blob: a5d111249bfa357bf0043505699adebd45a9f11e [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::error::*;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs::{create_dir, create_dir_all, read_dir, remove_dir_all, Metadata};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::time::SystemTime;
/// Options and flags which can be used to configure how a file will be copied or moved.
pub struct CopyOptions {
/// Overwrite existing files if true (default: false).
pub overwrite: bool,
/// Skip existing files if true (default: false).
pub skip_exist: bool,
/// Buffer size that specifies the amount of bytes to be moved or copied before the progress handler is called. This only affects functions with progress handlers. (default: 64000)
pub buffer_size: usize,
/// Recursively copy a directory with a new name or place it inside the destination (default: false, same behaviors as cp -r on Unix)
pub copy_inside: bool,
/// Copy only contents without a creating a new folder in the destination folder (default: false).
pub content_only: bool,
/// Sets levels reading. Set 0 for read all directory folder (default: 0).
/// Warning: Work only for copy operations!
pub depth: u64,
impl CopyOptions {
/// Initialize struct CopyOptions with default value.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// overwrite: false
/// skip_exist: false
/// buffer_size: 64000 // 64kb
/// copy_inside: false
/// ```
pub fn new() -> CopyOptions {
CopyOptions {
overwrite: false,
skip_exist: false,
buffer_size: 64000, // 64kb
copy_inside: false,
content_only: false,
depth: 0,
/// Overwrite existing files if true.
pub fn overwrite(mut self, overwrite: bool) -> Self {
self.overwrite = overwrite;
/// Skip existing files if true.
pub fn skip_exist(mut self, skip_exist: bool) -> Self {
self.skip_exist = skip_exist;
/// Buffer size that specifies the amount of bytes to be moved or copied before the progress handler is called. This only affects functions with progress handlers.
pub fn buffer_size(mut self, buffer_size: usize) -> Self {
self.buffer_size = buffer_size;
/// Recursively copy a directory with a new name or place it inside the destination (default: false, same behaviors as cp -r on Unix)
pub fn copy_inside(mut self, copy_inside: bool) -> Self {
self.copy_inside = copy_inside;
/// Copy only contents without a creating a new folder in the destination folder.
pub fn content_only(mut self, content_only: bool) -> Self {
self.content_only = content_only;
/// Sets levels reading. Set 0 for read all directory folder
pub fn depth(mut self, depth: u64) -> Self {
self.depth = depth;
impl Default for CopyOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
// Options and flags which can be used to configure how to read a directory.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct DirOptions {
/// Sets levels reading. Set value 0 for read all directory folder. By default 0.
pub depth: u64,
impl DirOptions {
/// Initialize struct DirOptions with default value.
pub fn new() -> DirOptions {
/// A structure which include information about directory
pub struct DirContent {
/// Directory size in bytes.
pub dir_size: u64,
/// List all files directory and sub directories.
pub files: Vec<String>,
/// List all folders and sub folders directory.
pub directories: Vec<String>,
/// A structure which include information about the current status of the copy or move directory.
pub struct TransitProcess {
/// Copied bytes on this time for folder
pub copied_bytes: u64,
/// All the bytes which should to copy or move (dir size).
pub total_bytes: u64,
/// Copied bytes on this time for file.
pub file_bytes_copied: u64,
/// Size current copied file.
pub file_total_bytes: u64,
/// Name current copied file.
pub file_name: String,
/// Transit state
pub state: TransitState,
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum TransitState {
/// Standard state.
/// Pause state when destination path exists.
/// Pause state when current process does not have the permission to access from or to
/// path.
/// Available returns codes for user decide
pub enum TransitProcessResult {
/// Rewrite exist file or directory.
/// Rewrite for all exist files or directories.
/// Skip current problem file or directory.
/// Skip for all problems file or directory.
/// Retry current operation.
/// Abort current operation.
/// Continue execute process if process not have error and abort if process content error.
impl Clone for TransitProcess {
fn clone(&self) -> TransitProcess {
TransitProcess {
copied_bytes: self.copied_bytes,
total_bytes: self.total_bytes,
file_bytes_copied: self.file_bytes_copied,
file_total_bytes: self.file_total_bytes,
file_name: self.file_name.clone(),
state: self.state.clone(),
/// Available attributes for get information about directory entry.
#[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum DirEntryAttr {
/// Folder name or file name without extension.
/// File extension.
/// Folder name or file name with extension.
