Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to 6e109e9e6b22704f2b96fe486bc2dce02407ecb5
  - Merge "Prevent OOM in measureCompose runtime benchmarks" into androidx-master-dev
  - Prevent OOM in measureCompose runtime benchmarks
    This switches measureCompose to be suspending and manual-time-control in
    order to call advanceUntilIdle() after composition.dispose().  Giving
    the dispatcher an opportunity to run is required to fully clean up
    memory after cancellation of the LaunchedEffect I added in aosp/1435685.
    This is a similar change to the one I did in aosp/1519221 for a
    different set of benchmarks.
    Based on my local Wembley testing, this will cause an apparent
    regression in all the affected benchmarks (a large regression in the
    case of the simplest benchmark cases like OneRect), but not to introduce
    additional noise.  So these benchmarks should remain equally useful if
    we accept a one-time discontinuity and compare to the higher baseline.
    Bug: 175626893
    Test: Existing tests
    Change-Id: I6f2329bcc281d6ab8c7ece5e10eec43fe0200aec
diff --git a/frameworks/support b/frameworks/support
index 700597c..6e109e9 160000
--- a/frameworks/support
+++ b/frameworks/support
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 700597c371e8353dbc25d0095a203c9ab0c130c7
+Subproject commit 6e109e9e6b22704f2b96fe486bc2dce02407ecb5