
//! bulk of the work to [InferCtxt::super_combine_tys] and
//! [InferCtxt::super_combine_consts].
//! Combining two types may have side-effects on the inference contexts
//! which can be undone by using snapshots. You probably want to use
//! either [InferCtxt::commit_if_ok] or [InferCtxt::probe].
//! On success, the LUB/GLB operations return the appropriate bound. The
//! return value of `Equate` or `Sub` shouldn't really be used.
use super::glb::Glb;
use super::lub::Lub;
use super::type_relating::TypeRelating;
use super::StructurallyRelateAliases;
use crate::infer::{DefineOpaqueTypes, InferCtxt, TypeTrace};
use crate::traits::{Obligation, PredicateObligations};
use rustc_middle::infer::canonical::OriginalQueryValues;
use rustc_middle::infer::unify_key::EffectVarValue;
use rustc_middle::ty::error::{ExpectedFound, TypeError};
use rustc_middle::ty::relate::{RelateResult, TypeRelation};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, InferConst, ToPredicate, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
use rustc_middle::ty::{IntType, UintType};
use rustc_span::Span;
pub struct CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub infcx: &'infcx InferCtxt<'tcx>,
pub trace: TypeTrace<'tcx>,
pub param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
pub obligations: PredicateObligations<'tcx>,
pub define_opaque_types: DefineOpaqueTypes,
impl<'tcx> InferCtxt<'tcx> {
pub fn super_combine_tys<R>(
relation: &mut R,
a: Ty<'tcx>,
b: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
R: ObligationEmittingRelation<'tcx>,
match (a.kind(), b.kind()) {
// Relate integral variables to other types
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(a_id)), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(b_id))) => {
.unify_var_var(a_id, b_id)
.map_err(|e| int_unification_error(true, e))?;
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id)), &ty::Int(v)) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(true, v_id, IntType(v))
(&ty::Int(v), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(false, v_id, IntType(v))
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id)), &ty::Uint(v)) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(true, v_id, UintType(v))
(&ty::Uint(v), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(false, v_id, UintType(v))
// Relate floating-point variables to other types
(&ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(a_id)), &ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(b_id))) => {
.unify_var_var(a_id, b_id)
.map_err(|e| float_unification_error(true, e))?;
(&ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(v_id)), &ty::Float(v)) => {
self.unify_float_variable(true, v_id, v)
(&ty::Float(v), &ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_float_variable(false, v_id, v)
// We don't expect `TyVar` or `Fresh*` vars at this point with lazy norm.
(ty::Alias(..), ty::Infer(ty::TyVar(_))) | (ty::Infer(ty::TyVar(_)), ty::Alias(..))
if self.next_trait_solver() =>
"We do not expect to encounter `TyVar` this late in combine \
-- they should have been handled earlier"
(_, ty::Infer(ty::FreshTy(_) | ty::FreshIntTy(_) | ty::FreshFloatTy(_)))
| (ty::Infer(ty::FreshTy(_) | ty::FreshIntTy(_) | ty::FreshFloatTy(_)), _)
if self.next_trait_solver() =>
bug!("We do not expect to encounter `Fresh` variables in the new solver")
(_, ty::Alias(..)) | (ty::Alias(..), _) if self.next_trait_solver() => {
match relation.structurally_relate_aliases() {
StructurallyRelateAliases::Yes => {
ty::relate::structurally_relate_tys(relation, a, b)
StructurallyRelateAliases::No => {
relation.register_type_relate_obligation(a, b);
// All other cases of inference are errors
(&ty::Infer(_), _) | (_, &ty::Infer(_)) => {
Err(TypeError::Sorts(ty::relate::expected_found(a, b)))
// During coherence, opaque types should be treated as *possibly*
// equal to any other type (except for possibly itself). This is an
// extremely heavy hammer, but can be relaxed in a fowards-compatible
// way later.
(&ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, _), _) | (_, &ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, _)) if self.intercrate => {
_ => ty::relate::structurally_relate_tys(relation, a, b),
pub fn super_combine_consts<R>(
relation: &mut R,
a: ty::Const<'tcx>,
b: ty::Const<'tcx>,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Const<'tcx>>
R: ObligationEmittingRelation<'tcx>,
debug!("{}.consts({:?}, {:?})", relation.tag(), a, b);
if a == b {
return Ok(a);
let a = self.shallow_resolve(a);
let b = self.shallow_resolve(b);
// We should never have to relate the `ty` field on `Const` as it is checked elsewhere that consts have the
// correct type for the generic param they are an argument for. However there have been a number of cases
// historically where asserting that the types are equal has found bugs in the compiler so this is valuable
// to check even if it is a bit nasty impl wise :(
// This probe is probably not strictly necessary but it seems better to be safe and not accidentally find
// ourselves with a check to find bugs being required for code to compile because it made inference progress.
self.probe(|_| {
if a.ty() == b.ty() {
// We don't have access to trait solving machinery in `rustc_infer` so the logic for determining if the
// two const param's types are able to be equal has to go through a canonical query with the actual logic
// in `rustc_trait_selection`.
let canonical = self.canonicalize_query(
relation.param_env().and((a.ty(), b.ty())),
&mut OriginalQueryValues::default(),
self.tcx.check_tys_might_be_eq(canonical).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
// The error will only be reported later. If we emit an ErrorGuaranteed
// here, then we will never get to the code that actually emits the error.