/// Path to file or directory.
/// Dos path to file or directory.
/// File size in bytes.
/// Size file or directory in bytes.
/// `Attention!`: This operation very expensive and sometimes required additional rights.
/// Return whether entry is directory or not.
/// Return whether entry is file or not.
/// Last modification time for directory entry.
/// Last access time for directory entry.
/// Created time for directory entry.
/// `Attention!`: Not supported UNIX platform.
/// Return or not return base information target folder.
/// Available types for directory entry.
pub enum DirEntryValue {
/// String type
/// Boolean type
/// SystemTime type
/// u64 type
/// Result returned by the `ls` function.
pub struct LsResult {
/// Base folder target path
pub base: HashMap<DirEntryAttr, DirEntryValue>,
/// Collection directory entry with information.
pub items: Vec<HashMap<DirEntryAttr, DirEntryValue>>,
/// Returned information about directory entry with information which you choose in config.
/// This function takes to arguments:
/// * `path` - Path to directory.
/// * `config` - Set attributes which you want see inside return data.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` does not exist.
/// * Invalid `path`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// #Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::{get_details_entry, DirEntryAttr};
/// use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
/// let mut config = HashSet::new();
/// config.insert(DirEntryAttr::Name);
/// config.insert(DirEntryAttr::Size);
/// let entry_info = get_details_entry("test", &config);
/// assert_eq!(2, entry_info.len());
/// ```
pub fn get_details_entry<P>(
path: P,
config: &HashSet<DirEntryAttr>,
) -> Result<HashMap<DirEntryAttr, DirEntryValue>>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let path = path.as_ref();
let metadata = path.metadata()?;
get_details_entry_with_meta(path, config, metadata)
fn get_details_entry_with_meta<P>(
path: P,
config: &HashSet<DirEntryAttr>,
metadata: Metadata,
) -> Result<HashMap<DirEntryAttr, DirEntryValue>>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let path = path.as_ref();
let mut item = HashMap::new();
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Name) {
if metadata.is_dir() {
if let Some(file_name) = path.file_name() {
} else {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::Name, DirEntryValue::String(String::new()));
} else if let Some(file_stem) = path.file_stem() {
} else {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::Name, DirEntryValue::String(String::new()));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Ext) {
if let Some(value) = path.extension() {
} else {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::Ext, DirEntryValue::String(String::from("")));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::FullName) {
if let Some(file_name) = path.file_name() {
} else {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::FullName, DirEntryValue::String(String::new()));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Path) {
let mut result_path: PathBuf;
match path.canonicalize() {
Ok(new_path) => {
result_path = new_path;
Err(_) => {
if let Some(parent_path) = path.parent() {
if let Some(name) = path.file_name() {
result_path = parent_path.canonicalize()?;
} else {
err!("Error get part name path", ErrorKind::Other);
} else {
err!("Error get parent path", ErrorKind::Other);
let mut path = result_path.as_os_str().to_os_string().into_string()?;
if path.find("\\\\?\\") == Some(0) {
path = path[4..].to_string();
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::Path, DirEntryValue::String(path));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::DosPath) {
let mut result_path: PathBuf;
match path.canonicalize() {
Ok(new_path) => {
result_path = new_path;
Err(_) => {
if let Some(parent_path) = path.parent() {
if let Some(name) = path.file_name() {
result_path = parent_path.canonicalize()?;
} else {
err!("Error get part name path", ErrorKind::Other);
} else {
err!("Error get parent path", ErrorKind::Other);
let path = result_path.as_os_str().to_os_string().into_string()?;
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::DosPath, DirEntryValue::String(path));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Size) {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::Size, DirEntryValue::U64(get_size(&path)?));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::FileSize) {
item.insert(DirEntryAttr::FileSize, DirEntryValue::U64(metadata.len()));
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::IsDir) {
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::IsFile) {
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Modified) {
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Accessed) {
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::Created) {
/// Returns a collection of directory entries with attributes specifying the information that should be returned.
/// This function takes to arguments:
/// * `path` - Path to directory.
