blob: ae11f49f837095ee112823d6cfbd416262a363c5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Record.h - Record compiler events ------------------------- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Where Analysis.h analyzes AST nodes and recorded preprocessor events, this
// file defines ways to capture AST and preprocessor information from a parse.
// These are the simplest way to connect include-cleaner logic to the parser,
// but other ways are possible (for example clangd records includes separately).
#include "clang-include-cleaner/Types.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem/UniqueID.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
class ASTConsumer;
class ASTContext;
class CompilerInstance;
class Decl;
class FileEntry;
class Preprocessor;
class PPCallbacks;
class FileManager;
namespace include_cleaner {
/// Captures #include mapping information. It analyses IWYU Pragma comments and
/// other use-instead-like mechanisms (#pragma include_instead) on included
/// files.
/// This is a low-level piece being used in the "Location => Header" analysis
/// step to determine the final public header rather than the header directly
/// defines the symbol.
class PragmaIncludes {
/// Installs an analysing PPCallback and CommentHandler and populates results
/// to the structure.
void record(const CompilerInstance &CI);
/// Installs an analysing PPCallback and CommentHandler and populates results
/// to the structure.
void record(Preprocessor &P);
/// Returns true if the given #include of the main-file should never be
/// removed.
bool shouldKeep(unsigned HashLineNumber) const {
return ShouldKeep.contains(HashLineNumber);
/// Returns the public mapping include for the given physical header file.
/// Returns "" if there is none.
llvm::StringRef getPublic(const FileEntry *File) const;
/// Returns all direct exporter headers for the given header file.
/// Returns empty if there is none.
llvm::SmallVector<const FileEntry *> getExporters(const FileEntry *File,
FileManager &FM) const;
llvm::SmallVector<const FileEntry *> getExporters(tooling::stdlib::Header,
FileManager &FM) const;
/// Returns true if the given file is a self-contained file.
bool isSelfContained(const FileEntry *File) const;
/// Returns true if the given file is marked with the IWYU private pragma.
bool isPrivate(const FileEntry *File) const;
class RecordPragma;
/// 1-based Line numbers for the #include directives of the main file that
/// should always keep (e.g. has the `IWYU pragma: keep` or `IWYU pragma:
/// export` right after).
llvm::DenseSet</*LineNumber*/ unsigned> ShouldKeep;
/// The public header mapping by the IWYU private pragma. For private pragmas
// without public mapping an empty StringRef is stored.
// !!NOTE: instead of using a FileEntry* to identify the physical file, we
// deliberately use the UniqueID to ensure the result is stable across
// FileManagers (for clangd's preamble and main-file builds).
llvm::DenseMap<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID, llvm::StringRef /*VerbatimSpelling*/>
/// A reverse map from the underlying header to its exporter headers.
/// There's no way to get a FileEntry from a UniqueID, especially when it
/// hasn't been opened before. So store the path and convert it to a
/// FileEntry by opening the file again through a FileManager.
/// We don't use RealPathName, as opening the file through a different name
/// changes its preferred name. Clearly this is fragile!
llvm::SmallVector</*FileEntry::getName()*/ llvm::StringRef>>
llvm::SmallVector</*FileEntry::getName()*/ llvm::StringRef>>
/// Contains all non self-contained files detected during the parsing.
llvm::DenseSet<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID> NonSelfContainedFiles;
/// Owns the strings.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
// FIXME: add support for clang use_instead pragma
/// Recorded main-file parser events relevant to include-cleaner.
struct RecordedAST {
/// The consumer (when installed into clang) tracks declarations in `*this`.
std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> record();
ASTContext *Ctx = nullptr;
/// The set of declarations written at file scope inside the main file.
/// These are the roots of the subtrees that should be traversed to find uses.
/// (Traversing the TranslationUnitDecl would find uses inside headers!)
std::vector<Decl *> Roots;
/// Recorded main-file preprocessor events relevant to include-cleaner.
/// This doesn't include facts that we record globally for the whole TU, even
/// when they occur in the main file (e.g. IWYU pragmas).
struct RecordedPP {
/// The callback (when installed into clang) tracks macros/includes in this.
std::unique_ptr<PPCallbacks> record(const Preprocessor &PP);
/// Describes where macros were used in the main file.
std::vector<SymbolReference> MacroReferences;
/// The include directives seen in the main file.
include_cleaner::Includes Includes;
} // namespace include_cleaner
} // namespace clang