blob: be27bf75dbd1592833956e45de6231b841abc40a [file] [log] [blame]
//! This defines the syntax of MIR, i.e., the set of available MIR operations, and other definitions
//! closely related to MIR semantics.
//! This is in a dedicated file so that changes to this file can be reviewed more carefully.
//! The intention is that this file only contains datatype declarations, no code.
use super::{BasicBlock, Constant, Local, SwitchTargets, UserTypeProjection};
use crate::mir::coverage::{CodeRegion, CoverageKind};
use crate::traits::Reveal;
use crate::ty::adjustment::PointerCoercion;
use crate::ty::GenericArgsRef;
use crate::ty::{self, List, Ty};
use crate::ty::{Region, UserTypeAnnotationIndex};
use rustc_ast::{InlineAsmOptions, InlineAsmTemplatePiece};
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_hir::{self as hir};
use rustc_hir::{self, GeneratorKind};
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_target::abi::{FieldIdx, VariantIdx};
use rustc_ast::Mutability;
use rustc_span::def_id::LocalDefId;
use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_target::asm::InlineAsmRegOrRegClass;
/// Represents the "flavors" of MIR.
/// All flavors of MIR use the same data structure, but there are some important differences. These
/// differences come in two forms: Dialects and phases.
/// Dialects represent a stronger distinction than phases. This is because the transitions between
/// dialects are semantic changes, and therefore technically *lowerings* between distinct IRs. In
/// other words, the same [`Body`](crate::mir::Body) might be well-formed for multiple dialects, but
/// have different semantic meaning and different behavior at runtime.
/// Each dialect additionally has a number of phases. However, phase changes never involve semantic
/// changes. If some MIR is well-formed both before and after a phase change, it is also guaranteed
/// that it has the same semantic meaning. In this sense, phase changes can only add additional
/// restrictions on what MIR is well-formed.
/// When adding phases, remember to update [`MirPhase::phase_index`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum MirPhase {
/// The MIR that is generated by MIR building.
/// The only things that operate on this dialect are unsafeck, the various MIR lints, and const
/// qualifs.
/// This has no distinct phases.
/// The MIR used for most analysis.
/// The only semantic change between analysis and built MIR is constant promotion. In built MIR,
/// sequences of statements that would generally be subject to constant promotion are
/// semantically constants, while in analysis MIR all constants are explicit.
/// The result of const promotion is available from the `mir_promoted` and `promoted_mir` queries.
/// This is the version of MIR used by borrowck and friends.
/// The MIR used for CTFE, optimizations, and codegen.
/// The semantic changes that occur in the lowering from analysis to runtime MIR are as follows:
/// - Drops: In analysis MIR, `Drop` terminators represent *conditional* drops; roughly speaking,
/// if dataflow analysis determines that the place being dropped is uninitialized, the drop will
/// not be executed. The exact semantics of this aren't written down anywhere, which means they
/// are essentially "what drop elaboration does." In runtime MIR, the drops are unconditional;
/// when a `Drop` terminator is reached, if the type has drop glue that drop glue is always
/// executed. This may be UB if the underlying place is not initialized.
/// - Packed drops: Places might in general be misaligned - in most cases this is UB, the exception
/// is fields of packed structs. In analysis MIR, `Drop(P)` for a `P` that might be misaligned
/// for this reason implicitly moves `P` to a temporary before dropping. Runtime MIR has no such
/// rules, and dropping a misaligned place is simply UB.
/// - Unwinding: in analysis MIR, unwinding from a function which may not unwind aborts. In runtime
/// MIR, this is UB.
/// - Retags: If `-Zmir-emit-retag` is enabled, analysis MIR has "implicit" retags in the same way
/// that Rust itself has them. Where exactly these are is generally subject to change, and so we
/// don't document this here. Runtime MIR has most retags explicit (though implicit retags
/// can still occur at `Rvalue::{Ref,AddrOf}`).
/// - Generator bodies: In analysis MIR, locals may actually be behind a pointer that user code has
/// access to. This occurs in generator bodies. Such locals do not behave like other locals,
/// because they eg may be aliased in surprising ways. Runtime MIR has no such special locals -
/// all generator bodies are lowered and so all places that look like locals really are locals.
/// Also note that the lint pass which reports eg `200_u8 + 200_u8` as an error is run as a part
/// of analysis to runtime MIR lowering. To ensure lints are reported reliably, this means that
/// transformations which may suppress such errors should not run on analysis MIR.
impl MirPhase {
pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
MirPhase::Built => "built",
MirPhase::Analysis(AnalysisPhase::Initial) => "analysis",
MirPhase::Analysis(AnalysisPhase::PostCleanup) => "analysis-post-cleanup",
MirPhase::Runtime(RuntimePhase::Initial) => "runtime",
MirPhase::Runtime(RuntimePhase::PostCleanup) => "runtime-post-cleanup",
MirPhase::Runtime(RuntimePhase::Optimized) => "runtime-optimized",
pub fn reveal(&self) -> Reveal {
match *self {
MirPhase::Built | MirPhase::Analysis(_) => Reveal::UserFacing,
MirPhase::Runtime(_) => Reveal::All,
/// See [`MirPhase::Analysis`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum AnalysisPhase {
Initial = 0,
/// Beginning in this phase, the following variants are disallowed:
/// * [`TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind`]
/// * [`TerminatorKind::FalseEdge`]
/// * [`StatementKind::FakeRead`]
/// * [`StatementKind::AscribeUserType`]
/// * [`Rvalue::Ref`] with `BorrowKind::Shallow`
/// Furthermore, `Deref` projections must be the first projection within any place (if they
/// appear at all)
PostCleanup = 1,
/// See [`MirPhase::Runtime`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum RuntimePhase {
/// In addition to the semantic changes, beginning with this phase, the following variants are
/// disallowed:
/// * [`TerminatorKind::Yield`]
/// * [`TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop`]
/// * [`Rvalue::Aggregate`] for any `AggregateKind` except `Array`
/// And the following variants are allowed:
/// * [`StatementKind::Retag`]
/// * [`StatementKind::SetDiscriminant`]
/// * [`StatementKind::Deinit`]
/// Furthermore, `Copy` operands are allowed for non-`Copy` types.