/// * `config` - Set attributes which you want see in return data.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid `path`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// #Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::{ls, DirEntryAttr, LsResult};
/// use std::collections::HashSet;
/// let mut config = HashSet::new();
/// config.insert(DirEntryAttr::Name);
/// config.insert(DirEntryAttr::Size);
/// config.insert(DirEntryAttr::BaseInfo);
/// let result = ls("test", &config);
/// assert_eq!(2, ls_result.items.len());
/// assert_eq!(2, ls_result.base.len());
/// ```
pub fn ls<P>(path: P, config: &HashSet<DirEntryAttr>) -> Result<LsResult>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let mut items = Vec::new();
let path = path.as_ref();
if !path.is_dir() {
err!("Path does not directory", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
for entry in read_dir(&path)? {
let entry = entry?;
let path = entry.path();
let metadata = entry.metadata()?;
let item = get_details_entry_with_meta(path, &config, metadata)?;
let mut base = HashMap::new();
if config.contains(&DirEntryAttr::BaseInfo) {
base = get_details_entry(&path, &config)?;
Ok(LsResult { items, base })
/// Creates a new, empty directory at the provided path.
/// This function takes to arguments:
/// * `path` - Path to new directory.
/// * `erase` - If set true and folder exist, then folder will be erased.
/// #Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations,
/// but is not limited to just these cases:
/// * User lacks permissions to create directory at `path`.
/// * `path` already exists if `erase` set false.
/// #Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::create;
/// create("dir", false); // create directory
/// ```
pub fn create<P>(path: P, erase: bool) -> Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
if erase && path.as_ref().exists() {
/// Recursively create a directory and all of its parent components if they are missing.
/// This function takes to arguments:
/// * `path` - Path to new directory.
/// * `erase` - If set true and folder exist, then folder will be erased.
/// This function will return an error in the following situations,
/// but is not limited to just these cases:
/// * User lacks permissions to create directory at `path`.
/// * `path` already exists if `erase` set false.
/// #Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::create_all;
/// create_all("/some/dir", false); // create directory some and dir
pub fn create_all<P>(path: P, erase: bool) -> Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
if erase && path.as_ref().exists() {
/// Copies the directory contents from one place to another using recursive method.
/// This function will also copy the permission bits of the original files to
/// destination files (not for directories).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a directory.
/// * This `from` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid folder name for `from` or `to`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::copy;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// // options.mirror_copy = true; // To mirror copy the whole structure of the source directory
/// // copy source/dir1 to target/dir1
/// copy("source/dir1", "target/dir1", &options)?;
/// ```
pub fn copy<P, Q>(from: P, to: Q, options: &CopyOptions) -> Result<u64>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist or you don't have access!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist Or you don't have access!",
if !from.is_dir() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a directory!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
err!("Path is not a directory!", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
let dir_name;
if let Some(val) = from.components().last() {
dir_name = val.as_os_str();
} else {
err!("Invalid folder from", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
let mut to: PathBuf = to.as_ref().to_path_buf();
if (to.exists() || !options.copy_inside) && !options.content_only {
let mut read_options = DirOptions::new();
if options.depth > 0 {
read_options.depth = options.depth;
let dir_content = get_dir_content2(from, &read_options)?;
for directory in dir_content.directories {
let tmp_to = Path::new(&directory).strip_prefix(from)?;
let dir = to.join(&tmp_to);
if !dir.exists() {
if options.copy_inside {
create_all(dir, false)?;
} else {
create(dir, false)?;
let mut result: u64 = 0;
for file in dir_content.files {
let to = to.to_path_buf();
let tp = Path::new(&file).strip_prefix(from)?;
let path = to.join(&tp);
let file_options = super::file::CopyOptions {
overwrite: options.overwrite,
skip_exist: options.skip_exist,
buffer_size: options.buffer_size,
let mut result_copy: Result<u64>;
let mut work = true;
while work {
result_copy = super::file::copy(&file, &path, &file_options);
match result_copy {
Ok(val) => {
result += val;
work = false;
Err(err) => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
/// Return DirContent which contains information about directory:
/// * Size of the directory in bytes.
/// * List of source paths of files in the directory (files inside subdirectories included too).
/// * List of source paths of all directories and subdirectories.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid `path`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::get_dir_content;
/// let dir_content = get_dir_content("dir")?;
/// for directory in dir_content.directories {
/// println!("{}", directory); // print directory path
/// }
/// ```
pub fn get_dir_content<P>(path: P) -> Result<DirContent>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let options = DirOptions::new();
get_dir_content2(path, &options)
/// Return DirContent which contains information about directory:
/// * Size directory.
/// * List all files source directory(files subdirectories included too).
/// * List all directory and subdirectories source path.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid `path`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::{DirOptions, get_dir_content2};
/// let mut options = DirOptions::new();
/// options.depth = 3; // Get 3 levels of folder.
