blob: 6ad84b85589a04dd3f7915ebd11375edacffae50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.system.Os;
import android.system.ErrnoException;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
public class NNTestBase implements AutoCloseable {
protected static final String TAG = "NN_TESTBASE";
// Used to load the 'native-lib' library on application startup.
static {
// Does the device has any NNAPI accelerator?
// We only consider a real device, not 'nnapi-reference'.
public static native boolean hasAccelerator();
* Fills resultList with the name of the available NNAPI accelerators
* @return False if any error occurred, true otherwise
public static native boolean getAcceleratorNames(List<String> resultList);
public static native boolean hasNnApiDevice(String nnApiDeviceName);
private synchronized native long initModel(
String modelFileName,
int tfliteBackend,
boolean enableIntermediateTensorsDump,
String nnApiDeviceName,
boolean mmapModel,
String nnApiCacheDir,
long nnApiLibHandle) throws NnApiDelegationFailure;
private synchronized native void destroyModel(long modelHandle);
private synchronized native boolean resizeInputTensors(long modelHandle, int[] inputShape);
private synchronized native boolean runBenchmark(long modelHandle,
List<InferenceInOutSequence> inOutList,
List<InferenceResult> resultList,
int inferencesSeqMaxCount,
float timeoutSec,
int flags);
private synchronized native CompilationBenchmarkResult runCompilationBenchmark(
long modelHandle, int maxNumIterations, float warmupTimeoutSec, float runTimeoutSec,
boolean useNnapiSl);
private synchronized native void dumpAllLayers(
long modelHandle,
String dumpPath,
List<InferenceInOutSequence> inOutList);
public static List<String> availableAcceleratorNames() {
List<String> availableAccelerators = new ArrayList<>();
if (NNTestBase.getAcceleratorNames(availableAccelerators)) {
acceleratorName -> !acceleratorName.equalsIgnoreCase(
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to retrieve accelerator names!!");
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
/** Discard inference output in inference results. */
public static final int FLAG_DISCARD_INFERENCE_OUTPUT = 1 << 0;
* Do not expect golden outputs with inference inputs.
* Useful in cases where there's no straightforward golden output values
* for the benchmark. This will also skip calculating basic (golden
* output based) error metrics.
public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_GOLDEN_OUTPUT = 1 << 1;
/** Collect only 1 benchmark result every 10 **/
public static final int FLAG_SAMPLE_BENCHMARK_RESULTS = 1 << 2;
protected Context mContext;
protected TextView mText;
private final String mModelName;
private final String mModelFile;
private long mModelHandle;
private final int[] mInputShape;
private final InferenceInOutSequence.FromAssets[] mInputOutputAssets;
private final InferenceInOutSequence.FromDataset[] mInputOutputDatasets;
private final EvaluatorConfig mEvaluatorConfig;
private EvaluatorInterface mEvaluator;
private boolean mHasGoldenOutputs;
private TfLiteBackend mTfLiteBackend;
private boolean mEnableIntermediateTensorsDump = false;
private final int mMinSdkVersion;
private Optional<String> mNNApiDeviceName = Optional.empty();
private boolean mMmapModel = false;
// Path where the current model has been stored for execution
private String mTemporaryModelFilePath;
private boolean mSampleResults;
// If set to true the test will look for the NNAPI SL binaries in the app resources,
// copy them into the app cache dir and configure the TfLite test to load NNAPI
// from the library.
private boolean mUseNnApiSupportLibrary = false;
private boolean mExtractNnApiSupportLibrary = false;
private String mNnApiSupportLibraryVendor = "";
static final String USE_NNAPI_SL_PROPERTY = "useNnApiSupportLibrary";
static final String EXTRACT_NNAPI_SL_PROPERTY = "extractNnApiSupportLibrary";
static final String NNAPI_SL_VENDOR = "nnApiSupportLibraryVendor";
private static boolean getBooleanTestParameter(String key, boolean defaultValue) {
// All instrumentation arguments are passed as String so I have to convert the value here.
