blob: a3cf0d8e5208acba74830bc03fa9a41a823bbb59 [file] [log] [blame]
use hir::GenericParamKind;
use rustc_errors::{
codes::*, Applicability, Diag, DiagMessage, DiagStyledString, EmissionGuarantee, IntoDiagArg,
MultiSpan, SubdiagMessageOp, Subdiagnostic,
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::FnRetTy;
use rustc_macros::{Diagnostic, Subdiagnostic};
use rustc_middle::ty::print::TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Binder, FnSig, Region, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::kw;
use rustc_span::Symbol;
use rustc_span::{symbol::Ident, BytePos, Span};
use crate::fluent_generated as fluent;
use crate::infer::error_reporting::{
need_type_info::UnderspecifiedArgKind, nice_region_error::placeholder_error::Highlighted,
pub mod note_and_explain;
pub struct OpaqueHiddenTypeDiag {
pub span: Span,
pub opaque_type: Span,
pub hidden_type: Span,
#[diag(infer_type_annotations_needed, code = E0282)]
pub struct AnnotationRequired<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub source_kind: &'static str,
pub source_name: &'a str,
pub failure_span: Option<Span>,
pub bad_label: Option<InferenceBadError<'a>>,
pub infer_subdiags: Vec<SourceKindSubdiag<'a>>,
pub multi_suggestions: Vec<SourceKindMultiSuggestion<'a>>,
// Copy of `AnnotationRequired` for E0283
#[diag(infer_type_annotations_needed, code = E0283)]
pub struct AmbiguousImpl<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub source_kind: &'static str,
pub source_name: &'a str,
pub failure_span: Option<Span>,
pub bad_label: Option<InferenceBadError<'a>>,
pub infer_subdiags: Vec<SourceKindSubdiag<'a>>,
pub multi_suggestions: Vec<SourceKindMultiSuggestion<'a>>,
// Copy of `AnnotationRequired` for E0284
#[diag(infer_type_annotations_needed, code = E0284)]
pub struct AmbiguousReturn<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub source_kind: &'static str,
pub source_name: &'a str,
pub failure_span: Option<Span>,
pub bad_label: Option<InferenceBadError<'a>>,
pub infer_subdiags: Vec<SourceKindSubdiag<'a>>,
pub multi_suggestions: Vec<SourceKindMultiSuggestion<'a>>,
// Used when a better one isn't available
pub struct InferenceBadError<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub bad_kind: &'static str,
pub prefix_kind: UnderspecifiedArgKind,
pub has_parent: bool,
pub prefix: &'a str,
pub parent_prefix: &'a str,
pub parent_name: String,
pub name: String,
pub enum SourceKindSubdiag<'a> {
style = "verbose",
code = ": {type_name}",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
LetLike {
span: Span,
name: String,
type_name: String,
kind: &'static str,
x_kind: &'static str,
prefix_kind: UnderspecifiedArgKind,
prefix: &'a str,
arg_name: String,
GenericLabel {
span: Span,
is_type: bool,
param_name: String,
parent_exists: bool,
parent_prefix: String,
parent_name: String,
style = "verbose",
code = "::<{args}>",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
GenericSuggestion {
span: Span,
arg_count: usize,
args: String,
pub enum SourceKindMultiSuggestion<'a> {
style = "verbose",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
FullyQualified {
#[suggestion_part(code = "{def_path}({adjustment}")]
span_lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "{successor_pos}")]
span_hi: Span,
def_path: String,
adjustment: &'a str,
successor_pos: &'a str,
style = "verbose",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
ClosureReturn {
#[suggestion_part(code = "{start_span_code}")]
start_span: Span,
start_span_code: String,
#[suggestion_part(code = " }}")]
end_span: Option<Span>,
impl<'a> SourceKindMultiSuggestion<'a> {
pub fn new_fully_qualified(
span: Span,
def_path: String,
adjustment: &'a str,
successor: (&'a str, BytePos),
) -> Self {
Self::FullyQualified {
span_lo: span.shrink_to_lo(),
span_hi: span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(successor.1),
successor_pos: successor.0,
pub fn new_closure_return(
ty_info: String,
data: &'a FnRetTy<'a>,
should_wrap_expr: Option<Span>,
) -> Self {
let arrow = match data {
FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(_) => " -> ",
