blob: 13fb1a9100ae75f3383301dfe86bad08ee373b4c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Constants and helper functions for hosts."""
import enum
import sys
class Host(enum.Enum):
"""Enumeration of supported hosts."""
Darwin = 'darwin'
Linux = 'linux'
Windows = 'windows'
Android = 'android'
Baremetal = 'baremetal'
def is_android(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given host is Android."""
return self == Host.Android
def is_windows(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given host is Windows."""
return self == Host.Windows
def is_darwin(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given host is Darwin."""
return self == Host.Darwin
def is_linux(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given host is Linux."""
return self == Host.Linux
def os_tag(self) -> str:
"""Returns the os tag of current Host."""
return {
Host.Darwin: 'darwin-x86',
Host.Linux: 'linux-x86',
Host.Windows: 'windows-x86',
def os_tag_musl(self) -> str:
"""Returns the os tag of current Host, using musl if the Host is Linux."""
return 'linux_musl-x86' if self is Host.Linux else self.os_tag
def crt_dir(self) -> str:
"""Returns the subdirectory under lib for runtimes."""
return {
Host.Android: 'linux',
Host.Baremetal: 'baremetal',
Host.Linux: 'linux',
class Arch(enum.Enum):
"""Enumeration of supported arches."""
ARM = 'arm'
AARCH64 = 'aarch64'
I386 = 'i386'
X86_64 = 'x86_64'
RISCV64 = 'riscv64'
def llvm_arch(self) -> str:
"""Converts to llvm arch."""
return {
Arch.ARM: 'arm',
Arch.AARCH64: 'aarch64',
Arch.I386: 'i686',
Arch.X86_64: 'x86_64',
Arch.RISCV64: 'riscv64'
class Armv81MMainFpu(enum.Enum):
"""Enumeration of supported Armv8.1-M mainline FPUs."""
NONE = 'nofp'
SINGLE = 'fp'
DOUBLE = 'fp.dp'
def llvm_fpu(self) -> str:
"""Converts to llvm FPU name."""
return {
Armv81MMainFpu.NONE: 'none',
Armv81MMainFpu.SINGLE: 'fp-armv8-fullfp16-sp-d16',
Armv81MMainFpu.DOUBLE: 'fp-armv8-fullfp16-d16',
def llvm_float_abi(self) -> str:
"""Converts to llvm float-abi."""
return 'soft' if self == Armv81MMainFpu.NONE else 'hard'
def _get_default_host() -> Host:
"""Returns the Host matching the current machine."""
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
return Host.Linux
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
return Host.Darwin
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
return Host.Windows
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported host: {}'.format(sys.platform))
_BUILD_OS_TYPE: Host = _get_default_host()
def build_host() -> Host:
"""Returns the cached Host matching the current machine."""
global _BUILD_OS_TYPE # pylint: disable=global-statement