blob: e9512d4ea8178ccbb9d16f09d48f6624b8d69543 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Whether or not to perform round-trip checks.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum RoundTripCheck {
/// Assure that we can losslessly convert the UTF-8 result back to the original encoding or fail with an error.
/// Do not check if the encoding is round-trippable.
/// The error returned by [`encode_to_git()][super::encode_to_git()].
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Cannot convert input of {input_len} bytes to UTF-8 without overflowing")]
Overflow { input_len: usize },
#[error("The input was malformed and could not be decoded as '{encoding}'")]
Malformed { encoding: &'static str },
#[error("Encoding from '{src_encoding}' to '{dest_encoding}' and back is not the same")]
RoundTrip {
src_encoding: &'static str,
dest_encoding: &'static str,
pub(crate) mod function {
use encoding_rs::DecoderResult;
use super::{Error, RoundTripCheck};
/// Decode `src` according to `src_encoding` to `UTF-8` for storage in git and place it in `buf`.
/// Note that the encoding is always applied, there is no conditional even if `src_encoding` already is `UTF-8`.
pub fn encode_to_git(
src: &[u8],
src_encoding: &'static encoding_rs::Encoding,
buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
round_trip: RoundTripCheck,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut decoder = src_encoding.new_decoder_with_bom_removal();
let buf_len = decoder
.ok_or(Error::Overflow { input_len: src.len() })?;
buf.resize(buf_len, 0);
let (res, read, written) = decoder.decode_to_utf8_without_replacement(src, buf, true);
match res {
DecoderResult::InputEmpty => {
buf_len >= written,
"encoding_rs estimates the maximum amount of bytes written correctly"
assert_eq!(read, src.len(), "input buffer should be fully consumed");
DecoderResult::OutputFull => {
unreachable!("we assure that the output buffer is big enough as per the encoder's estimate")
DecoderResult::Malformed(_, _) => {
return Err(Error::Malformed {
match round_trip {
RoundTripCheck::Fail => {
// SAFETY: we trust `encoding_rs` to output valid UTF-8 only if we ask it to.
let str = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) };
let (should_equal_src, _actual_encoding, _had_errors) = src_encoding.encode(str);
if should_equal_src != src {
return Err(Error::RoundTrip {
dest_encoding: "UTF-8",
RoundTripCheck::Skip => {}