blob: ac110bb3b0ef9be1aef42725ccbd7439b62cf064 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- VPlanValue.h - Represent Values in Vectorizer Plan -----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file contains the declarations of the entities induced by Vectorization
/// Plans, e.g. the instructions the VPlan intends to generate if executed.
/// VPlan models the following entities:
/// VPValue VPUser VPDef
/// | |
/// VPInstruction
/// These are documented in docs/VectorizationPlan.rst.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
namespace llvm {
// Forward declarations.
class raw_ostream;
class Value;
class VPDef;
class VPSlotTracker;
class VPUser;
class VPRecipeBase;
class VPWidenMemoryInstructionRecipe;
// This is the base class of the VPlan Def/Use graph, used for modeling the data
// flow into, within and out of the VPlan. VPValues can stand for live-ins
// coming from the input IR, instructions which VPlan will generate if executed
// and live-outs which the VPlan will need to fix accordingly.
class VPValue {
friend class VPBuilder;
friend class VPDef;
friend class VPInstruction;
friend struct VPlanTransforms;
friend class VPBasicBlock;
friend class VPInterleavedAccessInfo;
friend class VPSlotTracker;
friend class VPRecipeBase;
friend class VPWidenMemoryInstructionRecipe;
const unsigned char SubclassID; ///< Subclass identifier (for isa/dyn_cast).
SmallVector<VPUser *, 1> Users;
// Hold the underlying Value, if any, attached to this VPValue.
Value *UnderlyingVal;
/// Pointer to the VPDef that defines this VPValue. If it is nullptr, the
/// VPValue is not defined by any recipe modeled in VPlan.
VPDef *Def;
VPValue(const unsigned char SC, Value *UV = nullptr, VPDef *Def = nullptr);
// DESIGN PRINCIPLE: Access to the underlying IR must be strictly limited to
// the front-end and back-end of VPlan so that the middle-end is as
// independent as possible of the underlying IR. We grant access to the
// underlying IR using friendship. In that way, we should be able to use VPlan
// for multiple underlying IRs (Polly?) by providing a new VPlan front-end,
// back-end and analysis information for the new IR.
// Set \p Val as the underlying Value of this VPValue.
void setUnderlyingValue(Value *Val) {
assert(!UnderlyingVal && "Underlying Value is already set.");
UnderlyingVal = Val;
/// Return the underlying Value attached to this VPValue.
Value *getUnderlyingValue() { return UnderlyingVal; }
const Value *getUnderlyingValue() const { return UnderlyingVal; }
/// An enumeration for keeping track of the concrete subclass of VPValue that
/// are actually instantiated.
enum {
VPValueSC, /// A generic VPValue, like live-in values or defined by a recipe
/// that defines multiple values.
VPVRecipeSC /// A VPValue sub-class that is a VPRecipeBase.
/// Create a live-in VPValue.
VPValue(Value *UV = nullptr) : VPValue(VPValueSC, UV, nullptr) {}
/// Create a VPValue for a \p Def which is a subclass of VPValue.
VPValue(VPDef *Def, Value *UV = nullptr) : VPValue(VPVRecipeSC, UV, Def) {}
/// Create a VPValue for a \p Def which defines multiple values.
VPValue(Value *UV, VPDef *Def) : VPValue(VPValueSC, UV, Def) {}
VPValue(const VPValue &) = delete;
VPValue &operator=(const VPValue &) = delete;
virtual ~VPValue();
/// \return an ID for the concrete type of this object.
/// This is used to implement the classof checks. This should not be used
/// for any other purpose, as the values may change as LLVM evolves.
unsigned getVPValueID() const { return SubclassID; }
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
void printAsOperand(raw_ostream &OS, VPSlotTracker &Tracker) const;
void print(raw_ostream &OS, VPSlotTracker &Tracker) const;
/// Dump the value to stderr (for debugging).
void dump() const;
unsigned getNumUsers() const { return Users.size(); }
void addUser(VPUser &User) { Users.push_back(&User); }
/// Remove a single \p User from the list of users.
void removeUser(VPUser &User) {
bool Found = false;
// The same user can be added multiple times, e.g. because the same VPValue
// is used twice by the same VPUser. Remove a single one.
erase_if(Users, [&User, &Found](VPUser *Other) {
if (Found)
return false;
if (Other == &User) {
Found = true;
return true;
return false;
typedef SmallVectorImpl<VPUser *>::iterator user_iterator;
typedef SmallVectorImpl<VPUser *>::const_iterator const_user_iterator;
typedef iterator_range<user_iterator> user_range;
typedef iterator_range<const_user_iterator> const_user_range;
user_iterator user_begin() { return Users.begin(); }
const_user_iterator user_begin() const { return Users.begin(); }
user_iterator user_end() { return Users.end(); }
const_user_iterator user_end() const { return Users.end(); }
user_range users() { return user_range(user_begin(), user_end()); }
const_user_range users() const {
return const_user_range(user_begin(), user_end());
/// Returns true if the value has more than one unique user.
