blob: 0dc30d21c5b40651481cb3921ec477e198f17620 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::traits::*;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_middle::ty;
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::TyAndLayout;
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{HasTyCtxt, LayoutOf};
use rustc_middle::ty::Instance;
use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
use rustc_session::config::DebugInfo;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, Symbol};
use rustc_span::{BytePos, Span};
use rustc_target::abi::{Abi, FieldIdx, FieldsShape, Size, VariantIdx};
use super::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
use super::place::PlaceRef;
use super::{FunctionCx, LocalRef};
use std::ops::Range;
pub struct FunctionDebugContext<'tcx, S, L> {
/// Maps from source code to the corresponding debug info scope.
pub scopes: IndexVec<mir::SourceScope, DebugScope<S, L>>,
/// Maps from an inlined function to its debug info declaration.
pub inlined_function_scopes: FxHashMap<Instance<'tcx>, S>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum VariableKind {
ArgumentVariable(usize /*index*/),
/// Like `mir::VarDebugInfo`, but within a `mir::Local`.
pub struct PerLocalVarDebugInfo<'tcx, D> {
pub name: Symbol,
pub source_info: mir::SourceInfo,
/// `DIVariable` returned by `create_dbg_var`.
pub dbg_var: Option<D>,
/// Byte range in the `dbg_var` covered by this fragment,
/// if this is a fragment of a composite `VarDebugInfo`.
pub fragment: Option<Range<Size>>,
/// `.place.projection` from `mir::VarDebugInfo`.
pub projection: &'tcx ty::List<mir::PlaceElem<'tcx>>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct DebugScope<S, L> {
pub dbg_scope: S,
/// Call site location, if this scope was inlined from another function.
pub inlined_at: Option<L>,
// Start and end offsets of the file to which this DIScope belongs.
// These are used to quickly determine whether some span refers to the same file.
pub file_start_pos: BytePos,
pub file_end_pos: BytePos,
impl<'tcx, S: Copy, L: Copy> DebugScope<S, L> {
/// DILocations inherit source file name from the parent DIScope. Due to macro expansions
/// it may so happen that the current span belongs to a different file than the DIScope
/// corresponding to span's containing source scope. If so, we need to create a DIScope
/// "extension" into that file.
pub fn adjust_dbg_scope_for_span<Cx: CodegenMethods<'tcx, DIScope = S, DILocation = L>>(
cx: &Cx,
span: Span,
) -> S {
let pos = span.lo();
if pos < self.file_start_pos || pos >= self.file_end_pos {
let sm = cx.sess().source_map();
cx.extend_scope_to_file(self.dbg_scope, &sm.lookup_char_pos(pos).file)
} else {
trait DebugInfoOffsetLocation<'tcx, Bx> {
fn deref(&self, bx: &mut Bx) -> Self;
fn layout(&self) -> TyAndLayout<'tcx>;
fn project_field(&self, bx: &mut Bx, field: FieldIdx) -> Self;
fn project_constant_index(&self, bx: &mut Bx, offset: u64) -> Self;
fn downcast(&self, bx: &mut Bx, variant: VariantIdx) -> Self;
impl<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> DebugInfoOffsetLocation<'tcx, Bx>
for PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>
fn deref(&self, bx: &mut Bx) -> Self {
fn layout(&self) -> TyAndLayout<'tcx> {
fn project_field(&self, bx: &mut Bx, field: FieldIdx) -> Self {
PlaceRef::project_field(*self, bx, field.index())
fn project_constant_index(&self, bx: &mut Bx, offset: u64) -> Self {
let lloffset =;
self.project_index(bx, lloffset)
fn downcast(&self, bx: &mut Bx, variant: VariantIdx) -> Self {
self.project_downcast(bx, variant)
impl<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> DebugInfoOffsetLocation<'tcx, Bx>
for TyAndLayout<'tcx>
fn deref(&self, bx: &mut Bx) -> Self {
self.ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("cannot deref `{}`", self.ty)).ty,
fn layout(&self) -> TyAndLayout<'tcx> {
fn project_field(&self, bx: &mut Bx, field: FieldIdx) -> Self {
self.field(, field.index())
fn project_constant_index(&self, bx: &mut Bx, index: u64) -> Self {
self.field(, index as usize)
fn downcast(&self, bx: &mut Bx, variant: VariantIdx) -> Self {
self.for_variant(, variant)
struct DebugInfoOffset<T> {
/// Offset from the `base` used to calculate the debuginfo offset.