Initial = 0,
/// Beginning with this phase, the following variant is disallowed:
/// * [`ProjectionElem::Deref`] of `Box`
PostCleanup = 1,
Optimized = 2,
// Borrow kinds
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
#[derive(Hash, HashStable)]
pub enum BorrowKind {
/// Data must be immutable and is aliasable.
/// The immediately borrowed place must be immutable, but projections from
/// it don't need to be. For example, a shallow borrow of `a.b` doesn't
/// conflict with a mutable borrow of `a.b.c`.
/// This is used when lowering matches: when matching on a place we want to
/// ensure that place have the same value from the start of the match until
/// an arm is selected. This prevents this code from compiling:
/// ```compile_fail,E0510
/// let mut x = &Some(0);
/// match *x {
/// None => (),
/// Some(_) if { x = &None; false } => (),
/// Some(_) => (),
/// }
/// ```
/// This can't be a shared borrow because mutably borrowing (*x as Some).0
/// should not prevent `if let None = x { ... }`, for example, because the
/// mutating `(*x as Some).0` can't affect the discriminant of `x`.
/// We can also report errors with this kind of borrow differently.
/// Data is mutable and not aliasable.
Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind },
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
#[derive(Hash, HashStable)]
pub enum MutBorrowKind {
/// This borrow arose from method-call auto-ref. (i.e., `adjustment::Adjust::Borrow`)
/// Data must be immutable but not aliasable. This kind of borrow
/// cannot currently be expressed by the user and is used only in
/// implicit closure bindings. It is needed when the closure is
/// borrowing or mutating a mutable referent, e.g.:
/// ```
/// let mut z = 3;
/// let x: &mut isize = &mut z;
/// let y = || *x += 5;
/// ```
/// If we were to try to translate this closure into a more explicit
/// form, we'd encounter an error with the code as written:
/// ```compile_fail,E0594
/// struct Env<'a> { x: &'a &'a mut isize }
/// let mut z = 3;
/// let x: &mut isize = &mut z;
/// let y = (&mut Env { x: &x }, fn_ptr); // Closure is pair of env and fn
/// fn fn_ptr(env: &mut Env) { **env.x += 5; }
/// ```
/// This is then illegal because you cannot mutate an `&mut` found
/// in an aliasable location. To solve, you'd have to translate with
/// an `&mut` borrow:
/// ```compile_fail,E0596
/// struct Env<'a> { x: &'a mut &'a mut isize }
/// let mut z = 3;
/// let x: &mut isize = &mut z;
/// let y = (&mut Env { x: &mut x }, fn_ptr); // changed from &x to &mut x
/// fn fn_ptr(env: &mut Env) { **env.x += 5; }
/// ```
/// Now the assignment to `**env.x` is legal, but creating a
/// mutable pointer to `x` is not because `x` is not mutable. We
/// could fix this by declaring `x` as `let mut x`. This is ok in
/// user code, if awkward, but extra weird for closures, since the
/// borrow is hidden.
/// So we introduce a `ClosureCapture` borrow -- user will not have to mark the variable
/// containing the mutable reference as `mut`, as they didn't ever
/// intend to mutate the mutable reference itself. We still mutable capture it in order to
/// mutate the pointed value through it (but not mutating the reference itself).
/// This solves the problem. For simplicity, we don't give users the way to express this
/// borrow, it's just used when translating closures.
// Statements
/// The various kinds of statements that can appear in MIR.
/// Not all of these are allowed at every [`MirPhase`]. Check the documentation there to see which
/// ones you do not have to worry about. The MIR validator will generally enforce such restrictions,
/// causing an ICE if they are violated.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum StatementKind<'tcx> {
/// Assign statements roughly correspond to an assignment in Rust proper (`x = ...`) except
/// without the possibility of dropping the previous value (that must be done separately, if at
/// all). The *exact* way this works is undecided. It probably does something like evaluating
/// the LHS to a place and the RHS to a value, and then storing the value to the place. Various
/// parts of this may do type specific things that are more complicated than simply copying
/// bytes.
/// **Needs clarification**: The implication of the above idea would be that assignment implies
/// that the resulting value is initialized. I believe we could commit to this separately from
/// committing to whatever part of the memory model we would need to decide on to make the above
/// paragraph precise. Do we want to?
/// Assignments in which the types of the place and rvalue differ are not well-formed.
/// **Needs clarification**: Do we ever want to worry about non-free (in the body) lifetimes for
/// the typing requirement in post drop-elaboration MIR? I think probably not - I'm not sure we
/// could meaningfully require this anyway. How about free lifetimes? Is ignoring this
/// interesting for optimizations? Do we want to allow such optimizations?
/// **Needs clarification**: We currently require that the LHS place not overlap with any place
/// read as part of computation of the RHS for some rvalues (generally those not producing
/// primitives). This requirement is under discussion in [#68364]. As a part of this discussion,
/// it is also unclear in what order the components are evaluated.
/// [#68364]:
/// See [`Rvalue`] documentation for details on each of those.
Assign(Box<(Place<'tcx>, Rvalue<'tcx>)>),
/// This represents all the reading that a pattern match may do (e.g., inspecting constants and
/// discriminant values), and the kind of pattern it comes from. This is in order to adapt
/// potential error messages to these specific patterns.
/// Note that this also is emitted for regular `let` bindings to ensure that locals that are
/// never accessed still get some sanity checks for, e.g., `let x: ! = ..;`
/// When executed at runtime this is a nop.
/// Disallowed after drop elaboration.
FakeRead(Box<(FakeReadCause, Place<'tcx>)>),
/// Write the discriminant for a variant to the enum Place.
/// This is permitted for both generators and ADTs. This does not necessarily write to the
/// entire place; instead, it writes to the minimum set of bytes as required by the layout for
/// the type.
SetDiscriminant { place: Box<Place<'tcx>>, variant_index: VariantIdx },
/// Deinitializes the place.
/// This writes `uninit` bytes to the entire place.
/// `StorageLive` and `StorageDead` statements mark the live range of a local.
/// At any point during the execution of a function, each local is either allocated or
/// unallocated. Except as noted below, all locals except function parameters are initially
/// unallocated. `StorageLive` statements cause memory to be allocated for the local while
/// `StorageDead` statements cause the memory to be freed. Using a local in any way (not only
/// reading/writing from it) while it is unallocated is UB.
/// Some locals have no `StorageLive` or `StorageDead` statements within the entire MIR body.
