blob: 5fba895fdb9428fe8c4c02f9375b02315ab39604 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A library for implementing everything needed to deal with git filter pipelines.
//! Generally, multiple filters are applied in a row forming a pipeline, with each filter being a stage in that pipeline.
//! This pipeline is pre-determined with each stage being configurable.
//! The transformation on an input buffer goes in two ways: either a filter is applied, or its effects are undone. Differentiating
//! between these states is important to avoid comparing unfiltered buffers with filtered ones, for example.
//! This crate implements the building blocks in terms of applying and undoing filters, along with logic to decide whether
//! or not to apply such a filter.
#![deny(rust_2018_idioms, missing_docs, unsafe_code)]
use bstr::BString;
/// A forwarding of the `encoding_rs` crate for its types and convenience.
pub use encoding_rs as encoding;
/// a filter to replace `$Id$` with a git-hash of the buffer.
pub mod ident;
/// convert line endings in buffers
pub mod eol;
/// change encodings based on the `working-tree-encoding` attribute.
pub mod worktree;
/// use filter programs to perform any kind of conversion.
pub mod driver;
pub mod pipeline;
/// The standard git filter pipeline comprised of multiple standard filters and support for external filters.
/// It's configuring itself for each provided path based on the path's attributes, implementing the complex logic that governs it.
pub struct Pipeline {
/// Various options that are all defaultable.
options: pipeline::Options,
/// Storage for the attributes of each item we should process, configured for use with all attributes that concern us.
attrs: gix_attributes::search::Outcome,
/// Additional context to pass to process filters.
context: pipeline::Context,
/// State needed to keep running filter processes.
processes: driver::State,
/// A utility to handle multiple buffers to keep results of various filters.
bufs: pipeline::util::Buffers,
/// A declaration of a driver program.
/// It consists of up to three program declarations.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Driver {
/// The name of the driver as stored in the configuration.
pub name: BString,
/// The program invocation that cleans a worktree file for storage in `git`.
/// Note that the command invocation may need its `%f` argument substituted with the name of the file to process. It will be quoted.
pub clean: Option<BString>,
/// The program invocation that readies a file stored in `git` for the worktree.
/// Note that the command invocation may need its `%f` argument substituted with the name of the file to process. It will be quoted.
pub smudge: Option<BString>,
/// the long-running program that can typically handle both smudge and clean, and possibly delay processing as well.
pub process: Option<BString>,
/// If `true`, the `clean` or `smudge` programs need to succeed in order to make their content usable. Otherwise their
/// exit code is ignored.
/// Note that this is more of a suggestion as we will always report errors as they happen as the driver API is streaming in nature,
/// which makes soft-failures impossible unless the caller takes precautions.
pub required: bool,
fn clear_and_set_capacity(buf: &mut Vec<u8>, cap: usize) {
if buf.capacity() < cap {
assert!(buf.capacity() >= cap, "{} >= {}", buf.capacity(), cap);