return Boolean.parseBoolean(
InstrumentationRegistry.getArguments().getString(key, "" + defaultValue));
public static boolean shouldUseNnApiSupportLibrary() {
return getBooleanTestParameter(USE_NNAPI_SL_PROPERTY, false);
public static boolean shouldExtractNnApiSupportLibrary() {
return getBooleanTestParameter(EXTRACT_NNAPI_SL_PROPERTY, false);
public static String getNnApiSupportLibraryVendor() {
return InstrumentationRegistry.getArguments().getString(NNAPI_SL_VENDOR);
public NNTestBase(String modelName, String modelFile, int[] inputShape,
InferenceInOutSequence.FromAssets[] inputOutputAssets,
InferenceInOutSequence.FromDataset[] inputOutputDatasets,
EvaluatorConfig evaluator, int minSdkVersion) {
if (inputOutputAssets == null && inputOutputDatasets == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Neither inputOutputAssets or inputOutputDatasets given - no inputs");
if (inputOutputAssets != null && inputOutputDatasets != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Both inputOutputAssets or inputOutputDatasets given. Only one" +
"supported at once.");
mModelName = modelName;
mModelFile = modelFile;
mInputShape = inputShape;
mInputOutputAssets = inputOutputAssets;
mInputOutputDatasets = inputOutputDatasets;
mModelHandle = 0;
mEvaluatorConfig = evaluator;
mMinSdkVersion = minSdkVersion;
mSampleResults = false;
public void setTfLiteBackend(TfLiteBackend tfLiteBackend) {
mTfLiteBackend = tfLiteBackend;
public void enableIntermediateTensorsDump() {
public void enableIntermediateTensorsDump(boolean value) {
mEnableIntermediateTensorsDump = value;
public void useNNApi() {
public void setUseNnApiSupportLibrary(boolean value) {mUseNnApiSupportLibrary = value;}
public void setExtractNnApiSupportLibrary(boolean value) {mExtractNnApiSupportLibrary = value;}
public void setNnApiSupportLibraryVendor(String value) {mNnApiSupportLibraryVendor = value;}
public void setNNApiDeviceName(String value) {
if (mTfLiteBackend != TfLiteBackend.NNAPI) {
Log.e(TAG, "Setting device name has no effect when not using NNAPI");
mNNApiDeviceName = Optional.ofNullable(value);
public void setMmapModel(boolean value) {
mMmapModel = value;
public final boolean setupModel(Context ipcxt) throws IOException, NnApiDelegationFailure {
mContext = ipcxt;
long nnApiLibHandle = 0;
if (mUseNnApiSupportLibrary) {
HashMap<String, Supplier<SupportLibraryDriverHandler>> vendors = new HashMap<>();
vendors.put("qc", () -> new QualcommSupportLibraryDriverHandler());
vendors.put("arm", () -> new ArmSupportLibraryDriverHandler());
vendors.put("mtk", () -> new MediaTekSupportLibraryDriverHandler());
Supplier<SupportLibraryDriverHandler> vendor = vendors.get(mNnApiSupportLibraryVendor);
if (vendor == null) {
throw new NnApiDelegationFailure(String
.format("NNAPI SL vendor is invalid '%s', expected one of %s.",
mNnApiSupportLibraryVendor, vendors.keySet().toString()));
SupportLibraryDriverHandler slHandler = vendor.get();
nnApiLibHandle = slHandler.getOrLoadNnApiSlHandle(mContext, mExtractNnApiSupportLibrary);
if (nnApiLibHandle == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, String
.format("Unable to find NNAPI SL entry point '%s' in embedded libraries path.",
throw new NnApiDelegationFailure(String
.format("Unable to find NNAPI SL entry point '%s' in embedded libraries path.",
if (mTemporaryModelFilePath != null) {
mTemporaryModelFilePath = copyAssetToFile();
String nnApiCacheDir = mContext.getCodeCacheDir().toString();
mModelHandle = initModel(
mTemporaryModelFilePath, mTfLiteBackend.ordinal(), mEnableIntermediateTensorsDump,
mNNApiDeviceName.orElse(null), mMmapModel, nnApiCacheDir, nnApiLibHandle);
if (mModelHandle == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to init the model");
return false;
if (!resizeInputTensors(mModelHandle, mInputShape)) {
return false;
if (mEvaluatorConfig != null) {
mEvaluator = mEvaluatorConfig.createEvaluator(mContext.getAssets());
return true;
public String getTestInfo() {
return mModelName;
public EvaluatorInterface getEvaluator() {
return mEvaluator;
public void checkSdkVersion() throws UnsupportedSdkException {
if (mMinSdkVersion > 0 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < mMinSdkVersion) {
throw new UnsupportedSdkException("SDK version not supported. Mininum required: " +
mMinSdkVersion + ", current version: " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
private void deleteOrWarn(String path) {
if (!new File(path).delete()) {
Log.w(TAG, String.format(
"Unable to delete file '%s'. This might cause device to run out of space.",
private List<InferenceInOutSequence> getInputOutputAssets() throws IOException {
// TODO: Caching, don't read inputs for every inference
List<InferenceInOutSequence> inOutList =
getInputOutputAssets(mContext, mInputOutputAssets, mInputOutputDatasets);
Boolean lastGolden = null;
for (InferenceInOutSequence sequence : inOutList) {
mHasGoldenOutputs = sequence.hasGoldenOutput();
if (lastGolden == null) {
lastGolden = mHasGoldenOutputs;
} else {
if (lastGolden != mHasGoldenOutputs) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Some inputs for " + mModelName + " have outputs while some don't.");
return inOutList;
public static List<InferenceInOutSequence> getInputOutputAssets(Context context,
InferenceInOutSequence.FromAssets[] inputOutputAssets,
InferenceInOutSequence.FromDataset[] inputOutputDatasets) throws IOException {
// TODO: Caching, don't read inputs for every inference
List<InferenceInOutSequence> inOutList = new ArrayList<>();
if (inputOutputAssets != null) {
for (InferenceInOutSequence.FromAssets ioAsset : inputOutputAssets) {
if (inputOutputDatasets != null) {
for (InferenceInOutSequence.FromDataset dataset : inputOutputDatasets) {
inOutList.addAll(dataset.readDataset(context.getAssets(), context.getCacheDir()));
return inOutList;
public int getDefaultFlags() {
int flags = 0;
if (!mHasGoldenOutputs) {
if (mEvaluator == null) {
// For very long tests we will collect only a sample of the results
if (mSampleResults) {
return flags;
public void dumpAllLayers(File dumpDir, int inputAssetIndex, int inputAssetSize)
throws IOException {
if (!dumpDir.exists() || !dumpDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dumpDir doesn't exist or is not a directory");
if (!mEnableIntermediateTensorsDump) {
throw new IllegalStateException("mEnableIntermediateTensorsDump is " +
"set to false, impossible to proceed");
List<InferenceInOutSequence> ios = getInputOutputAssets();
dumpAllLayers(mModelHandle, dumpDir.toString(),
ios.subList(inputAssetIndex, inputAssetSize));
public Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> runInferenceOnce()
throws IOException, BenchmarkException {
List<InferenceInOutSequence> ios = getInputOutputAssets();
int flags = getDefaultFlags();
Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> output =
runBenchmark(ios, 1, Float.MAX_VALUE, flags);
return output;
public Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> runBenchmark(float timeoutSec)
throws IOException, BenchmarkException {
// Run as many as possible before timeout.