/// These locals are implicitly allocated for the full duration of the function. There is a
/// convenience method at `rustc_mir_dataflow::storage::always_storage_live_locals` for
/// computing these locals.
/// If the local is already allocated, calling `StorageLive` again is UB. However, for an
/// unallocated local an additional `StorageDead` all is simply a nop.
/// See `StorageLive` above.
/// Retag references in the given place, ensuring they got fresh tags.
/// This is part of the Stacked Borrows model. These statements are currently only interpreted
/// by miri and only generated when `-Z mir-emit-retag` is passed. See
/// <> for
/// more details.
/// For code that is not specific to stacked borrows, you should consider retags to read and
/// modify the place in an opaque way.
/// Only `RetagKind::Default` and `RetagKind::FnEntry` are permitted.
Retag(RetagKind, Box<Place<'tcx>>),
/// This statement exists to preserve a trace of a scrutinee matched against a wildcard binding.
/// This is especially useful for `let _ = PLACE;` bindings that desugar to a single
/// `PlaceMention(PLACE)`.
/// When executed at runtime, this computes the given place, but then discards
/// it without doing a load. It is UB if the place is not pointing to live memory.
/// Encodes a user's type ascription. These need to be preserved
/// intact so that NLL can respect them. For example:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// let a: T = y;
/// ```
/// The effect of this annotation is to relate the type `T_y` of the place `y`
/// to the user-given type `T`. The effect depends on the specified variance:
/// - `Covariant` -- requires that `T_y <: T`
/// - `Contravariant` -- requires that `T_y :> T`
/// - `Invariant` -- requires that `T_y == T`
/// - `Bivariant` -- no effect
/// When executed at runtime this is a nop.
/// Disallowed after drop elaboration.
AscribeUserType(Box<(Place<'tcx>, UserTypeProjection)>, ty::Variance),
/// Marks the start of a "coverage region", injected with '-Cinstrument-coverage'. A
/// `Coverage` statement carries metadata about the coverage region, used to inject a coverage
/// map into the binary. If `Coverage::kind` is a `Counter`, the statement also generates
/// executable code, to increment a counter variable at runtime, each time the code region is
/// executed.
/// Denotes a call to an intrinsic that does not require an unwind path and always returns.
/// This avoids adding a new block and a terminator for simple intrinsics.
/// Instructs the const eval interpreter to increment a counter; this counter is used to track
/// how many steps the interpreter has taken. It is used to prevent the user from writing const
/// code that runs for too long or infinitely. Other than in the const eval interpreter, this
/// is a no-op.
/// No-op. Useful for deleting instructions without affecting statement indices.
pub enum NonDivergingIntrinsic<'tcx> {
/// Denotes a call to the intrinsic function `assume`.
/// The operand must be a boolean. Optimizers may use the value of the boolean to backtrack its
/// computation to infer information about other variables. So if the boolean came from a
/// `x < y` operation, subsequent operations on `x` and `y` could elide various bound checks.
/// If the argument is `false`, this operation is equivalent to `TerminatorKind::Unreachable`.
/// Denotes a call to the intrinsic function `copy_nonoverlapping`.
/// First, all three operands are evaluated. `src` and `dest` must each be a reference, pointer,
/// or `Box` pointing to the same type `T`. `count` must evaluate to a `usize`. Then, `src` and
/// `dest` are dereferenced, and `count * size_of::<T>()` bytes beginning with the first byte of
/// the `src` place are copied to the contiguous range of bytes beginning with the first byte
/// of `dest`.
/// **Needs clarification**: In what order are operands computed and dereferenced? It should
/// probably match the order for assignment, but that is also undecided.
/// **Needs clarification**: Is this typed or not, ie is there a typed load and store involved?
/// I vaguely remember Ralf saying somewhere that he thought it should not be.
impl std::fmt::Display for NonDivergingIntrinsic<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Assume(op) => write!(f, "assume({op:?})"),
Self::CopyNonOverlapping(CopyNonOverlapping { src, dst, count }) => {
write!(f, "copy_nonoverlapping(dst = {dst:?}, src = {src:?}, count = {count:?})")
/// Describes what kind of retag is to be performed.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, HashStable)]
pub enum RetagKind {
/// The initial retag of arguments when entering a function.
/// Retag preparing for a two-phase borrow.
/// Retagging raw pointers.
/// A "normal" retag.
/// The `FakeReadCause` describes the type of pattern why a FakeRead statement exists.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, Hash, HashStable, PartialEq)]
pub enum FakeReadCause {
/// Inject a fake read of the borrowed input at the end of each guards
/// code.
/// This should ensure that you cannot change the variant for an enum while
/// you are in the midst of matching on it.
/// `let x: !; match x {}` doesn't generate any read of x so we need to
/// generate a read of x to check that it is initialized and safe.
/// If a closure pattern matches a Place starting with an Upvar, then we introduce a
/// FakeRead for that Place outside the closure, in such a case this option would be
/// Some(closure_def_id).
/// Otherwise, the value of the optional LocalDefId will be None.
// We can use LocalDefId here since fake read statements are removed
// before codegen in the `CleanupNonCodegenStatements` pass.
/// A fake read of the RefWithinGuard version of a bind-by-value variable
/// in a match guard to ensure that its value hasn't change by the time
/// we create the OutsideGuard version.
/// Officially, the semantics of
/// `let pattern = <expr>;`
/// is that `<expr>` is evaluated into a temporary and then this temporary is
/// into the pattern.
/// However, if we see the simple pattern `let var = <expr>`, we optimize this to
/// evaluate `<expr>` directly into the variable `var`. This is mostly unobservable,
/// but in some cases it can affect the borrow checker, as in #53695.
/// Therefore, we insert a "fake read" here to ensure that we get
/// appropriate errors.
/// If a closure pattern matches a Place starting with an Upvar, then we introduce a
/// FakeRead for that Place outside the closure, in such a case this option would be
/// Some(closure_def_id).
/// Otherwise, the value of the optional DefId will be None.