_ => "",
let (start_span, start_span_code, end_span) = match should_wrap_expr {
Some(end_span) => (data.span(), format!("{arrow}{ty_info} {{"), Some(end_span)),
None => (data.span(), format!("{arrow}{ty_info}"), None),
Self::ClosureReturn { start_span, start_span_code, end_span }
pub enum RegionOriginNote<'a> {
Plain {
span: Span,
msg: DiagMessage,
WithName {
span: Span,
msg: DiagMessage,
name: &'a str,
continues: bool,
WithRequirement {
span: Span,
requirement: ObligationCauseAsDiagArg<'a>,
expected_found: Option<(DiagStyledString, DiagStyledString)>,
impl Subdiagnostic for RegionOriginNote<'_> {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
_f: F,
) {
let mut label_or_note = |span, msg: DiagMessage| {
let sub_count = diag.children.iter().filter(|d| d.span.is_dummy()).count();
let expanded_sub_count = diag.children.iter().filter(|d| !d.span.is_dummy()).count();
let span_is_primary = diag.span.primary_spans().iter().all(|&sp| sp == span);
if span_is_primary && sub_count == 0 && expanded_sub_count == 0 {
diag.span_label(span, msg);
} else if span_is_primary && expanded_sub_count == 0 {
} else {
diag.span_note(span, msg);
match self {
RegionOriginNote::Plain { span, msg } => {
label_or_note(span, msg);
RegionOriginNote::WithName { span, msg, name, continues } => {
label_or_note(span, msg);
diag.arg("name", name);
diag.arg("continues", continues);
RegionOriginNote::WithRequirement {
expected_found: Some((expected, found)),
} => {
label_or_note(span, fluent::infer_subtype);
diag.arg("requirement", requirement);
diag.note_expected_found(&"", expected, &"", found);
RegionOriginNote::WithRequirement { span, requirement, expected_found: None } => {
// FIXME: this really should be handled at some earlier stage. Our
// handling of region checking when type errors are present is
// *terrible*.
label_or_note(span, fluent::infer_subtype_2);
diag.arg("requirement", requirement);
pub enum LifetimeMismatchLabels {
InRet {
param_span: Span,
ret_span: Span,
span: Span,
label_var1: Option<Ident>,
Normal {
hir_equal: bool,
ty_sup: Span,
ty_sub: Span,
span: Span,
sup: Option<Ident>,
sub: Option<Ident>,
impl Subdiagnostic for LifetimeMismatchLabels {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
_f: F,
) {
match self {
LifetimeMismatchLabels::InRet { param_span, ret_span, span, label_var1 } => {
diag.span_label(param_span, fluent::infer_declared_different);
diag.span_label(ret_span, fluent::infer_nothing);
diag.span_label(span, fluent::infer_data_returned);
diag.arg("label_var1_exists", label_var1.is_some());
diag.arg("label_var1",|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default());
LifetimeMismatchLabels::Normal {
sup: label_var1,
sub: label_var2,
} => {
if hir_equal {
diag.span_label(ty_sup, fluent::infer_declared_multiple);
diag.span_label(ty_sub, fluent::infer_nothing);
diag.span_label(span, fluent::infer_data_lifetime_flow);
} else {
diag.span_label(ty_sup, fluent::infer_types_declared_different);
diag.span_label(ty_sub, fluent::infer_nothing);
diag.span_label(span, fluent::infer_data_flows);
diag.arg("label_var1_exists", label_var1.is_some());
diag.arg("label_var1",|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default());
diag.arg("label_var2_exists", label_var2.is_some());
diag.arg("label_var2",|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default());
pub struct AddLifetimeParamsSuggestion<'a> {
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a>,
pub sub: Region<'a>,
pub ty_sup: &'a hir::Ty<'a>,
pub ty_sub: &'a hir::Ty<'a>,
pub add_note: bool,
impl Subdiagnostic for AddLifetimeParamsSuggestion<'_> {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
_f: F,
) {
let mut mk_suggestion = || {
let (
hir::Ty { kind: hir::TyKind::Ref(lifetime_sub, _), .. },
hir::Ty { kind: hir::TyKind::Ref(lifetime_sup, _), .. },
) = (self.ty_sub, self.ty_sup)
else {
return false;
if !lifetime_sub.is_anonymous() || !lifetime_sup.is_anonymous() {
return false;
let Some(anon_reg) = self.tcx.is_suitable_region(self.sub) else {
return false;
let node = self.tcx.hir_node_by_def_id(anon_reg.def_id);
