blob: 9d35ace98cf40458a82525b5fcef8b7ece7b5cfc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.JavaCodeStyleManager;
import com.intellij.psi.controlFlow.*;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiImplUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference.FunctionalInterfaceParameterizationUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference.InferenceSession;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.ChildRole;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.JavaElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.infos.MethodCandidateInfo;
import com.intellij.psi.scope.PsiScopeProcessor;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PsiLambdaExpressionImpl extends ExpressionPsiElement implements PsiLambdaExpression {
public PsiLambdaExpressionImpl() {
public PsiParameterList getParameterList() {
return PsiTreeUtil.getRequiredChildOfType(this, PsiParameterList.class);
public int getChildRole(ASTNode child) {
final IElementType elType = child.getElementType();
if (elType == JavaTokenType.ARROW) {
return ChildRole.ARROW;
} else if (elType == JavaElementType.PARAMETER_LIST) {
return ChildRole.PARAMETER_LIST;
} else if (elType == JavaElementType.CODE_BLOCK) {
return ChildRole.LBRACE;
} else {
return ChildRole.EXPRESSION;
public PsiElement getBody() {
final PsiElement element = getLastChild();
return element instanceof PsiExpression || element instanceof PsiCodeBlock ? element : null;
public PsiType getFunctionalInterfaceType() {
return FunctionalInterfaceParameterizationUtil.getGroundTargetType(LambdaUtil.getFunctionalInterfaceType(this, true), this);
public boolean isVoidCompatible() {
final PsiElement body = getBody();
if (body instanceof PsiCodeBlock) {
for (PsiReturnStatement statement : PsiUtil.findReturnStatements((PsiCodeBlock)body)) {
if (statement.getReturnValue() != null) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isValueCompatible() {
final PsiElement body = getBody();
if (body instanceof PsiCodeBlock) {
try {
ControlFlow controlFlow =
ControlFlowFactory.getInstance(getProject()).getControlFlow(body, LocalsOrMyInstanceFieldsControlFlowPolicy
int startOffset = controlFlow.getStartOffset(body);
int endOffset = controlFlow.getEndOffset(body);
if (startOffset != -1 && endOffset != -1 && ControlFlowUtil.canCompleteNormally(controlFlow, startOffset, endOffset)) {
return false;
catch (AnalysisCanceledException e) {
return false;
for (PsiReturnStatement statement : PsiUtil.findReturnStatements((PsiCodeBlock)body)) {
if (statement.getReturnValue() == null) {
return false;
return true;
public PsiType getType() {
return new PsiLambdaExpressionType(this);
public void accept(@NotNull final PsiElementVisitor visitor) {
if (visitor instanceof JavaElementVisitor) {
else {
public boolean processDeclarations(@NotNull final PsiScopeProcessor processor,
@NotNull final ResolveState state,
final PsiElement lastParent,
@NotNull final PsiElement place) {
return PsiImplUtil.processDeclarationsInLambda(this, processor, state, lastParent, place);
public String toString() {
return "PsiLambdaExpression:" + getText();
public boolean hasFormalParameterTypes() {
final PsiParameter[] parameters = getParameterList().getParameters();
for (PsiParameter parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter.getTypeElement() == null) return false;
return true;
public boolean isAcceptable(PsiType leftType, boolean checkReturnType) {
if (leftType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
for (PsiType conjunctType : ((PsiIntersectionType)leftType).getConjuncts()) {
if (isAcceptable(conjunctType, checkReturnType)) return true;
return false;
final PsiElement argsList = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, PsiExpressionList.class);
if (MethodCandidateInfo.ourOverloadGuard.currentStack().contains(argsList)) {
if (!hasFormalParameterTypes()) {
return true;
final MethodCandidateInfo.CurrentCandidateProperties candidateProperties = MethodCandidateInfo.getCurrentMethod(argsList);
if (candidateProperties != null && !InferenceSession.isPertinentToApplicability(this, candidateProperties.getMethod())) {
return true;
leftType = FunctionalInterfaceParameterizationUtil.getGroundTargetType(leftType, this);
final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult resolveResult = PsiUtil.resolveGenericsClassInType(leftType);
final PsiClass psiClass = resolveResult.getElement();
if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
return isAcceptable(((PsiAnonymousClass)psiClass).getBaseClassType(), checkReturnType);
final PsiMethod interfaceMethod = LambdaUtil.getFunctionalInterfaceMethod(resolveResult);
if (interfaceMethod == null) return false;
final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = LambdaUtil.getSubstitutor(interfaceMethod, resolveResult);
assert leftType != null;
final PsiParameter[] lambdaParameters = getParameterList().getParameters();
final PsiType[] parameterTypes = interfaceMethod.getSignature(substitutor).getParameterTypes();
if (lambdaParameters.length != parameterTypes.length) return false;
for (int lambdaParamIdx = 0, length = lambdaParameters.length; lambdaParamIdx < length; lambdaParamIdx++) {
PsiParameter parameter = lambdaParameters[lambdaParamIdx];
final PsiTypeElement typeElement = parameter.getTypeElement();
if (typeElement != null) {
final PsiType lambdaFormalType = toArray(typeElement.getType());
final PsiType methodParameterType = toArray(parameterTypes[lambdaParamIdx]);
if (!lambdaFormalType.equals(methodParameterType)) {
return false;
//A lambda expression (§15.27) is potentially compatible with a functional interface type (§9.8) if all of the following are true:
// The arity of the target type's function type is the same as the arity of the lambda expression.
// If the target type's function type has a void return, then the lambda body is either a statement expression (§14.8) or a void-compatible block (§15.27.2).
// If the target type's function type has a (non-void) return type, then the lambda body is either an expression or a value-compatible block (§15.27.2).
PsiType methodReturnType = interfaceMethod.getReturnType();
if (checkReturnType) {
final String uniqueVarName = JavaCodeStyleManager.getInstance(getProject()).suggestUniqueVariableName("l", this, true);
final String canonicalText = toArray(leftType).getCanonicalText();
final PsiStatement assignmentFromText = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(getProject())
.createStatementFromText(canonicalText + " " + uniqueVarName + " = " + getText(), this);
final PsiLocalVariable localVariable = (PsiLocalVariable)((PsiDeclarationStatement)assignmentFromText).getDeclaredElements()[0];
if (methodReturnType != null) {
return LambdaHighlightingUtil.checkReturnTypeCompatible((PsiLambdaExpression)localVariable.getInitializer(),
substitutor.substitute(methodReturnType)) == null;
} else {
final PsiElement body = getBody();
if (methodReturnType == PsiType.VOID) {
if (body instanceof PsiCodeBlock) {
return isVoidCompatible();
} else {
return LambdaUtil.isExpressionStatementExpression(body);
} else {
if (body instanceof PsiCodeBlock) {
return isValueCompatible();
return body instanceof PsiExpression;
return true;
private static PsiType toArray(PsiType paramType) {
if (paramType instanceof PsiEllipsisType) {
return ((PsiEllipsisType)paramType).toArrayType();
return paramType;
public Icon getIcon(int flags) {
return AllIcons.Nodes.AnonymousClass;