direct_offset: Size,
/// Each offset in this vector indicates one level of indirection from the base or previous
/// indirect offset plus a dereference.
indirect_offsets: Vec<Size>,
/// The final location debuginfo should point to.
result: T,
fn calculate_debuginfo_offset<
Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>,
L: DebugInfoOffsetLocation<'tcx, Bx>,
bx: &mut Bx,
projection: &[mir::PlaceElem<'tcx>],
base: L,
) -> DebugInfoOffset<L> {
let mut direct_offset = Size::ZERO;
// FIXME(eddyb) use smallvec here.
let mut indirect_offsets = vec![];
let mut place = base;
for elem in projection {
match *elem {
mir::ProjectionElem::Deref => {
place = place.deref(bx);
mir::ProjectionElem::Field(field, _) => {
let offset = indirect_offsets.last_mut().unwrap_or(&mut direct_offset);
*offset += place.layout().fields.offset(field.index());
place = place.project_field(bx, field);
mir::ProjectionElem::Downcast(_, variant) => {
place = place.downcast(bx, variant);
mir::ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex {
offset: index,
min_length: _,
from_end: false,
} => {
let offset = indirect_offsets.last_mut().unwrap_or(&mut direct_offset);
let FieldsShape::Array { stride, count: _ } = place.layout().fields else {
bug!("ConstantIndex on non-array type {:?}", place.layout())
*offset += stride * index;
place = place.project_constant_index(bx, index);
_ => {
// Sanity check for `can_use_in_debuginfo`.
bug!("unsupported var debuginfo projection `{:?}`", projection)
DebugInfoOffset { direct_offset, indirect_offsets, result: place }
impl<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx> {
pub fn set_debug_loc(&self, bx: &mut Bx, source_info: mir::SourceInfo) {
if let Some(dbg_loc) = self.dbg_loc(source_info) {
fn dbg_loc(&self, source_info: mir::SourceInfo) -> Option<Bx::DILocation> {
let (dbg_scope, inlined_at, span) = self.adjusted_span_and_dbg_scope(source_info)?;
Some(, inlined_at, span))
fn adjusted_span_and_dbg_scope(
source_info: mir::SourceInfo,
) -> Option<(Bx::DIScope, Option<Bx::DILocation>, Span)> {
let span = self.adjust_span_for_debugging(source_info.span);
let scope = &self.debug_context.as_ref()?.scopes[source_info.scope];
Some((scope.adjust_dbg_scope_for_span(, span), scope.inlined_at, span))
/// In order to have a good line stepping behavior in debugger, we overwrite debug
/// locations of macro expansions with that of the outermost expansion site (when the macro is
/// annotated with `#[collapse_debuginfo]` or when `-Zdebug-macros` is provided).
fn adjust_span_for_debugging(&self, mut span: Span) -> Span {
// Bail out if debug info emission is not enabled.
if self.debug_context.is_none() {
return span;
if {
// Walk up the macro expansion chain until we reach a non-expanded span.
// We also stop at the function body level because no line stepping can occur
// at the level above that.
// Use span of the outermost expansion site, while keeping the original lexical scope.
span = rustc_span::hygiene::walk_chain(span, self.mir.span.ctxt());
fn spill_operand_to_stack(
operand: OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
name: Option<String>,
bx: &mut Bx,
) -> PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value> {
// "Spill" the value onto the stack, for debuginfo,
// without forcing non-debuginfo uses of the local
// to also load from the stack every single time.
// FIXME(#68817) use `llvm.dbg.value` instead,
// at least for the cases which LLVM handles correctly.
let spill_slot = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, operand.layout);
if let Some(name) = name {
bx.set_var_name(spill_slot.llval, &(name + ".dbg.spill"));
}, spill_slot);
/// Apply debuginfo and/or name, after creating the `alloca` for a local,
/// or initializing the local with an operand (whichever applies).
pub fn debug_introduce_local(&self, bx: &mut Bx, local: mir::Local) {
let full_debug_info = bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == DebugInfo::Full;
let vars = match &self.per_local_var_debug_info {
Some(per_local) => &per_local[local],
None => return,
let whole_local_var = vars.iter().find(|var| var.projection.is_empty()).cloned();
let has_proj = || vars.iter().any(|var| !var.projection.is_empty());
let fallback_var = if self.mir.local_kind(local) == mir::LocalKind::Arg {
let arg_index = local.index() - 1;
// Add debuginfo even to unnamed arguments.