let is_impl = matches!(&node, hir::Node::ImplItem(_));
let generics = match node {
hir::Node::Item(&hir::Item {
kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn(_, ref generics, ..),
| hir::Node::TraitItem(&hir::TraitItem { ref generics, .. })
| hir::Node::ImplItem(&hir::ImplItem { ref generics, .. }) => generics,
_ => return false,
let suggestion_param_name = generics
.filter(|p| matches!(p.kind, GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. }))
.find(|i| *i != kw::UnderscoreLifetime);
let introduce_new = suggestion_param_name.is_none();
let suggestion_param_name =|n| n.to_string()).unwrap_or_else(|| "'a".to_owned());
let make_suggestion = |ident: Ident| {
let sugg = if == kw::Empty {
format!("{suggestion_param_name}, ")
} else if == kw::UnderscoreLifetime && ident.span.is_empty() {
format!("{suggestion_param_name} ")
} else {
(ident.span, sugg)
let mut suggestions =
vec![make_suggestion(lifetime_sub.ident), make_suggestion(lifetime_sup.ident)];
if introduce_new {
let new_param_suggestion = if let Some(first) =
generics.params.iter().find(|p| !
(first.span.shrink_to_lo(), format!("{suggestion_param_name}, "))
} else {
(generics.span, format!("<{suggestion_param_name}>"))
diag.arg("is_impl", is_impl);
if mk_suggestion() && self.add_note {
#[diag(infer_lifetime_mismatch, code = E0623)]
pub struct LifetimeMismatch<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub labels: LifetimeMismatchLabels,
pub suggestion: AddLifetimeParamsSuggestion<'a>,
pub struct IntroducesStaticBecauseUnmetLifetimeReq {
pub unmet_requirements: MultiSpan,
pub binding_span: Span,
impl Subdiagnostic for IntroducesStaticBecauseUnmetLifetimeReq {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
mut self,
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
_f: F,
) {
.push_span_label(self.binding_span, fluent::infer_msl_introduces_static);
diag.span_note(self.unmet_requirements, fluent::infer_msl_unmet_req);
// FIXME(#100717): replace with a `Option<Span>` when subdiagnostic supports that
pub enum DoesNotOutliveStaticFromImpl {
Spanned {
span: Span,
pub enum ImplicitStaticLifetimeSubdiag {
Note {
span: Span,
style = "verbose",
code = " + '_",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
Sugg {
span: Span,
pub struct MismatchedStaticLifetime<'a> {
pub cause_span: Span,
pub unmet_lifetime_reqs: IntroducesStaticBecauseUnmetLifetimeReq,
pub expl: Option<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
pub does_not_outlive_static_from_impl: DoesNotOutliveStaticFromImpl,
pub implicit_static_lifetimes: Vec<ImplicitStaticLifetimeSubdiag>,
pub enum ExplicitLifetimeRequired<'a> {
#[diag(infer_explicit_lifetime_required_with_ident, code = E0621)]
WithIdent {
span: Span,
simple_ident: Ident,
named: String,
code = "{new_ty}",
applicability = "unspecified"
new_ty_span: Span,
new_ty: Ty<'a>,
#[diag(infer_explicit_lifetime_required_with_param_type, code = E0621)]
WithParamType {
span: Span,
named: String,
code = "{new_ty}",
applicability = "unspecified"
new_ty_span: Span,
new_ty: Ty<'a>,
pub enum TyOrSig<'tcx> {
Ty(Highlighted<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>),
ClosureSig(Highlighted<'tcx, Binder<'tcx, FnSig<'tcx>>>),
impl IntoDiagArg for TyOrSig<'_> {
fn into_diag_arg(self) -> rustc_errors::DiagArgValue {
match self {
TyOrSig::Ty(ty) => ty.into_diag_arg(),
TyOrSig::ClosureSig(sig) => sig.into_diag_arg(),
pub enum ActualImplExplNotes<'tcx> {
ExpectedSignatureTwo {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
lifetime_2: usize,
ExpectedSignatureAny {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedSignatureSome {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedSignatureNothing {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
ExpectedPassiveTwo {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
lifetime_2: usize,
ExpectedPassiveAny {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedPassiveSome {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedPassiveNothing {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
ExpectedOtherTwo {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