/// If we have an index expression like
/// (*x)[1][{ x = y; 4}]
/// then the first bounds check is invalidated when we evaluate the second
/// index expression. Thus we create a fake borrow of `x` across the second
/// indexer, which will cause a borrow check error.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct Coverage {
pub kind: CoverageKind,
pub code_region: Option<CodeRegion>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct CopyNonOverlapping<'tcx> {
pub src: Operand<'tcx>,
pub dst: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Number of elements to copy from src to dest, not bytes.
pub count: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Represents how a `TerminatorKind::Call` was constructed, used for diagnostics
#[derive(Clone, Copy, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum CallSource {
/// This came from something such as `a > b` or `a + b`. In THIR, if `from_hir_call`
/// is false then this is the desugaring.
/// This was from comparison generated by a match, used by const-eval for better errors
/// when the comparison cannot be done in compile time.
/// (see <>)
/// Other types of desugaring that did not come from the HIR, but we don't care about
/// for diagnostics (yet).
/// Normal function call, no special source
impl CallSource {
pub fn from_hir_call(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, CallSource::Normal)
// Terminators
/// The various kinds of terminators, representing ways of exiting from a basic block.
/// A note on unwinding: Panics may occur during the execution of some terminators. Depending on the
/// `-C panic` flag, this may either cause the program to abort or the call stack to unwind. Such
/// terminators have a `unwind: UnwindAction` field on them. If stack unwinding occurs, then
/// once the current function is reached, an action will be taken based on the `unwind` field.
/// If the action is `Cleanup`, then the execution continues at the given basic block. If the
/// action is `Continue` then no cleanup is performed, and the stack continues unwinding.
/// The basic block pointed to by a `Cleanup` unwind action must have its `cleanup` flag set.
/// `cleanup` basic blocks have a couple restrictions:
/// 1. All `unwind` fields in them must be `UnwindAction::Terminate` or `UnwindAction::Unreachable`.
/// 2. `Return` terminators are not allowed in them. `Terminate` and `Resume` terminators are.
/// 3. All other basic blocks (in the current body) that are reachable from `cleanup` basic blocks
/// must also be `cleanup`. This is a part of the type system and checked statically, so it is
/// still an error to have such an edge in the CFG even if it's known that it won't be taken at
/// runtime.
/// 4. The control flow between cleanup blocks must look like an upside down tree. Roughly
/// speaking, this means that control flow that looks like a V is allowed, while control flow
/// that looks like a W is not. This is necessary to ensure that landing pad information can be
/// correctly codegened on MSVC. More precisely:
/// Begin with the standard control flow graph `G`. Modify `G` as follows: for any two cleanup
/// vertices `u` and `v` such that `u` dominates `v`, contract `u` and `v` into a single vertex,
/// deleting self edges and duplicate edges in the process. Now remove all vertices from `G`
/// that are not cleanup vertices or are not reachable. The resulting graph must be an inverted
/// tree, that is each vertex may have at most one successor and there may be no cycles.
#[derive(Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable, PartialEq, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
/// Block has one successor; we continue execution there.
Goto { target: BasicBlock },
/// Switches based on the computed value.
/// First, evaluates the `discr` operand. The type of the operand must be a signed or unsigned
/// integer, char, or bool, and must match the given type. Then, if the list of switch targets
/// contains the computed value, continues execution at the associated basic block. Otherwise,
/// continues execution at the "otherwise" basic block.
/// Target values may not appear more than once.
SwitchInt {
/// The discriminant value being tested.
discr: Operand<'tcx>,
targets: SwitchTargets,
/// Indicates that the landing pad is finished and that the process should continue unwinding.
/// Like a return, this marks the end of this invocation of the function.
/// Only permitted in cleanup blocks. `Resume` is not permitted with `-C unwind=abort` after
/// deaggregation runs.
/// Indicates that the landing pad is finished and that the process should terminate.
/// Used to prevent unwinding for foreign items or with `-C unwind=abort`. Only permitted in
/// cleanup blocks.
/// Returns from the function.
/// Like function calls, the exact semantics of returns in Rust are unclear. Returning very
/// likely at least assigns the value currently in the return place (`_0`) to the place
/// specified in the associated `Call` terminator in the calling function, as if assigned via
/// `dest = move _0`. It might additionally do other things, like have side-effects in the
/// aliasing model.
/// If the body is a generator body, this has slightly different semantics; it instead causes a
/// `GeneratorState::Returned(_0)` to be created (as if by an `Aggregate` rvalue) and assigned
/// to the return place.
/// Indicates a terminator that can never be reached.
/// Executing this terminator is UB.
/// The behavior of this statement differs significantly before and after drop elaboration.
/// After drop elaboration: `Drop` terminators are a complete nop for types that have no drop
/// glue. For other types, `Drop` terminators behave exactly like a call to
/// `core::mem::drop_in_place` with a pointer to the given place.
/// `Drop` before drop elaboration is a *conditional* execution of the drop glue. Specifically,
/// the `Drop` will be executed if...
/// **Needs clarification**: End of that sentence. This in effect should document the exact
/// behavior of drop elaboration. The following sounds vaguely right, but I'm not quite sure:
/// > The drop glue is executed if, among all statements executed within this `Body`, an assignment to
/// > the place or one of its "parents" occurred more recently than a move out of it. This does not
/// > consider indirect assignments.
/// The `replace` flag indicates whether this terminator was created as part of an assignment.
/// This should only be used for diagnostic purposes, and does not have any operational
/// meaning.
Drop { place: Place<'tcx>, target: BasicBlock, unwind: UnwindAction, replace: bool },
/// Roughly speaking, evaluates the `func` operand and the arguments, and starts execution of
/// the referred to function. The operand types must match the argument types of the function.
/// The return place type must match the return type. The type of the `func` operand must be
/// callable, meaning either a function pointer, a function type, or a closure type.
/// **Needs clarification**: The exact semantics of this. Current backends rely on `move`
/// operands not aliasing the return place. It is unclear how this is justified in MIR, see
/// [#71117].
/// [#71117]:
Call {
/// The function that’s being called.
func: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Arguments the function is called with.
/// These are owned by the callee, which is free to modify them.
/// This allows the memory occupied by "by-value" arguments to be
/// reused across function calls without duplicating the contents.
args: Vec<Operand<'tcx>>,
/// Where the returned value will be written
destination: Place<'tcx>,
/// Where to go after this call returns. If none, the call necessarily diverges.
target: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Action to be taken if the call unwinds.
unwind: UnwindAction,
/// Where this call came from in HIR/THIR.
call_source: CallSource,
/// This `Span` is the span of the function, without the dot and receiver
/// e.g. `foo(a, b)` in `, b)`
fn_span: Span,
/// Evaluates the operand, which must have type `bool`. If it is not equal to `expected`,
/// initiates a panic. Initiating a panic corresponds to a `Call` terminator with some
/// unspecified constant as the function to call, all the operands stored in the `AssertMessage`
/// as parameters, and `None` for the destination. Keep in mind that the `cleanup` path is not
/// necessarily executed even in the case of a panic, for example in `-C panic=abort`. If the
/// assertion does not fail, execution continues at the specified basic block.
