blob: 928adb03f09894c2ceb58413ef3c9a82a1699b1b [file] [log] [blame]
//= LoongArchBaseInfo.cpp - Top level definitions for LoongArch MC -*- C++ -*-//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements helper functions for the LoongArch target useful for the
// compiler back-end and the MC libraries.
#include "LoongArchBaseInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace LoongArchABI {
ABI computeTargetABI(const Triple &TT, StringRef ABIName) {
ABI ArgProvidedABI = getTargetABI(ABIName);
bool Is64Bit = TT.isArch64Bit();
ABI TripleABI;
// Figure out the ABI explicitly requested via the triple's environment type.
switch (TT.getEnvironment()) {
case llvm::Triple::EnvironmentType::GNUSF:
TripleABI = Is64Bit ? LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64S : LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32S;
case llvm::Triple::EnvironmentType::GNUF32:
TripleABI = Is64Bit ? LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64F : LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32F;
// Let the fallback case behave like {ILP32,LP64}D.
case llvm::Triple::EnvironmentType::GNUF64:
TripleABI = Is64Bit ? LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64D : LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32D;
switch (ArgProvidedABI) {
case LoongArchABI::ABI_Unknown:
// Fallback to the triple-implied ABI if ABI name is not specified or
// invalid.
if (!ABIName.empty())
errs() << "'" << ABIName
<< "' is not a recognized ABI for this target, ignoring and using "
"triple-implied ABI\n";
return TripleABI;
case LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32S:
case LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32F:
case LoongArchABI::ABI_ILP32D:
if (Is64Bit) {
errs() << "32-bit ABIs are not supported for 64-bit targets, ignoring "
"target-abi and using triple-implied ABI\n";
return TripleABI;
case LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64S:
case LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64F:
case LoongArchABI::ABI_LP64D:
if (!Is64Bit) {
errs() << "64-bit ABIs are not supported for 32-bit targets, ignoring "
"target-abi and using triple-implied ABI\n";
return TripleABI;
if (!ABIName.empty() && TT.hasEnvironment() && ArgProvidedABI != TripleABI)
errs() << "warning: triple-implied ABI conflicts with provided target-abi '"
<< ABIName << "', using target-abi\n";
return ArgProvidedABI;
ABI getTargetABI(StringRef ABIName) {
auto TargetABI = StringSwitch<ABI>(ABIName)
.Case("ilp32s", ABI_ILP32S)
.Case("ilp32f", ABI_ILP32F)
.Case("ilp32d", ABI_ILP32D)
.Case("lp64s", ABI_LP64S)
.Case("lp64f", ABI_LP64F)
.Case("lp64d", ABI_LP64D)
return TargetABI;
// To avoid the BP value clobbered by a function call, we need to choose a
// callee saved register to save the value. The `last` `S` register (s9) is
// used for FP. So we choose the previous (s8) as BP.
MCRegister getBPReg() { return LoongArch::R31; }
} // end namespace LoongArchABI
} // end namespace llvm