lifetime_2: usize,
ExpectedOtherAny {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedOtherSome {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
ExpectedOtherNothing {
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
ButActuallyImplementsTrait {
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
has_lifetime: bool,
lifetime: usize,
ButActuallyImplementedForTy {
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
has_lifetime: bool,
lifetime: usize,
ty: String,
ButActuallyTyImplements {
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
has_lifetime: bool,
lifetime: usize,
ty: String,
pub enum ActualImplExpectedKind {
pub enum ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind {
impl<'tcx> ActualImplExplNotes<'tcx> {
pub fn new_expected(
kind: ActualImplExpectedKind,
lt_kind: ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind,
leading_ellipsis: bool,
ty_or_sig: TyOrSig<'tcx>,
trait_path: Highlighted<'tcx, TraitRefPrintOnlyTraitPath<'tcx>>,
lifetime_1: usize,
lifetime_2: usize,
) -> Self {
match (kind, lt_kind) {
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Signature, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Two) => {
Self::ExpectedSignatureTwo {
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Signature, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Any) => {
Self::ExpectedSignatureAny { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Signature, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Some) => {
Self::ExpectedSignatureSome { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Signature, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Nothing) => {
Self::ExpectedSignatureNothing { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Passive, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Two) => {
Self::ExpectedPassiveTwo {
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Passive, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Any) => {
Self::ExpectedPassiveAny { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Passive, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Some) => {
Self::ExpectedPassiveSome { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Passive, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Nothing) => {
Self::ExpectedPassiveNothing { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Other, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Two) => {
Self::ExpectedOtherTwo {
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Other, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Any) => {
Self::ExpectedOtherAny { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Other, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Some) => {
Self::ExpectedOtherSome { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path, lifetime_1 }
(ActualImplExpectedKind::Other, ActualImplExpectedLifetimeKind::Nothing) => {
Self::ExpectedOtherNothing { leading_ellipsis, ty_or_sig, trait_path }
pub struct TraitPlaceholderMismatch<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub satisfy_span: Option<Span>,
pub where_span: Option<Span>,
pub dup_span: Option<Span>,
pub def_id: String,
pub trait_def_id: String,
pub actual_impl_expl_notes: Vec<ActualImplExplNotes<'tcx>>,
pub struct ConsiderBorrowingParamHelp {
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
impl Subdiagnostic for ConsiderBorrowingParamHelp {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
f: F,
) {
let mut type_param_span: MultiSpan = self.spans.clone().into();
for &span in &self.spans {
// Seems like we can't call f() here as Into<DiagMessage> is required
type_param_span.push_span_label(span, fluent::infer_tid_consider_borrowing);
let msg = f(diag, fluent::infer_tid_param_help.into());
diag.span_help(type_param_span, msg);
pub struct RelationshipHelp;
pub struct TraitImplDiff {
pub sp: Span,
pub trait_sp: Span,
pub note: (),
pub param_help: ConsiderBorrowingParamHelp,
// Seems like subdiagnostics are always pushed to the end, so this one
// also has to be a subdiagnostic to maintain order.