/// When overflow checking is disabled and this is run-time MIR (as opposed to compile-time MIR
/// that is used for CTFE), the following variants of this terminator behave as `goto target`:
/// - `OverflowNeg(..)`,
/// - `Overflow(op, ..)` if op is add, sub, mul, shl, shr, but NOT div or rem.
Assert {
cond: Operand<'tcx>,
expected: bool,
msg: Box<AssertMessage<'tcx>>,
target: BasicBlock,
unwind: UnwindAction,
/// Marks a suspend point.
/// Like `Return` terminators in generator bodies, this computes `value` and then a
/// `GeneratorState::Yielded(value)` as if by `Aggregate` rvalue. That value is then assigned to
/// the return place of the function calling this one, and execution continues in the calling
/// function. When next invoked with the same first argument, execution of this function
/// continues at the `resume` basic block, with the second argument written to the `resume_arg`
/// place. If the generator is dropped before then, the `drop` basic block is invoked.
/// Not permitted in bodies that are not generator bodies, or after generator lowering.
/// **Needs clarification**: What about the evaluation order of the `resume_arg` and `value`?
Yield {
/// The value to return.
value: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Where to resume to.
resume: BasicBlock,
/// The place to store the resume argument in.
resume_arg: Place<'tcx>,
/// Cleanup to be done if the generator is dropped at this suspend point.
drop: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Indicates the end of dropping a generator.
/// Semantically just a `return` (from the generators drop glue). Only permitted in the same situations
/// as `yield`.
/// **Needs clarification**: Is that even correct? The generator drop code is always confusing
/// to me, because it's not even really in the current body.
/// **Needs clarification**: Are there type system constraints on these terminators? Should
/// there be a "block type" like `cleanup` blocks for them?
/// A block where control flow only ever takes one real path, but borrowck needs to be more
/// conservative.
/// At runtime this is semantically just a goto.
/// Disallowed after drop elaboration.
FalseEdge {
/// The target normal control flow will take.
real_target: BasicBlock,
/// A block control flow could conceptually jump to, but won't in
/// practice.
imaginary_target: BasicBlock,
/// A terminator for blocks that only take one path in reality, but where we reserve the right
/// to unwind in borrowck, even if it won't happen in practice. This can arise in infinite loops
/// with no function calls for example.
/// At runtime this is semantically just a goto.
/// Disallowed after drop elaboration.
FalseUnwind {
/// The target normal control flow will take.
real_target: BasicBlock,
/// The imaginary cleanup block link. This particular path will never be taken
/// in practice, but in order to avoid fragility we want to always
/// consider it in borrowck. We don't want to accept programs which
/// pass borrowck only when `panic=abort` or some assertions are disabled
/// due to release vs. debug mode builds.
unwind: UnwindAction,
/// Block ends with an inline assembly block. This is a terminator since
/// inline assembly is allowed to diverge.
InlineAsm {
/// The template for the inline assembly, with placeholders.
template: &'tcx [InlineAsmTemplatePiece],
/// The operands for the inline assembly, as `Operand`s or `Place`s.
operands: Vec<InlineAsmOperand<'tcx>>,
/// Miscellaneous options for the inline assembly.
options: InlineAsmOptions,
/// Source spans for each line of the inline assembly code. These are
/// used to map assembler errors back to the line in the source code.
line_spans: &'tcx [Span],
/// Destination block after the inline assembly returns, unless it is
/// diverging (InlineAsmOptions::NORETURN).
destination: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Action to be taken if the inline assembly unwinds. This is present
/// if and only if InlineAsmOptions::MAY_UNWIND is set.
unwind: UnwindAction,
impl TerminatorKind<'_> {
/// Returns a simple string representation of a `TerminatorKind` variant, independent of any
/// values it might hold (e.g. `TerminatorKind::Call` always returns `"Call"`).
pub const fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
TerminatorKind::Goto { .. } => "Goto",
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => "SwitchInt",
TerminatorKind::Resume => "Resume",
TerminatorKind::Terminate => "Terminate",
TerminatorKind::Return => "Return",
TerminatorKind::Unreachable => "Unreachable",
TerminatorKind::Drop { .. } => "Drop",
TerminatorKind::Call { .. } => "Call",
TerminatorKind::Assert { .. } => "Assert",
TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } => "Yield",
TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop => "GeneratorDrop",
TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. } => "FalseEdge",
TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. } => "FalseUnwind",
TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => "InlineAsm",
/// Action to be taken when a stack unwind happens.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum UnwindAction {
/// No action is to be taken. Continue unwinding.
/// This is similar to `Cleanup(bb)` where `bb` does nothing but `Resume`, but they are not
/// equivalent, as presence of `Cleanup(_)` will make a frame non-POF.
/// Triggers undefined behavior if unwind happens.
/// Terminates the execution if unwind happens.
/// Depending on the platform and situation this may cause a non-unwindable panic or abort.
/// Cleanups to be done.
/// Information about an assertion failure.
#[derive(Clone, Hash, HashStable, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum AssertKind<O> {
BoundsCheck { len: O, index: O },
Overflow(BinOp, O, O),
MisalignedPointerDereference { required: O, found: O },
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum InlineAsmOperand<'tcx> {
In {
reg: InlineAsmRegOrRegClass,
value: Operand<'tcx>,
Out {
reg: InlineAsmRegOrRegClass,
late: bool,
place: Option<Place<'tcx>>,
InOut {
reg: InlineAsmRegOrRegClass,
late: bool,
in_value: Operand<'tcx>,
out_place: Option<Place<'tcx>>,
Const {
value: Box<Constant<'tcx>>,
SymFn {
value: Box<Constant<'tcx>>,
SymStatic {
def_id: DefId,
/// Type for MIR `Assert` terminator error messages.
pub type AssertMessage<'tcx> = AssertKind<Operand<'tcx>>;
// Places
/// Places roughly correspond to a "location in memory." Places in MIR are the same mathematical
/// object as places in Rust. This of course means that what exactly they are is undecided and part
/// of the Rust memory model. However, they will likely contain at least the following pieces of
/// information in some form:
/// 1. The address in memory that the place refers to.
