blob: 68332d91a57638961103be59cda85890fcc6c068 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The polyfill was kindly borrowed from
//! and ported to Rust
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Author: Lars T Hansen,
/* Polyfill for Atomics.waitAsync() for web browsers.
* Any kind of agent that is able to create a new Worker can use this polyfill.
* Load this file in all agents that will use Atomics.waitAsync.
* Agents that don't call Atomics.waitAsync need do nothing special.
* Any kind of agent can wake another agent that is sleeping in
* Atomics.waitAsync by just calling Atomics.wake for the location being slept
* on, as normal.
* The implementation is not completely faithful to the proposed semantics: in
* the case where an agent first asyncWaits and then waits on the same location:
* when it is woken, the two waits will be woken in order, while in the real
* semantics, the sync wait will be woken first.
* In this polyfill Atomics.waitAsync is not very fast.
/* Implementation:
* For every wait we fork off a Worker to perform the wait. Workers are reused
* when possible. The worker communicates with its parent using postMessage.
use js_sys::{Array, Promise};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use web_sys::{MessageEvent, Worker};
thread_local! {
static HELPERS: RefCell<Vec<Worker>> = RefCell::new(vec![]);
fn alloc_helper() -> Worker {
HELPERS.with(|helpers| {
if let Some(helper) = helpers.borrow_mut().pop() {
return helper;
let worker_url = wasm_bindgen::link_to!(module = "/src/task/worker.js");
Worker::new(&worker_url).unwrap_or_else(|js| wasm_bindgen::throw_val(js))
fn free_helper(helper: Worker) {
HELPERS.with(move |helpers| {
let mut helpers = helpers.borrow_mut();
helpers.truncate(10); // random arbitrary limit chosen here
pub fn wait_async(ptr: &AtomicI32, value: i32) -> Promise {
Promise::new(&mut |resolve, _reject| {
let helper = alloc_helper();
let helper_ref = helper.clone();
let onmessage_callback = Closure::once_into_js(move |e: MessageEvent| {
// Our helper is done waiting so it's available to wait on a
// different location, so return it to the free list.
drop(resolve.call1(&JsValue::NULL, &;
let data = Array::of3(
&JsValue::from(ptr as *const AtomicI32 as i32 / 4),
.unwrap_or_else(|js| wasm_bindgen::throw_val(js));