bool hasMoreThanOneUniqueUser() {
if (getNumUsers() == 0)
return false;
// Check if all users match the first user.
auto Current = std::next(user_begin());
while (Current != user_end() && *user_begin() == *Current)
return Current != user_end();
void replaceAllUsesWith(VPValue *New);
/// Returns the recipe defining this VPValue or nullptr if it is not defined
/// by a recipe, i.e. is a live-in.
VPRecipeBase *getDefiningRecipe();
const VPRecipeBase *getDefiningRecipe() const;
/// Returns true if this VPValue is defined by a recipe.
bool hasDefiningRecipe() const { return getDefiningRecipe(); }
/// Returns true if this VPValue is a live-in, i.e. defined outside the VPlan.
bool isLiveIn() const { return !hasDefiningRecipe(); }
/// Returns the underlying IR value, if this VPValue is defined outside the
/// scope of VPlan. Returns nullptr if the VPValue is defined by a VPDef
/// inside a VPlan.
Value *getLiveInIRValue() {
assert(isLiveIn() &&
"VPValue is not a live-in; it is defined by a VPDef inside a VPlan");
return getUnderlyingValue();
const Value *getLiveInIRValue() const {
assert(isLiveIn() &&
"VPValue is not a live-in; it is defined by a VPDef inside a VPlan");
return getUnderlyingValue();
/// Returns true if the VPValue is defined outside any vector regions, i.e. it
/// is a live-in value.
/// TODO: Also handle recipes defined in pre-header blocks.
bool isDefinedOutsideVectorRegions() const { return !hasDefiningRecipe(); }
typedef DenseMap<Value *, VPValue *> Value2VPValueTy;
typedef DenseMap<VPValue *, Value *> VPValue2ValueTy;
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const VPValue &V);
/// This class augments VPValue with operands which provide the inverse def-use
/// edges from VPValue's users to their defs.
class VPUser {
/// Subclass identifier (for isa/dyn_cast).
enum class VPUserID {
SmallVector<VPValue *, 2> Operands;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
/// Print the operands to \p O.
void printOperands(raw_ostream &O, VPSlotTracker &SlotTracker) const;
VPUser(ArrayRef<VPValue *> Operands, VPUserID ID) : ID(ID) {
for (VPValue *Operand : Operands)
VPUser(std::initializer_list<VPValue *> Operands, VPUserID ID)
: VPUser(ArrayRef<VPValue *>(Operands), ID) {}
template <typename IterT>
VPUser(iterator_range<IterT> Operands, VPUserID ID) : ID(ID) {
for (VPValue *Operand : Operands)
VPUser() = delete;
VPUser(const VPUser &) = delete;
VPUser &operator=(const VPUser &) = delete;
virtual ~VPUser() {
for (VPValue *Op : operands())
VPUserID getVPUserID() const { return ID; }
void addOperand(VPValue *Operand) {
unsigned getNumOperands() const { return Operands.size(); }
inline VPValue *getOperand(unsigned N) const {
assert(N < Operands.size() && "Operand index out of bounds");
return Operands[N];
void setOperand(unsigned I, VPValue *New) {
Operands[I] = New;
void removeLastOperand() {
VPValue *Op = Operands.pop_back_val();
typedef SmallVectorImpl<VPValue *>::iterator operand_iterator;
typedef SmallVectorImpl<VPValue *>::const_iterator const_operand_iterator;
typedef iterator_range<operand_iterator> operand_range;
typedef iterator_range<const_operand_iterator> const_operand_range;
operand_iterator op_begin() { return Operands.begin(); }
const_operand_iterator op_begin() const { return Operands.begin(); }
operand_iterator op_end() { return Operands.end(); }
const_operand_iterator op_end() const { return Operands.end(); }
operand_range operands() { return operand_range(op_begin(), op_end()); }
const_operand_range operands() const {
return const_operand_range(op_begin(), op_end());
/// Returns true if the VPUser uses scalars of operand \p Op. Conservatively
/// returns if only first (scalar) lane is used, as default.
virtual bool usesScalars(const VPValue *Op) const {
assert(is_contained(operands(), Op) &&
"Op must be an operand of the recipe");
return onlyFirstLaneUsed(Op);
/// Returns true if the VPUser only uses the first lane of operand \p Op.