/// 2. The provenance with which the place is being accessed.
/// 3. The type of the place and an optional variant index. See [`PlaceTy`][super::tcx::PlaceTy].
/// 4. Optionally, some metadata. This exists if and only if the type of the place is not `Sized`.
/// We'll give a description below of how all pieces of the place except for the provenance are
/// calculated. We cannot give a description of the provenance, because that is part of the
/// undecided aliasing model - we only include it here at all to acknowledge its existence.
/// Each local naturally corresponds to the place `Place { local, projection: [] }`. This place has
/// the address of the local's allocation and the type of the local.
/// **Needs clarification:** Unsized locals seem to present a bit of an issue. Their allocation
/// can't actually be created on `StorageLive`, because it's unclear how big to make the allocation.
/// Furthermore, MIR produces assignments to unsized locals, although that is not permitted under
/// `#![feature(unsized_locals)]` in Rust. Besides just putting "unsized locals are special and
/// different" in a bunch of places, I (JakobDegen) don't know how to incorporate this behavior into
/// the current MIR semantics in a clean way - possibly this needs some design work first.
/// For places that are not locals, ie they have a non-empty list of projections, we define the
/// values as a function of the parent place, that is the place with its last [`ProjectionElem`]
/// stripped. The way this is computed of course depends on the kind of that last projection
/// element:
/// - [`Downcast`](ProjectionElem::Downcast): This projection sets the place's variant index to the
/// given one, and makes no other changes. A `Downcast` projection on a place with its variant
/// index already set is not well-formed.
/// - [`Field`](ProjectionElem::Field): `Field` projections take their parent place and create a
/// place referring to one of the fields of the type. The resulting address is the parent
/// address, plus the offset of the field. The type becomes the type of the field. If the parent
/// was unsized and so had metadata associated with it, then the metadata is retained if the
/// field is unsized and thrown out if it is sized.
/// These projections are only legal for tuples, ADTs, closures, and generators. If the ADT or
/// generator has more than one variant, the parent place's variant index must be set, indicating
/// which variant is being used. If it has just one variant, the variant index may or may not be
/// included - the single possible variant is inferred if it is not included.
/// - [`OpaqueCast`](ProjectionElem::OpaqueCast): This projection changes the place's type to the
/// given one, and makes no other changes. A `OpaqueCast` projection on any type other than an
/// opaque type from the current crate is not well-formed.
/// - [`ConstantIndex`](ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex): Computes an offset in units of `T` into the
/// place as described in the documentation for the `ProjectionElem`. The resulting address is
/// the parent's address plus that offset, and the type is `T`. This is only legal if the parent
/// place has type `[T; N]` or `[T]` (*not* `&[T]`). Since such a `T` is always sized, any
/// resulting metadata is thrown out.
/// - [`Subslice`](ProjectionElem::Subslice): This projection calculates an offset and a new
/// address in a similar manner as `ConstantIndex`. It is also only legal on `[T; N]` and `[T]`.
/// However, this yields a `Place` of type `[T]`, and additionally sets the metadata to be the
/// length of the subslice.
/// - [`Index`](ProjectionElem::Index): Like `ConstantIndex`, only legal on `[T; N]` or `[T]`.
/// However, `Index` additionally takes a local from which the value of the index is computed at
/// runtime. Computing the value of the index involves interpreting the `Local` as a
/// `Place { local, projection: [] }`, and then computing its value as if done via
/// [`Operand::Copy`]. The array/slice is then indexed with the resulting value. The local must
/// have type `usize`.
/// - [`Deref`](ProjectionElem::Deref): Derefs are the last type of projection, and the most
/// complicated. They are only legal on parent places that are references, pointers, or `Box`. A
/// `Deref` projection begins by loading a value from the parent place, as if by
/// [`Operand::Copy`]. It then dereferences the resulting pointer, creating a place of the
/// pointee's type. The resulting address is the address that was stored in the pointer. If the
/// pointee type is unsized, the pointer additionally stored the value of the metadata.
/// Computing a place may cause UB. One possibility is that the pointer used for a `Deref` may not
/// be suitably aligned. Another possibility is that the place is not in bounds, meaning it does not
/// point to an actual allocation.
/// However, if this is actually UB and when the UB kicks in is undecided. This is being discussed
/// in [UCG#319]. The options include that every place must obey those rules, that only some places
/// must obey them, or that places impose no rules of their own.
/// [UCG#319]:
/// Rust currently requires that every place obey those two rules. This is checked by MIRI and taken
/// advantage of by codegen (via `gep inbounds`). That is possibly subject to change.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, TyEncodable, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub struct Place<'tcx> {
pub local: Local,
/// projection out of a place (access a field, deref a pointer, etc)
pub projection: &'tcx List<PlaceElem<'tcx>>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum ProjectionElem<V, T> {
/// A field (e.g., `f` in `_1.f`) is one variant of [`ProjectionElem`]. Conceptually,
/// rustc can identify that a field projection refers to either two different regions of memory
/// or the same one between the base and the 'projection element'.
/// Read more about projections in the [rustc-dev-guide][mir-datatypes]
/// [mir-datatypes]:
Field(FieldIdx, T),
/// Index into a slice/array.
/// Note that this does not also dereference, and so it does not exactly correspond to slice
/// indexing in Rust. In other words, in the below Rust code:
/// ```rust
/// let x = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
/// let i = 2;
/// x[i];
/// ```
/// The `x[i]` is turned into a `Deref` followed by an `Index`, not just an `Index`. The same
/// thing is true of the `ConstantIndex` and `Subslice` projections below.
/// These indices are generated by slice patterns. Easiest to explain
/// by example:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// [X, _, .._, _, _] => { offset: 0, min_length: 4, from_end: false },
/// [_, X, .._, _, _] => { offset: 1, min_length: 4, from_end: false },
/// [_, _, .._, X, _] => { offset: 2, min_length: 4, from_end: true },
/// [_, _, .._, _, X] => { offset: 1, min_length: 4, from_end: true },
/// ```
ConstantIndex {
/// index or -index (in Python terms), depending on from_end
offset: u64,
/// The thing being indexed must be at least this long. For arrays this
/// is always the exact length.
min_length: u64,
/// Counting backwards from end? This is always false when indexing an
/// array.
from_end: bool,
/// These indices are generated by slice patterns.