/// let dir_content = get_dir_content2("dir", &options)?;
/// for directory in dir_content.directories {
/// println!("{}", directory); // print directory path
/// }
/// ```
pub fn get_dir_content2<P>(path: P, options: &DirOptions) -> Result<DirContent>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let mut depth = 0;
if options.depth != 0 {
depth = options.depth + 1;
_get_dir_content(path, depth)
fn _get_dir_content<P>(path: P, mut depth: u64) -> Result<DirContent>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let mut directories = Vec::new();
let mut files = Vec::new();
let mut dir_size;
let item = path.as_ref().to_str();
if item.is_none() {
err!("Invalid path", ErrorKind::InvalidPath);
let item = item.unwrap().to_string();
if path.as_ref().is_dir() {
dir_size = path.as_ref().metadata()?.len();
if depth == 0 || depth > 1 {
if depth > 1 {
depth -= 1;
for entry in read_dir(&path)? {
let _path = entry?.path();
match _get_dir_content(_path, depth) {
Ok(items) => {
let mut _files = items.files;
let mut _directories = items.directories;
dir_size += items.dir_size;
files.append(&mut _files);
directories.append(&mut _directories);
Err(err) => return Err(err),
} else {
dir_size = path.as_ref().metadata()?.len();
Ok(DirContent {
/// Returns the size of the file or directory in bytes.(!important: folders size not count)
/// If used on a directory, this function will recursively iterate over every file and every
/// directory inside the directory. This can be very time consuming if used on large directories.
/// Does not follow symlinks.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid `path`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::get_size;
/// let folder_size = get_size("dir")?;
/// println!("{}", folder_size); // print directory size in bytes
/// ```
pub fn get_size<P>(path: P) -> Result<u64>
P: AsRef<Path>,
// Using `fs::symlink_metadata` since we don't want to follow symlinks,
// as we're calculating the exact size of the requested path itself.
let path_metadata = path.as_ref().symlink_metadata()?;
let mut size_in_bytes = 0;
if path_metadata.is_dir() {
for entry in read_dir(&path)? {
let entry = entry?;
// `DirEntry::metadata` does not follow symlinks (unlike `fs::metadata`), so in the
// case of symlinks, this is the size of the symlink itself, not its target.
let entry_metadata = entry.metadata()?;
if entry_metadata.is_dir() {
// The size of the directory entry itself will be counted inside the `get_size()` call,
// so we intentionally don't also add `entry_metadata.len()` to the total here.
size_in_bytes += get_size(entry.path())?;
} else {
size_in_bytes += entry_metadata.len();
} else {
size_in_bytes = path_metadata.len();
/// Copies the directory contents from one place to another using recursive method,
/// with information about progress. This function will also copy the
/// permission bits of the original files to destination files (not for directories).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a directory.
/// * This `from` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid folder name for `from` or `to`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::copy;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// let handle = |process_info: TransitProcess| {
/// println!("{}", process_info.total_bytes);
/// fs_extra::dir::TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort
/// }
/// // copy source/dir1 to target/dir1
/// copy_with_progress("source/dir1", "target/dir1", &options, handle)?;
/// ```
pub fn copy_with_progress<P, Q, F>(
from: P,
to: Q,
options: &CopyOptions,
mut progress_handler: F,
) -> Result<u64>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
F: FnMut(TransitProcess) -> TransitProcessResult,
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist or you don't have access!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist or you don't have access!",
let mut to: PathBuf = to.as_ref().to_path_buf();
if !from.is_dir() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a directory!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
err!("Path is not a directory!", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
let dir_name;
if let Some(val) = from.components().last() {
dir_name = val.as_os_str();
} else {
err!("Invalid folder from", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
if (to.exists() || !options.copy_inside) && !options.content_only {
let mut read_options = DirOptions::new();
if options.depth > 0 {
read_options.depth = options.depth;
let dir_content = get_dir_content2(from, &read_options)?;
for directory in dir_content.directories {
let tmp_to = Path::new(&directory).strip_prefix(from)?;
let dir = to.join(&tmp_to);
if !dir.exists() {
if options.copy_inside {
create_all(dir, false)?;
} else {
create(dir, false)?;
let mut result: u64 = 0;
let mut info_process = TransitProcess {
copied_bytes: 0,
total_bytes: dir_content.dir_size,
file_bytes_copied: 0,
file_total_bytes: 0,
file_name: String::new(),
state: TransitState::Normal,
let mut options = options.clone();
for file in dir_content.files {
let mut to = to.to_path_buf();