/// Conservatively returns false.
virtual bool onlyFirstLaneUsed(const VPValue *Op) const {
assert(is_contained(operands(), Op) &&
"Op must be an operand of the recipe");
return false;
/// This class augments a recipe with a set of VPValues defined by the recipe.
/// It allows recipes to define zero, one or multiple VPValues. A VPDef owns
/// the VPValues it defines and is responsible for deleting its defined values.
/// Single-value VPDefs that also inherit from VPValue must make sure to inherit
/// from VPDef before VPValue.
class VPDef {
friend class VPValue;
/// Subclass identifier (for isa/dyn_cast).
const unsigned char SubclassID;
/// The VPValues defined by this VPDef.
TinyPtrVector<VPValue *> DefinedValues;
/// Add \p V as a defined value by this VPDef.
void addDefinedValue(VPValue *V) {
assert(V->Def == this &&
"can only add VPValue already linked with this VPDef");
/// Remove \p V from the values defined by this VPDef. \p V must be a defined
/// value of this VPDef.
void removeDefinedValue(VPValue *V) {
assert(V->Def == this && "can only remove VPValue linked with this VPDef");
assert(is_contained(DefinedValues, V) &&
"VPValue to remove must be in DefinedValues");
erase_value(DefinedValues, V);
V->Def = nullptr;
/// An enumeration for keeping track of the concrete subclass of VPRecipeBase
/// that is actually instantiated. Values of this enumeration are kept in the
/// SubclassID field of the VPRecipeBase objects. They are used for concrete
/// type identification.
using VPRecipeTy = enum {
// START: Phi-like recipes. Need to be kept together.
// START: SubclassID for recipes that inherit VPHeaderPHIRecipe.
// VPHeaderPHIRecipe need to be kept together.
// END: SubclassID for recipes that inherit VPHeaderPHIRecipe
// END: Phi-like recipes
VPFirstHeaderPHISC = VPCanonicalIVPHISC,
VPLastHeaderPHISC = VPReductionPHISC,
VPDef(const unsigned char SC) : SubclassID(SC) {}
virtual ~VPDef() {
for (VPValue *D : make_early_inc_range(DefinedValues)) {
assert(D->Def == this &&
"all defined VPValues should point to the containing VPDef");
assert(D->getNumUsers() == 0 &&
"all defined VPValues should have no more users");
D->Def = nullptr;
delete D;
/// Returns the only VPValue defined by the VPDef. Can only be called for
/// VPDefs with a single defined value.
VPValue *getVPSingleValue() {
assert(DefinedValues.size() == 1 && "must have exactly one defined value");
assert(DefinedValues[0] && "defined value must be non-null");
return DefinedValues[0];
const VPValue *getVPSingleValue() const {
assert(DefinedValues.size() == 1 && "must have exactly one defined value");
assert(DefinedValues[0] && "defined value must be non-null");
return DefinedValues[0];
/// Returns the VPValue with index \p I defined by the VPDef.
VPValue *getVPValue(unsigned I) {
assert(DefinedValues[I] && "defined value must be non-null");
return DefinedValues[I];
const VPValue *getVPValue(unsigned I) const {
assert(DefinedValues[I] && "defined value must be non-null");
return DefinedValues[I];
/// Returns an ArrayRef of the values defined by the VPDef.
ArrayRef<VPValue *> definedValues() { return DefinedValues; }
/// Returns an ArrayRef of the values defined by the VPDef.
ArrayRef<VPValue *> definedValues() const { return DefinedValues; }
/// Returns the number of values defined by the VPDef.
unsigned getNumDefinedValues() const { return DefinedValues.size(); }
/// \return an ID for the concrete type of this object.
/// This is used to implement the classof checks. This should not be used
/// for any other purpose, as the values may change as LLVM evolves.
unsigned getVPDefID() const { return SubclassID; }
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
/// Dump the VPDef to stderr (for debugging).
void dump() const;
/// Each concrete VPDef prints itself.
virtual void print(raw_ostream &O, const Twine &Indent,
VPSlotTracker &SlotTracker) const = 0;
class VPlan;
class VPBasicBlock;
/// This class can be used to assign consecutive numbers to all VPValues in a
/// VPlan and allows querying the numbering for printing, similar to the
/// ModuleSlotTracker for IR values.
class VPSlotTracker {
DenseMap<const VPValue *, unsigned> Slots;
unsigned NextSlot = 0;
void assignSlot(const VPValue *V);
void assignSlots(const VPlan &Plan);
void assignSlots(const VPBasicBlock *VPBB);
VPSlotTracker(const VPlan *Plan = nullptr) {
if (Plan)
unsigned getSlot(const VPValue *V) const {
auto I = Slots.find(V);
if (I == Slots.end())
return -1;
return I->second;
} // namespace llvm