blob: 3691c2756758536a8bf43c4b67b49666e060ce96 [file] [log] [blame]
"spdxVersion": "SPDX-2.3",
"documentNamespace": "",
"creationInfo": {
"creators": [
"Organization: Google LLC",
"created": "2023-08-28T05:16:34Z",
"licenseListVersion": "3.20"
"dataLicense": "CC0-1.0",
"name": "Layoutlib",
"documentDescribes": [
"packages": [
"SPDXID": "SPDXRef-PREBUILT-layoutlib",
"name": "Layoutlib",
"description": "Layoutlib is a custom version of the android View framework designed to run inside Android Studio.",
"downloadLocation": "NONE",
"licenseConcluded": "NOASSERTION",
"licenseDeclared": "NOASSERTION",
"versionInfo": "studio-1.0",
"comment": "The library at the point has no official versioning, so Android Studio uses internal versioning. The prebuilt binaries can be built and update with platform/tools/vendor/google/layoutlib-prebuilt scripts.",
"supplier": "Organization: Google LLC",
"filesAnalyzed": false,
"sourceInfo": ""
"relationships": [
"spdxElementId": "SPDXRef-PREBUILT-layoutlib",
"relationshipType": "DEPENDS_ON",
"relatedSpdxElement": "NOASSERTION",
"comment": "Dependencies are not analyzed. The library will provide its own SBOM at some point in the future."