blob: d4e7e79900f04fe5a3e1cf19f0cb07c1180cc181 [file] [log] [blame]
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::{Ident, Type};
use crate::usage::{IdentRefSet, IdentSet, Options};
/// Searcher for finding type params in a syntax tree.
/// This can be used to determine if a given type parameter needs to be bounded in a generated impl.
pub trait UsesTypeParams {
/// Returns the subset of the queried type parameters that are used by the implementing syntax element.
/// This method only accounts for direct usage by the element; indirect usage via bounds or `where`
/// predicates are not detected.
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a>;
/// Find all type params using `uses_type_params`, then clone the found values and return the set.
fn uses_type_params_cloned(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &IdentSet) -> IdentSet {
self.uses_type_params(options, type_set)
/// Searcher for finding type params in an iterator.
/// This trait extends iterators, providing a way to turn a filtered list of fields or variants into a set
/// of type parameter idents.
pub trait CollectTypeParams {
/// Consume an iterator, accumulating all type parameters in the elements which occur in `type_set`.
fn collect_type_params<'a>(self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a>;
/// Consume an iterator using `collect_type_params`, then clone all found type params and return that set.
fn collect_type_params_cloned(self, options: &Options, type_set: &IdentSet) -> IdentSet;
impl<'i, T, I> CollectTypeParams for T
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'i I>,
I: 'i + UsesTypeParams,
fn collect_type_params<'a>(self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
IdentRefSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(type_set.len(), Default::default()),
|state, value| union_in_place(state, value.uses_type_params(options, type_set)),
fn collect_type_params_cloned(self, options: &Options, type_set: &IdentSet) -> IdentSet {
self.collect_type_params(options, type_set)
/// Insert the contents of `right` into `left`.
fn union_in_place<'a>(mut left: IdentRefSet<'a>, right: IdentRefSet<'a>) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
impl UsesTypeParams for () {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, _options: &Options, _type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
impl<T: UsesTypeParams> UsesTypeParams for Option<T> {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
.map(|v| v.uses_type_params(options, type_set))
impl<T: UsesTypeParams> UsesTypeParams for Vec<T> {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
self.collect_type_params(options, type_set)
impl<T: UsesTypeParams, U> UsesTypeParams for Punctuated<T, U> {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
self.collect_type_params(options, type_set)
uses_type_params!(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments, args);
uses_type_params!(syn::AssocType, ty);
uses_type_params!(syn::BareFnArg, ty);
uses_type_params!(syn::Constraint, bounds);
uses_type_params!(syn::DataEnum, variants);
uses_type_params!(syn::DataStruct, fields);
uses_type_params!(syn::DataUnion, fields);
uses_type_params!(syn::Field, ty);
uses_type_params!(syn::FieldsNamed, named);
uses_type_params!(syn::ParenthesizedGenericArguments, inputs, output);
uses_type_params!(syn::PredicateType, bounded_ty, bounds);
uses_type_params!(syn::QSelf, ty);
uses_type_params!(syn::TraitBound, path);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeArray, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeBareFn, inputs, output);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeGroup, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeImplTrait, bounds);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeParen, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypePtr, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeReference, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeSlice, elem);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeTuple, elems);
uses_type_params!(syn::TypeTraitObject, bounds);
uses_type_params!(syn::Variant, fields);
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::Data {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
syn::Data::Struct(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::Data::Enum(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::Data::Union(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::Fields {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
self.collect_type_params(options, type_set)
/// Check if an Ident exactly matches one of the sought-after type parameters.
impl UsesTypeParams for Ident {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, _options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
type_set.iter().filter(|v| *v == self).collect()
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::ReturnType {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
if let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) = *self {
ty.uses_type_params(options, type_set)
} else {
impl UsesTypeParams for Type {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
Type::Slice(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Array(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Ptr(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Reference(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::BareFn(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Tuple(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Path(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Paren(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Group(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::TraitObject(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::ImplTrait(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
Type::Macro(_) | Type::Verbatim(_) | Type::Infer(_) | Type::Never(_) => {
_ => panic!("Unknown syn::Type: {:?}", self),
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::TypePath {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
let hits = self.path.uses_type_params(options, type_set);
if options.include_type_path_qself() {
union_in_place(hits, self.qself.uses_type_params(options, type_set))
} else {
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::Path {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
// Not sure if this is even possible, but a path with no segments definitely
// can't use type parameters.
if self.segments.is_empty() {
return Default::default();
// A path segment ident can only match if it is not global and it is the first segment
// in the path.
let ident_hits = if self.leading_colon.is_none() {
self.segments[0].ident.uses_type_params(options, type_set)
} else {
// Merge ident hit, if any, with all hits from path arguments
self.segments.iter().fold(ident_hits, |state, segment| {
union_in_place(state, segment.arguments.uses_type_params(options, type_set))
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::PathArguments {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
syn::PathArguments::None => Default::default(),
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::PathArguments::Parenthesized(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::WherePredicate {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
syn::WherePredicate::Lifetime(_) => Default::default(),
syn::WherePredicate::Type(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
// non-exhaustive enum
// TODO: replace panic with failible function
_ => panic!("Unknown syn::WherePredicate: {:?}", self),
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::GenericArgument {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::GenericArgument::AssocType(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::GenericArgument::Constraint(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
| syn::GenericArgument::Const(_)
| syn::GenericArgument::Lifetime(_) => Default::default(),
// non-exhaustive enum
// TODO: replace panic with failible function
_ => panic!("Unknown syn::GenericArgument: {:?}", self),
impl UsesTypeParams for syn::TypeParamBound {
fn uses_type_params<'a>(&self, options: &Options, type_set: &'a IdentSet) -> IdentRefSet<'a> {
match *self {
syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(ref v) => v.uses_type_params(options, type_set),
syn::TypeParamBound::Lifetime(_) => Default::default(),
// non-exhaustive enum
// TODO: replace panic with failible function
_ => panic!("Unknown syn::TypeParamBound: {:?}", self),
mod tests {
use proc_macro2::Span;
use syn::{parse_quote, DeriveInput, Ident};
use super::UsesTypeParams;
use crate::usage::IdentSet;
use crate::usage::Purpose::*;
fn ident_set(idents: Vec<&str>) -> IdentSet {
.map(|s| Ident::new(s, Span::call_site()))
fn finds_simple() {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote! { struct Foo<T, U>(T, i32, A, U); };
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T", "U", "X"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2);
fn finds_named() {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote! {
struct Foo<T, U = usize> {
bar: T,
world: U,
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T", "U", "X"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2);
fn finds_as_type_arg() {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote! {
struct Foo<T, U> {
bar: T,
world: Vec<U>,
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T", "U", "X"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2);
fn associated_type() {
let input: DeriveInput =
parse_quote! { struct Foo<'a, T> where T: Iterator { peek: T::Item } };
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T", "INTO"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1);
fn box_fn_output() {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote! { struct Foo<T>(Box<dyn Fn() -> T>); };
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1);
fn box_fn_input() {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote! { struct Foo<T>(Box<dyn Fn(&T) -> ()>); };
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T"]);
let matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1);
/// Test that `syn::TypePath` is correctly honoring the different modes a
/// search can execute in.
fn qself_vec() {
let input: DeriveInput =
parse_quote! { struct Foo<T>(<Vec<T> as a::b::Trait>::AssociatedItem); };
let generics = ident_set(vec!["T", "U"]);
let bound_matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(bound_matches.len(), 0);
let declare_matches =, &generics);
assert_eq!(declare_matches.len(), 1);