int flags = getDefaultFlags();
return runBenchmark(getInputOutputAssets(), 0xFFFFFFF, timeoutSec, flags);
/** Run through whole input set (once or multiple times). */
public Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> runBenchmarkCompleteInputSet(
int minInferences,
float timeoutSec)
throws IOException, BenchmarkException {
int flags = getDefaultFlags();
List<InferenceInOutSequence> ios = getInputOutputAssets();
int setInferences = 0;
for (InferenceInOutSequence iosSeq : ios) {
setInferences += iosSeq.size();
int setRepeat = (minInferences + setInferences - 1) / setInferences; // ceil.
int totalSequenceInferencesCount = ios.size() * setRepeat;
int expectedResults = setInferences * setRepeat;
Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> result =
runBenchmark(ios, totalSequenceInferencesCount, timeoutSec,
if (result.second.size() != expectedResults) {
// We reached a timeout or failed to evaluate whole set for other reason, abort.
final String errorMsg = String.format(
"Failed to evaluate complete input set, in %f seconds expected: %d, received:"
+ " %d",
timeoutSec, expectedResults, result.second.size());
Log.w(TAG, errorMsg);
throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg);
return result;
public Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>> runBenchmark(
List<InferenceInOutSequence> inOutList,
int inferencesSeqMaxCount,
float timeoutSec,
int flags)
throws IOException, BenchmarkException {
if (mModelHandle == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedModelException("Unsupported model");
List<InferenceResult> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!runBenchmark(mModelHandle, inOutList, resultList, inferencesSeqMaxCount,
timeoutSec, flags)) {
throw new BenchmarkException("Failed to run benchmark");
return new Pair<List<InferenceInOutSequence>, List<InferenceResult>>(
inOutList, resultList);
public CompilationBenchmarkResult runCompilationBenchmark(float warmupTimeoutSec,
float runTimeoutSec, int maxIterations) throws IOException, BenchmarkException {
if (mModelHandle == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedModelException("Unsupported model");
CompilationBenchmarkResult result = runCompilationBenchmark(
mModelHandle, maxIterations, warmupTimeoutSec, runTimeoutSec,
if (result == null) {
throw new BenchmarkException("Failed to run compilation benchmark");
return result;
public void destroy() {
if (mModelHandle != 0) {
mModelHandle = 0;
if (mTemporaryModelFilePath != null) {
mTemporaryModelFilePath = null;
private final Random mRandom = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
// We need to copy it to cache dir, so that TFlite can load it directly.
private String copyAssetToFile() throws IOException {
String outFileName =
String.format("%s/%s-%d-%d.tflite", mContext.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(),
Thread.currentThread().getId(), mRandom.nextInt(10000));
copyAssetToFile(mContext, mModelFile + ".tflite", outFileName);
return outFileName;
public static boolean copyModelToFile(Context context, String modelFileName, File targetFile)
throws IOException {
if (!targetFile.exists() && !targetFile.createNewFile()) {
Log.w(TAG, String.format("Unable to create file %s", targetFile.getAbsolutePath()));
return false;
NNTestBase.copyAssetToFile(context, modelFileName, targetFile.getAbsolutePath());
return true;
public static void copyAssetToFile(Context context, String modelAssetName, String targetPath)
throws IOException {
AssetManager assetManager = context.getAssets();
try {
File outFile = new File(targetPath);
try (InputStream in =;
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile)) {
copyFull(in, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to copy asset file: " + modelAssetName, e);
throw e;
public static void copyFull(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1024];
int readBytes = -1;
while ((readBytes = != -1) {
out.write(byteBuffer, 0, readBytes);
public void close() {
public void setSampleResult(boolean sampleResults) {
this.mSampleResults = sampleResults;