blob: 518512fff82feaa7569650e22deb62e123ef14b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Other Unix (e.g. Linux) platforms use ELF as an object file format
// and typically implement an API called `dl_iterate_phdr` to load
// native libraries.
use super::mystd::borrow::ToOwned;
use super::mystd::env;
use super::mystd::ffi::{CStr, OsStr};
use super::mystd::os::unix::prelude::*;
use super::{Library, LibrarySegment, OsString, Vec};
use core::slice;
pub(super) fn native_libraries() -> Vec<Library> {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
unsafe {
libc::dl_iterate_phdr(Some(callback), &mut ret as *mut Vec<_> as *mut _);
return ret;
fn infer_current_exe(base_addr: usize) -> OsString {
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(not(target_os = "hurd"))] {
if let Ok(entries) = super::parse_running_mmaps::parse_maps() {
let opt_path = entries
.find(|e| e.ip_matches(base_addr) && e.pathname().len() > 0)
.map(|e| e.pathname())
if let Some(path) = opt_path {
return path;
env::current_exe().map(|e| e.into()).unwrap_or_default()
// `info` should be a valid pointers.
// `vec` should be a valid pointer to a `std::Vec`.
unsafe extern "C" fn callback(
info: *mut libc::dl_phdr_info,
_size: libc::size_t,
vec: *mut libc::c_void,
) -> libc::c_int {
let info = &*info;
let libs = &mut *(vec as *mut Vec<Library>);
let is_main_prog = info.dlpi_name.is_null() || *info.dlpi_name == 0;
let name = if is_main_prog {
// The man page for dl_iterate_phdr says that the first object visited by
// callback is the main program; so the first time we encounter a
// nameless entry, we can assume its the main program and try to infer its path.
// After that, we cannot continue that assumption, and we use an empty string.
if libs.is_empty() {
infer_current_exe(info.dlpi_addr as usize)
} else {
} else {
let bytes = CStr::from_ptr(info.dlpi_name).to_bytes();
let headers = slice::from_raw_parts(info.dlpi_phdr, info.dlpi_phnum as usize);
libs.push(Library {
segments: headers
.map(|header| LibrarySegment {
len: (*header).p_memsz as usize,
stated_virtual_memory_address: (*header).p_vaddr as usize,
bias: info.dlpi_addr as usize,