pub rel_help: Option<RelationshipHelp>,
pub expected: String,
pub found: String,
pub struct DynTraitConstraintSuggestion {
pub span: Span,
pub ident: Ident,
impl Subdiagnostic for DynTraitConstraintSuggestion {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
f: F,
) {
let mut multi_span: MultiSpan = vec![self.span].into();
multi_span.push_span_label(self.span, fluent::infer_dtcs_has_lifetime_req_label);
multi_span.push_span_label(self.ident.span, fluent::infer_dtcs_introduces_requirement);
let msg = f(diag, fluent::infer_dtcs_has_req_note.into());
diag.span_note(multi_span, msg);
let msg = f(diag, fluent::infer_dtcs_suggestion.into());
" + '_",
#[diag(infer_but_calling_introduces, code = E0772)]
pub struct ButCallingIntroduces {
pub param_ty_span: Span,
pub cause_span: Span,
pub has_param_name: bool,
pub param_name: String,
pub has_lifetime: bool,
pub lifetime: String,
pub assoc_item: Symbol,
pub has_impl_path: bool,
pub impl_path: String,
pub struct ReqIntroducedLocations {
pub span: MultiSpan,
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub fn_decl_span: Span,
pub cause_span: Span,
pub add_label: bool,
impl Subdiagnostic for ReqIntroducedLocations {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
mut self,
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
f: F,
) {
for sp in self.spans {
self.span.push_span_label(sp, fluent::infer_ril_introduced_here);
if self.add_label {
self.span.push_span_label(self.fn_decl_span, fluent::infer_ril_introduced_by);
self.span.push_span_label(self.cause_span, fluent::infer_ril_because_of);
let msg = f(diag, fluent::infer_ril_static_introduced_by.into());
diag.span_note(self.span, msg);
pub struct MoreTargeted {
pub ident: Symbol,
impl Subdiagnostic for MoreTargeted {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
_f: F,
) {
diag.arg("ident", self.ident);
#[diag(infer_but_needs_to_satisfy, code = E0759)]
pub struct ButNeedsToSatisfy {
pub sp: Span,
pub influencer_point: Span,
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub require_span_as_label: Option<Span>,
pub require_span_as_note: Option<Span>,
pub bound: Option<Span>,
pub req_introduces_loc: Option<ReqIntroducedLocations>,
pub has_param_name: bool,
pub param_name: String,
pub spans_empty: bool,
pub has_lifetime: bool,
pub lifetime: String,
#[diag(infer_outlives_content, code = E0312)]
pub struct OutlivesContent<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub notes: Vec<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
#[diag(infer_outlives_bound, code = E0476)]
pub struct OutlivesBound<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub notes: Vec<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
#[diag(infer_fulfill_req_lifetime, code = E0477)]
pub struct FulfillReqLifetime<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'a>,
pub note: Option<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
#[diag(infer_lf_bound_not_satisfied, code = E0478)]
pub struct LfBoundNotSatisfied<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub notes: Vec<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
#[diag(infer_ref_longer_than_data, code = E0491)]
pub struct RefLongerThanData<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'a>,
pub notes: Vec<note_and_explain::RegionExplanation<'a>>,
pub enum WhereClauseSuggestions {
code = "",
applicability = "machine-applicable",
style = "verbose"
Remove {
span: Span,
code = "{space}where {trait_predicates}",
applicability = "machine-applicable",
style = "verbose"
CopyPredicates {
span: Span,
space: &'static str,
trait_predicates: String,
pub enum SuggestRemoveSemiOrReturnBinding {
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_srs_remove_and_box, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
RemoveAndBox {
#[suggestion_part(code = "Box::new(")]
first_lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ")")]
first_hi: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "Box::new(")]
second_lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ")")]
second_hi: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "")]
sp: Span,
style = "short",
code = "",
applicability = "machine-applicable"
Remove {
sp: Span,
style = "verbose",
code = "{code}",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
Add {
sp: Span,
code: String,
ident: Ident,
AddOne {
spans: MultiSpan,
pub enum ConsiderAddingAwait {
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_await_both_futures, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
BothFuturesSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = ".await")]
first: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ".await")]
second: Span,
code = ".await",
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
FutureSugg {
span: Span,
FutureSuggNote {
span: Span,
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
FutureSuggMultiple {
#[suggestion_part(code = ".await")]
spans: Vec<Span>,
pub enum PlaceholderRelationLfNotSatisfied {
HasBoth {
span: Span,
sub_span: Span,
sup_span: Span,
sub_symbol: Symbol,
sup_symbol: Symbol,
note: (),
HasSub {
span: Span,
sub_span: Span,
sup_span: Span,
sub_symbol: Symbol,
note: (),
HasSup {
span: Span,
sub_span: Span,
sup_span: Span,
sup_symbol: Symbol,
note: (),
HasNone {
span: Span,
sub_span: Span,
sup_span: Span,
note: (),
OnlyPrimarySpan {
span: Span,
note: (),
#[diag(infer_opaque_captures_lifetime, code = E0700)]
pub struct OpaqueCapturesLifetime<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub opaque_ty_span: Span,
pub opaque_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub enum FunctionPointerSuggestion<'a> {
code = "&{fn_name}",