"cannot relate consts of different types (a={a:?}, b={b:?})",
// We treat these constants as if they were of the same type, so that any
// such constants being used in impls make these impls match barring other mismatches.
// This helps with diagnostics down the road.
match (a.kind(), b.kind()) {
) => {
self.inner.borrow_mut().const_unification_table().union(a_vid, b_vid);
) => {
self.inner.borrow_mut().effect_unification_table().union(a_vid, b_vid);
// All other cases of inference with other variables are errors.
ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::Var(_) | InferConst::EffectVar(_)),
| (
ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::Var(_) | InferConst::EffectVar(_)),
) => {
"tried to combine ConstKind::Infer/ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::Var): {a:?} and {b:?}"
(ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::Var(vid)), _) => {
self.instantiate_const_var(relation, true, vid, b)?;
(_, ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::Var(vid))) => {
self.instantiate_const_var(relation, false, vid, a)?;
(ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::EffectVar(vid)), _) => {
Ok(self.unify_effect_variable(vid, b))
(_, ty::ConstKind::Infer(InferConst::EffectVar(vid))) => {
Ok(self.unify_effect_variable(vid, a))
(ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(..), _) | (_, ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(..))
if self.tcx.features().generic_const_exprs || self.next_trait_solver() =>
match relation.structurally_relate_aliases() {
StructurallyRelateAliases::No => {
relation.register_predicates([if self.next_trait_solver() {
} else {
ty::PredicateKind::ConstEquate(a, b)
StructurallyRelateAliases::Yes => {
ty::relate::structurally_relate_consts(relation, a, b)
_ => ty::relate::structurally_relate_consts(relation, a, b),
fn unify_integral_variable(
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::IntVid,
val: ty::IntVarValue,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> {
.unify_var_value(vid, Some(val))
.map_err(|e| int_unification_error(vid_is_expected, e))?;
match val {
IntType(v) => Ok(Ty::new_int(self.tcx, v)),
UintType(v) => Ok(Ty::new_uint(self.tcx, v)),
fn unify_float_variable(
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::FloatVid,
val: ty::FloatTy,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> {
.unify_var_value(vid, Some(ty::FloatVarValue(val)))
.map_err(|e| float_unification_error(vid_is_expected, e))?;
Ok(Ty::new_float(self.tcx, val))
fn unify_effect_variable(&self, vid: ty::EffectVid, val: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
.union_value(vid, EffectVarValue::Known(val));
impl<'infcx, 'tcx> CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
pub fn equate<'a>(
&'a mut self,
structurally_relate_aliases: StructurallyRelateAliases,
) -> TypeRelating<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
TypeRelating::new(self, structurally_relate_aliases, ty::Invariant)
pub fn sub<'a>(&'a mut self) -> TypeRelating<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
TypeRelating::new(self, StructurallyRelateAliases::No, ty::Covariant)
pub fn sup<'a>(&'a mut self) -> TypeRelating<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
TypeRelating::new(self, StructurallyRelateAliases::No, ty::Contravariant)
pub fn lub<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Lub<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn glb<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Glb<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn register_obligations(&mut self, obligations: PredicateObligations<'tcx>) {
pub fn register_predicates(&mut self, obligations: impl IntoIterator<Item: ToPredicate<'tcx>>) {
self.obligations.extend(obligations.into_iter().map(|to_pred| {
Obligation::new(self.infcx.tcx, self.trace.cause.clone(), self.param_env, to_pred)
pub trait ObligationEmittingRelation<'tcx>: TypeRelation<'tcx> {
fn span(&self) -> Span;
fn param_env(&self) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>;
/// Whether aliases should be related structurally. This is pretty much
/// always `No` unless you're equating in some specific locations of the
/// new solver. See the comments in these use-cases for more details.
fn structurally_relate_aliases(&self) -> StructurallyRelateAliases;
/// Register obligations that must hold in order for this relation to hold
fn register_obligations(&mut self, obligations: PredicateObligations<'tcx>);
/// Register predicates that must hold in order for this relation to hold. Uses
/// a default obligation cause, [`ObligationEmittingRelation::register_obligations`] should
/// be used if control over the obligation causes is required.
fn register_predicates(&mut self, obligations: impl IntoIterator<Item: ToPredicate<'tcx>>);
/// Register `AliasRelate` obligation(s) that both types must be related to each other.
fn register_type_relate_obligation(&mut self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>);
fn int_unification_error<'tcx>(
a_is_expected: bool,
v: (ty::IntVarValue, ty::IntVarValue),
) -> TypeError<'tcx> {
let (a, b) = v;
TypeError::IntMismatch(ExpectedFound::new(a_is_expected, a, b))
fn float_unification_error<'tcx>(
a_is_expected: bool,
v: (ty::FloatVarValue, ty::FloatVarValue),
) -> TypeError<'tcx> {
let (ty::FloatVarValue(a), ty::FloatVarValue(b)) = v;
TypeError::FloatMismatch(ExpectedFound::new(a_is_expected, a, b))