/// If `from_end` is true `slice[from..slice.len() - to]`.
/// Otherwise `array[]`.
Subslice {
from: u64,
to: u64,
/// Whether `to` counts from the start or end of the array/slice.
/// For `PlaceElem`s this is `true` if and only if the base is a slice.
/// For `ProjectionKind`, this can also be `true` for arrays.
from_end: bool,
/// "Downcast" to a variant of an enum or a generator.
/// The included Symbol is the name of the variant, used for printing MIR.
Downcast(Option<Symbol>, VariantIdx),
/// Like an explicit cast from an opaque type to a concrete type, but without
/// requiring an intermediate variable.
/// Alias for projections as they appear in places, where the base is a place
/// and the index is a local.
pub type PlaceElem<'tcx> = ProjectionElem<Local, Ty<'tcx>>;
// Operands
/// An operand in MIR represents a "value" in Rust, the definition of which is undecided and part of
/// the memory model. One proposal for a definition of values can be found [on UCG][value-def].
/// [value-def]:
/// The most common way to create values is via loading a place. Loading a place is an operation
/// which reads the memory of the place and converts it to a value. This is a fundamentally *typed*
/// operation. The nature of the value produced depends on the type of the conversion. Furthermore,
/// there may be other effects: if the type has a validity constraint loading the place might be UB
/// if the validity constraint is not met.
/// **Needs clarification:** Is loading a place that has its variant index set well-formed? Miri
/// currently implements it, but it seems like this may be something to check against in the
/// validator.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum Operand<'tcx> {
/// Creates a value by loading the given place.
/// Before drop elaboration, the type of the place must be `Copy`. After drop elaboration there
/// is no such requirement.
/// Creates a value by performing loading the place, just like the `Copy` operand.
/// This *may* additionally overwrite the place with `uninit` bytes, depending on how we decide
/// in [UCG#188]. You should not emit MIR that may attempt a subsequent second load of this
/// place without first re-initializing it.
/// **Needs clarification:** The operational impact of `Move` is unclear. Currently (both in
/// Miri and codegen) it has no effect at all unless it appears in an argument to `Call`; for
/// `Call` it allows the argument to be passed to the callee "in-place", i.e. the callee might
/// just get a reference to this place instead of a full copy. Miri implements this with a
/// combination of aliasing model "protectors" and putting `uninit` into the place. Ralf
/// proposes that we don't want these semantics for `Move` in regular assignments, because
/// loading a place should not have side-effects, and the aliasing model "protectors" are
/// inherently tied to a function call. Are these the semantics we want for MIR? Is this
/// something we can even decide without knowing more about Rust's memory model?
/// [UCG#188]:
/// Constants are already semantically values, and remain unchanged.
// Rvalues
/// The various kinds of rvalues that can appear in MIR.
/// Not all of these are allowed at every [`MirPhase`] - when this is the case, it's stated below.
/// Computing any rvalue begins by evaluating the places and operands in some order (**Needs
/// clarification**: Which order?). These are then used to produce a "value" - the same kind of
/// value that an [`Operand`] produces.
#[derive(Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable, PartialEq, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum Rvalue<'tcx> {
/// Yields the operand unchanged
/// Creates an array where each element is the value of the operand.
/// This is the cause of a bug in the case where the repetition count is zero because the value
/// is not dropped, see [#74836].
/// Corresponds to source code like `[x; 32]`.
/// [#74836]:
Repeat(Operand<'tcx>, ty::Const<'tcx>),
/// Creates a reference of the indicated kind to the place.
/// There is not much to document here, because besides the obvious parts the semantics of this
/// are essentially entirely a part of the aliasing model. There are many UCG issues discussing
/// exactly what the behavior of this operation should be.
/// `Shallow` borrows are disallowed after drop lowering.
Ref(Region<'tcx>, BorrowKind, Place<'tcx>),
/// Creates a pointer/reference to the given thread local.
/// The yielded type is a `*mut T` if the static is mutable, otherwise if the static is extern a
/// `*const T`, and if neither of those apply a `&T`.
/// **Note:** This is a runtime operation that actually executes code and is in this sense more
/// like a function call. Also, eliminating dead stores of this rvalue causes `fn main() {}` to
/// SIGILL for some reason that I (JakobDegen) never got a chance to look into.
/// **Needs clarification**: Are there weird additional semantics here related to the runtime
/// nature of this operation?
/// Creates a pointer with the indicated mutability to the place.
/// This is generated by pointer casts like `&v as *const _` or raw address of expressions like
/// `&raw v` or `addr_of!(v)`.
/// Like with references, the semantics of this operation are heavily dependent on the aliasing
/// model.
AddressOf(Mutability, Place<'tcx>),
/// Yields the length of the place, as a `usize`.
/// If the type of the place is an array, this is the array length. For slices (`[T]`, not
/// `&[T]`) this accesses the place's metadata to determine the length. This rvalue is
/// ill-formed for places of other types.
/// Performs essentially all of the casts that can be performed via `as`.
/// This allows for casts from/to a variety of types.
/// **FIXME**: Document exactly which `CastKind`s allow which types of casts. Figure out why
/// `ArrayToPointer` and `MutToConstPointer` are special.
Cast(CastKind, Operand<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>),
/// * `Offset` has the same semantics as [`offset`](pointer::offset), except that the second
/// parameter may be a `usize` as well.
/// * The comparison operations accept `bool`s, `char`s, signed or unsigned integers, floats,
/// raw pointers, or function pointers and return a `bool`. The types of the operands must be
/// matching, up to the usual caveat of the lifetimes in function pointers.
/// * Left and right shift operations accept signed or unsigned integers not necessarily of the
/// same type and return a value of the same type as their LHS. Like in Rust, the RHS is
/// truncated as needed.
/// * The `Bit*` operations accept signed integers, unsigned integers, or bools with matching
/// types and return a value of that type.
/// * The remaining operations accept signed integers, unsigned integers, or floats with
/// matching types and return a value of that type.