// FIXME(eddyb) is this really needed?
if arg_index == 0 && has_proj() {
// Hide closure environments from debuginfo.
// FIXME(eddyb) shouldn't `ArgumentVariable` indices
// be offset to account for the hidden environment?
} else if whole_local_var.is_some() {
// No need to make up anything, there is a `mir::VarDebugInfo`
// covering the whole local.
// FIXME(eddyb) take `whole_local_var.source_info.scope` into
// account, just in case it doesn't use `ArgumentVariable`
// (after #67586 gets fixed).
} else {
let name = kw::Empty;
let decl = &self.mir.local_decls[local];
let dbg_var = if full_debug_info {
|(dbg_scope, _, span)| {
// FIXME(eddyb) is this `+ 1` needed at all?
let kind = VariableKind::ArgumentVariable(arg_index + 1);
let arg_ty = self.monomorphize(decl.ty);, arg_ty, dbg_scope, kind, span)
} else {
Some(PerLocalVarDebugInfo {
source_info: decl.source_info,
fragment: None,
projection: ty::List::empty(),
} else {
let local_ref = &self.locals[local];
let name = if bx.sess().fewer_names() {
} else {
Some(match whole_local_var.or(fallback_var.clone()) {
Some(var) if != kw::Empty =>,
_ => format!("{local:?}"),
if let Some(name) = &name {
match local_ref {
LocalRef::Place(place) | LocalRef::UnsizedPlace(place) => {
bx.set_var_name(place.llval, name);
LocalRef::Operand(operand) => match operand.val {
OperandValue::Ref(x, ..) | OperandValue::Immediate(x) => {
bx.set_var_name(x, name);
OperandValue::Pair(a, b) => {
// FIXME(eddyb) these are scalar components,
// maybe extract the high-level fields?
bx.set_var_name(a, &(name.clone() + ".0"));
bx.set_var_name(b, &(name.clone() + ".1"));
OperandValue::ZeroSized => {
// These never have a value to talk about
LocalRef::PendingOperand => {}
if !full_debug_info || vars.is_empty() && fallback_var.is_none() {
let base = match local_ref {
LocalRef::PendingOperand => return,
LocalRef::Operand(operand) => {
// Don't spill operands onto the stack in naked functions.
// See:
let attrs = bx.tcx().codegen_fn_attrs(self.instance.def_id());
if attrs.flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::NAKED) {
Self::spill_operand_to_stack(*operand, name, bx)
LocalRef::Place(place) => *place,
// FIXME(eddyb) add debuginfo for unsized places too.
LocalRef::UnsizedPlace(_) => return,
let vars = vars.iter().cloned().chain(fallback_var);
for var in vars {
self.debug_introduce_local_as_var(bx, local, base, var);
fn debug_introduce_local_as_var(
bx: &mut Bx,
local: mir::Local,
base: PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
var: PerLocalVarDebugInfo<'tcx, Bx::DIVariable>,
) {
let Some(dbg_var) = var.dbg_var else { return };
let Some(dbg_loc) = self.dbg_loc(var.source_info) else { return };
let DebugInfoOffset { direct_offset, indirect_offsets, result: _ } =
calculate_debuginfo_offset(bx, &var.projection, base.layout);
// When targeting MSVC, create extra allocas for arguments instead of pointing multiple
// dbg_var_addr() calls into the same alloca with offsets. MSVC uses CodeView records
// not DWARF and LLVM doesn't support translating the resulting
// [DW_OP_deref, DW_OP_plus_uconst, offset, DW_OP_deref] debug info to CodeView.