let tp = Path::new(&file).strip_prefix(from)?;
let path = to.join(&tp);
let file_name = path.file_name();
if file_name.is_none() {
err!("No file name");
let file_name = file_name.unwrap();
let mut file_options = super::file::CopyOptions {
overwrite: options.overwrite,
skip_exist: options.skip_exist,
buffer_size: options.buffer_size,
if let Some(file_name) = file_name.to_str() {
info_process.file_name = file_name.to_string();
} else {
err!("Invalid file name", ErrorKind::InvalidFileName);
info_process.file_bytes_copied = 0;
info_process.file_total_bytes = Path::new(&file).metadata()?.len();
let mut result_copy: Result<u64>;
let mut work = true;
let copied_bytes = result;
while work {
let _progress_handler = |info: super::file::TransitProcess| {
info_process.copied_bytes = copied_bytes + info.copied_bytes;
info_process.file_bytes_copied = info.copied_bytes;
result_copy =
super::file::copy_with_progress(&file, &path, &file_options, _progress_handler);
match result_copy {
Ok(val) => {
result += val;
work = false;
Err(err) => match err.kind {
ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => {
let mut info_process = info_process.clone();
info_process.state = TransitState::Exists;
let user_decide = progress_handler(info_process);
match user_decide {
TransitProcessResult::Overwrite => {
file_options.overwrite = true;
TransitProcessResult::OverwriteAll => {
file_options.overwrite = true;
options.overwrite = true;
TransitProcessResult::Skip => {
file_options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::SkipAll => {
file_options.skip_exist = true;
options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::Retry => {}
TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
TransitProcessResult::Abort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
let mut info_process = info_process.clone();
info_process.state = TransitState::Exists;
let user_decide = progress_handler(info_process);
match user_decide {
TransitProcessResult::Overwrite => {
err!("Overwrite denied for this situation!", ErrorKind::Other);
TransitProcessResult::OverwriteAll => {
err!("Overwrite denied for this situation!", ErrorKind::Other);
TransitProcessResult::Skip => {
file_options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::SkipAll => {
file_options.skip_exist = true;
options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::Retry => {}
TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
TransitProcessResult::Abort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
_ => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
/// Moves the directory contents from one place to another.
/// This function will also copy the permission bits of the original files to
/// destination files (not for directories).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a directory.
/// * This `from` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid folder name for `from` or `to`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::move_dir;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// // move source/dir1 to target/dir1
/// move_dir("source/dir1", "target/dir1", &options)?;
/// ```
pub fn move_dir<P, Q>(from: P, to: Q, options: &CopyOptions) -> Result<u64>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
let mut is_remove = true;
if options.skip_exist && to.as_ref().exists() && !options.overwrite {
is_remove = false;
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist or you don't have access!",
let mut to: PathBuf = to.as_ref().to_path_buf();
if !from.is_dir() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!(
"Path \"{}\" is not a directory or you don't have access!",
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
"Path is not a directory or you don't have access!",
let dir_name;
if let Some(val) = from.components().last() {
dir_name = val.as_os_str();
} else {
err!("Invalid folder from", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
if (to.exists() || !options.copy_inside) && !options.content_only {
let dir_content = get_dir_content(from)?;
for directory in dir_content.directories {
let tmp_to = Path::new(&directory).strip_prefix(from)?;
let dir = to.join(&tmp_to);
if !dir.exists() {
if options.copy_inside {
create_all(dir, false)?;
} else {
create(dir, false)?;
let mut result: u64 = 0;
for file in dir_content.files {
let to = to.to_path_buf();
let tp = Path::new(&file).strip_prefix(from)?;
let path = to.join(&tp);
let file_options = super::file::CopyOptions {
overwrite: options.overwrite,
skip_exist: options.skip_exist,
buffer_size: options.buffer_size,
let mut result_copy: Result<u64>;
let mut work = true;
while work {
result_copy = super::file::move_file(&file, &path, &file_options);
match result_copy {
Ok(val) => {
result += val;
work = false;
Err(err) => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
if is_remove {
/// Moves the directory contents from one place to another with information about progress.
/// This function will also copy the permission bits of the original files to
/// destination files (not for directories).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a directory.