BinaryOp(BinOp, Box<(Operand<'tcx>, Operand<'tcx>)>),
/// Same as `BinaryOp`, but yields `(T, bool)` with a `bool` indicating an error condition.
/// For addition, subtraction, and multiplication on integers the error condition is set when
/// the infinite precision result would not be equal to the actual result.
/// Other combinations of types and operators are unsupported.
CheckedBinaryOp(BinOp, Box<(Operand<'tcx>, Operand<'tcx>)>),
/// Computes a value as described by the operation.
NullaryOp(NullOp<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>),
/// Exactly like `BinaryOp`, but less operands.
/// Also does two's-complement arithmetic. Negation requires a signed integer or a float;
/// bitwise not requires a signed integer, unsigned integer, or bool. Both operation kinds
/// return a value with the same type as their operand.
UnaryOp(UnOp, Operand<'tcx>),
/// Computes the discriminant of the place, returning it as an integer of type
/// [`discriminant_ty`]. Returns zero for types without discriminant.
/// The validity requirements for the underlying value are undecided for this rvalue, see
/// [#91095]. Note too that the value of the discriminant is not the same thing as the
/// variant index; use [`discriminant_for_variant`] to convert.
/// [`discriminant_ty`]: crate::ty::Ty::discriminant_ty
/// [#91095]:
/// [`discriminant_for_variant`]: crate::ty::Ty::discriminant_for_variant
/// Creates an aggregate value, like a tuple or struct.
/// This is needed because dataflow analysis needs to distinguish
/// `dest = Foo { x: ..., y: ... }` from `dest.x = ...; dest.y = ...;` in the case that `Foo`
/// has a destructor.
/// Disallowed after deaggregation for all aggregate kinds except `Array` and `Generator`. After
/// generator lowering, `Generator` aggregate kinds are disallowed too.
Aggregate(Box<AggregateKind<'tcx>>, IndexVec<FieldIdx, Operand<'tcx>>),
/// Transmutes a `*mut u8` into shallow-initialized `Box<T>`.
/// This is different from a normal transmute because dataflow analysis will treat the box as
/// initialized but its content as uninitialized. Like other pointer casts, this in general
/// affects alias analysis.
ShallowInitBox(Operand<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>),
/// A CopyForDeref is equivalent to a read from a place at the
/// codegen level, but is treated specially by drop elaboration. When such a read happens, it
/// is guaranteed (via nature of the mir_opt `Derefer` in rustc_mir_transform/src/deref_separator)
/// that the only use of the returned value is a deref operation, immediately
/// followed by one or more projections. Drop elaboration treats this rvalue as if the
/// read never happened and just projects further. This allows simplifying various MIR
/// optimizations and codegen backends that previously had to handle deref operations anywhere
/// in a place.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
pub enum CastKind {
/// An exposing pointer to address cast. A cast between a pointer and an integer type, or
/// between a function pointer and an integer type.
/// See the docs on `expose_addr` for more details.
/// An address-to-pointer cast that picks up an exposed provenance.
/// See the docs on `from_exposed_addr` for more details.
/// Pointer related casts that are done by coercions. Note that reference-to-raw-ptr casts are
/// translated into `&raw mut/const *r`, i.e., they are not actually casts.
/// Cast into a dyn* object.
/// Reinterpret the bits of the input as a different type.
/// MIR is well-formed if the input and output types have different sizes,
/// but running a transmute between differently-sized types is UB.
/// Allowed only in [`MirPhase::Runtime`]; Earlier it's a [`TerminatorKind::Call`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
#[derive(TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum AggregateKind<'tcx> {
/// The type is of the element
/// The second field is the variant index. It's equal to 0 for struct
/// and union expressions. The last field is the
/// active field number and is present only for union expressions
/// -- e.g., for a union expression `SomeUnion { c: .. }`, the
/// active field index would identity the field `c`
Adt(DefId, VariantIdx, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, Option<UserTypeAnnotationIndex>, Option<FieldIdx>),
Closure(DefId, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>),
Generator(DefId, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, hir::Movability),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Hash, HashStable)]
pub enum NullOp<'tcx> {
/// Returns the size of a value of that type
/// Returns the minimum alignment of a type
/// Returns the offset of a field
OffsetOf(&'tcx List<FieldIdx>),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[derive(HashStable, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum UnOp {
/// The `!` operator for logical inversion
/// The `-` operator for negation
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)]
#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
pub enum BinOp {
/// The `+` operator (addition)
/// Like `Add`, but with UB on overflow. (Integers only.)
/// The `-` operator (subtraction)
/// Like `Sub`, but with UB on overflow. (Integers only.)
/// The `*` operator (multiplication)
/// Like `Mul`, but with UB on overflow. (Integers only.)
/// The `/` operator (division)
/// For integer types, division by zero is UB, as is `MIN / -1` for signed.
/// The compiler should have inserted checks prior to this.
/// Floating-point division by zero is safe, and does not need guards.
/// The `%` operator (modulus)
/// For integer types, using zero as the modulus (second operand) is UB,
/// as is `MIN % -1` for signed.
/// The compiler should have inserted checks prior to this.
/// Floating-point remainder by zero is safe, and does not need guards.
/// The `^` operator (bitwise xor)
/// The `&` operator (bitwise and)
/// The `|` operator (bitwise or)
/// The `<<` operator (shift left)
/// The offset is truncated to the size of the first operand before shifting.
/// Like `Shl`, but is UB if the RHS >= LHS::BITS
/// The `>>` operator (shift right)
/// The offset is truncated to the size of the first operand before shifting.
/// This is an arithmetic shift if the LHS is signed
/// and a logical shift if the LHS is unsigned.
/// Like `Shl`, but is UB if the RHS >= LHS::BITS
/// The `==` operator (equality)
/// The `<` operator (less than)
/// The `<=` operator (less than or equal to)
/// The `!=` operator (not equal to)
/// The `>=` operator (greater than or equal to)
/// The `>` operator (greater than)
/// The `ptr.offset` operator
// Some nodes are used a lot. Make sure they don't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
mod size_asserts {
use super::*;
// tidy-alphabetical-start
static_assert_size!(AggregateKind<'_>, 32);
static_assert_size!(Operand<'_>, 24);
static_assert_size!(Place<'_>, 16);
static_assert_size!(PlaceElem<'_>, 24);
static_assert_size!(Rvalue<'_>, 40);
// tidy-alphabetical-end