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
UseRef {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
code = "{fn_name}",
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
RemoveRef {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
code = "&({fn_name} as {sig})",
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
CastRef {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
code = "{fn_name} as {sig}",
style = "verbose",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
Cast {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
code = "{fn_name} as {found_sig}",
style = "hidden",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
CastBoth {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
found_sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
expected_sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
code = "&({fn_name} as {found_sig})",
style = "hidden",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
CastBothRef {
span: Span,
fn_name: String,
found_sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
expected_sig: Binder<'a, FnSig<'a>>,
pub struct FnItemsAreDistinct;
pub struct FnUniqTypes;
pub struct FnConsiderCasting {
pub casting: String,
pub enum SuggestAccessingField<'a> {
code = "{snippet}.{name}",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
Safe {
span: Span,
snippet: String,
name: Symbol,
ty: Ty<'a>,
code = "unsafe {{ {snippet}.{name} }}",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
Unsafe {
span: Span,
snippet: String,
name: Symbol,
ty: Ty<'a>,
pub enum SuggestBoxingForReturnImplTrait {
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_sbfrit_change_return_type, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
ChangeReturnType {
#[suggestion_part(code = "Box<dyn")]
start_sp: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ">")]
end_sp: Span,
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_sbfrit_box_return_expr, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
BoxReturnExpr {
#[suggestion_part(code = "Box::new(")]
starts: Vec<Span>,
#[suggestion_part(code = ")")]
ends: Vec<Span>,
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_stp_wrap_one, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub struct SuggestTuplePatternOne {
pub variant: String,
#[suggestion_part(code = "{variant}(")]
pub span_low: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ")")]
pub span_high: Span,
pub struct SuggestTuplePatternMany {
pub path: String,
pub cause_span: Span,
pub compatible_variants: Vec<String>,
impl Subdiagnostic for SuggestTuplePatternMany {
fn add_to_diag_with<G: EmissionGuarantee, F: SubdiagMessageOp<G>>(
diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
f: F,
) {
diag.arg("path", self.path);
let message = f(diag, crate::fluent_generated::infer_stp_wrap_many.into());
self.compatible_variants.into_iter().map(|variant| {
(self.cause_span.shrink_to_lo(), format!("{variant}(")),
(self.cause_span.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string()),
pub enum TypeErrorAdditionalDiags {
code = "b'{code}'",
applicability = "machine-applicable"
MeantByteLiteral {
span: Span,
code: String,
code = "'{code}'",
applicability = "machine-applicable"
MeantCharLiteral {
span: Span,
code: String,
code = "\"{code}\"",
applicability = "machine-applicable"
MeantStrLiteral {
span: Span,
code: String,
code = "{length}",
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
ConsiderSpecifyingLength {
span: Span,
length: u64,
TryCannotConvert { found: String, expected: String },
#[suggestion(infer_tuple_trailing_comma, code = ",", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
TupleOnlyComma {
span: Span,
#[multipart_suggestion(infer_tuple_trailing_comma, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
TupleAlsoParentheses {
#[suggestion_part(code = "(")]
span_low: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ",)")]
span_high: Span,
style = "verbose",
applicability = "machine-applicable",
code = "let "
AddLetForLetChains {
span: Span,
pub enum ObligationCauseFailureCode {
#[diag(infer_oc_method_compat, code = E0308)]
MethodCompat {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_type_compat, code = E0308)]
TypeCompat {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_const_compat, code = E0308)]
ConstCompat {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_try_compat, code = E0308)]
TryCompat {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_match_compat, code = E0308)]
MatchCompat {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_if_else_different, code = E0308)]
IfElseDifferent {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_no_else, code = E0317)]
NoElse {
span: Span,
#[diag(infer_oc_no_diverge, code = E0308)]
NoDiverge {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_fn_main_correct_type, code = E0580)]
FnMainCorrectType {
span: Span,
#[diag(infer_oc_fn_start_correct_type, code = E0308)]
FnStartCorrectType {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_fn_lang_correct_type, code = E0308)]
FnLangCorrectType {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
lang_item_name: Symbol,
#[diag(infer_oc_intrinsic_correct_type, code = E0308)]
IntrinsicCorrectType {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_method_correct_type, code = E0308)]
MethodCorrectType {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_closure_selfref, code = E0644)]
ClosureSelfref {
span: Span,
#[diag(infer_oc_cant_coerce, code = E0308)]
CantCoerce {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,
#[diag(infer_oc_generic, code = E0308)]
Generic {
span: Span,
subdiags: Vec<TypeErrorAdditionalDiags>,