/// * This `from` directory does not exist.
/// * Invalid folder name for `from` or `to`.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::move_dir_with_progress;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// let handle = |process_info: TransitProcess| {
/// println!("{}", process_info.total_bytes);
/// fs_extra::dir::TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort
/// }
/// // move source/dir1 to target/dir1
/// move_dir_with_progress("source/dir1", "target/dir1", &options, handle)?;
/// ```
pub fn move_dir_with_progress<P, Q, F>(
from: P,
to: Q,
options: &CopyOptions,
mut progress_handler: F,
) -> Result<u64>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
F: FnMut(TransitProcess) -> TransitProcessResult,
let mut is_remove = true;
if options.skip_exist && to.as_ref().exists() && !options.overwrite {
is_remove = false;
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist or you don't have access!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist or you don't have access!",
let mut to: PathBuf = to.as_ref().to_path_buf();
if !from.is_dir() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a directory!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
err!("Path is not a directory!", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
let dir_name;
if let Some(val) = from.components().last() {
dir_name = val.as_os_str();
} else {
err!("Invalid folder from", ErrorKind::InvalidFolder);
if !(options.content_only || options.copy_inside && !to.exists()) {
let dir_content = get_dir_content(from)?;
for directory in dir_content.directories {
let tmp_to = Path::new(&directory).strip_prefix(from)?;
let dir = to.join(&tmp_to);
if !dir.exists() {
if options.copy_inside {
create_all(dir, false)?;
} else {
create(dir, false)?;
let mut result: u64 = 0;
let mut info_process = TransitProcess {
copied_bytes: 0,
total_bytes: dir_content.dir_size,
file_bytes_copied: 0,
file_total_bytes: 0,
file_name: String::new(),
state: TransitState::Normal,
let mut options = options.clone();
for file in dir_content.files {
let mut to = to.to_path_buf();
let tp = Path::new(&file).strip_prefix(from)?;
let path = to.join(&tp);
let file_name = path.file_name();
if file_name.is_none() {
err!("No file name");
let file_name = file_name.unwrap();
let mut file_options = super::file::CopyOptions {
overwrite: options.overwrite,
skip_exist: options.skip_exist,
buffer_size: options.buffer_size,
if let Some(file_name) = file_name.to_str() {
info_process.file_name = file_name.to_string();
} else {
err!("Invalid file name", ErrorKind::InvalidFileName);
info_process.file_bytes_copied = 0;
info_process.file_total_bytes = Path::new(&file).metadata()?.len();
let mut result_copy: Result<u64>;
let mut work = true;
let copied_bytes = result;
while work {
let _progress_handler = |info: super::file::TransitProcess| {
info_process.copied_bytes = copied_bytes + info.copied_bytes;
info_process.file_bytes_copied = info.copied_bytes;
result_copy = super::file::move_file_with_progress(
match result_copy {
Ok(val) => {
result += val;
work = false;
Err(err) => match err.kind {
ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => {
let mut info_process = info_process.clone();
info_process.state = TransitState::Exists;
let user_decide = progress_handler(info_process);
match user_decide {
TransitProcessResult::Overwrite => {
file_options.overwrite = true;
TransitProcessResult::OverwriteAll => {
file_options.overwrite = true;
options.overwrite = true;
TransitProcessResult::Skip => {
is_remove = false;
file_options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::SkipAll => {
is_remove = false;
file_options.skip_exist = true;
options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::Retry => {}
TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
TransitProcessResult::Abort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
let mut info_process = info_process.clone();
info_process.state = TransitState::Exists;
let user_decide = progress_handler(info_process);
match user_decide {
TransitProcessResult::Overwrite => {
err!("Overwrite denied for this situation!", ErrorKind::Other);
TransitProcessResult::OverwriteAll => {
err!("Overwrite denied for this situation!", ErrorKind::Other);
TransitProcessResult::Skip => {
is_remove = false;
file_options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::SkipAll => {
file_options.skip_exist = true;
options.skip_exist = true;
TransitProcessResult::Retry => {}
TransitProcessResult::ContinueOrAbort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
TransitProcessResult::Abort => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
_ => {
let err_msg = err.to_string();
err!(err_msg.as_str(), err.kind)
if is_remove {
/// Removes directory.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::dir::remove;
/// remove("source/dir1"); // remove dir1
/// ```
pub fn remove<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<()> {
if path.as_ref().exists() {
} else {