// Creating extra allocas on the stack makes the resulting debug info simple enough
// that LLVM can generate correct CodeView records and thus the values appear in the
// debugger. (#83709)
let should_create_individual_allocas =
&& self.mir.local_kind(local) == mir::LocalKind::Arg
// LLVM can handle simple things but anything more complex than just a direct
// offset or one indirect offset of 0 is too complex for it to generate CV records
// correctly.
&& (direct_offset != Size::ZERO || !matches!(&indirect_offsets[..], [Size::ZERO] | []));
if should_create_individual_allocas {
let DebugInfoOffset { direct_offset: _, indirect_offsets: _, result: place } =
calculate_debuginfo_offset(bx, &var.projection, base);
// Create a variable which will be a pointer to the actual value
let ptr_ty = Ty::new_ptr(
ty::TypeAndMut { mutbl: mir::Mutability::Mut, ty: place.layout.ty },
let ptr_layout = bx.layout_of(ptr_ty);
let alloca = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, ptr_layout);
bx.set_var_name(alloca.llval, &( + ".dbg.spill"));
// Write the pointer to the variable, alloca.llval, alloca.align);
// Point the debug info to `*alloca` for the current variable
} else {
pub fn debug_introduce_locals(&self, bx: &mut Bx) {
if bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == DebugInfo::Full || !bx.sess().fewer_names() {
for local in self.locals.indices() {
self.debug_introduce_local(bx, local);
/// Partition all `VarDebugInfo` in `self.mir`, by their base `Local`.
pub fn compute_per_local_var_debug_info(
bx: &mut Bx,
) -> Option<IndexVec<mir::Local, Vec<PerLocalVarDebugInfo<'tcx, Bx::DIVariable>>>> {
let full_debug_info = == DebugInfo::Full;
let target_is_msvc =;
if !full_debug_info && {
return None;
let mut per_local = IndexVec::from_elem(vec![], &self.mir.local_decls);
for var in &self.mir.var_debug_info {
let dbg_scope_and_span = if full_debug_info {
} else {
let var_ty = if let Some(ref fragment) = var.composite {
} else {
match var.value {
mir::VarDebugInfoContents::Place(place) => {
mir::VarDebugInfoContents::Const(c) => self.monomorphize(c.ty()),
let dbg_var =|(dbg_scope, _, span)| {
let var_kind = if let Some(arg_index) = var.argument_index
&& var.composite.is_none()
&& let mir::VarDebugInfoContents::Place(place) = var.value
&& place.projection.is_empty()
let arg_index = arg_index as usize;
if target_is_msvc {
// ScalarPair parameters are spilled to the stack so they need to
// be marked as a `LocalVariable` for MSVC debuggers to visualize
// their data correctly. (See #81894 & #88625)
let var_ty_layout =;
if let Abi::ScalarPair(_, _) = var_ty_layout.abi {
} else {
} else {
// FIXME(eddyb) shouldn't `ArgumentVariable` indices be
// offset in closures to account for the hidden environment?
} else {
};, var_ty, dbg_scope, var_kind, span)
let fragment = if let Some(ref fragment) = var.composite {
let var_layout =;
let DebugInfoOffset { direct_offset, indirect_offsets, result: fragment_layout } =
calculate_debuginfo_offset(bx, &fragment.projection, var_layout);
if fragment_layout.size == Size::ZERO {
// Fragment is a ZST, so does not represent anything. Avoid generating anything
// as this may conflict with a fragment that covers the entire variable.
} else if fragment_layout.size == var_layout.size {
// Fragment covers entire variable, so as far as
// DWARF is concerned, it's not really a fragment.
} else {
Some(direct_offset..direct_offset + fragment_layout.size)
} else {
match var.value {
mir::VarDebugInfoContents::Place(place) => {
per_local[place.local].push(PerLocalVarDebugInfo {
source_info: var.source_info,
projection: place.projection,
mir::VarDebugInfoContents::Const(c) => {
if let Some(dbg_var) = dbg_var {
let Some(dbg_loc) = self.dbg_loc(var.source_info) else { continue };
let operand = self.eval_mir_constant_to_operand(bx, &c);
self.set_debug_loc(bx, var.source_info);
let base =
Self::spill_operand_to_stack(operand, Some(, bx);
bx.dbg_var_addr(dbg_var, dbg_loc, base.llval, Size::ZERO, &[], fragment);