blob: 7fb2408f8acb71a81321ff33e251d6207c874145 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst};
#[cfg(not(panic = "abort"))]
mod drop_checks {
//! These tests mainly make sure the elements are correctly dropped.
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst};
struct DropInfo {
dropped_twice: AtomicBool,
alive_count: AtomicUsize,
impl DropInfo {
const fn new() -> Self {
Self { dropped_twice: AtomicBool::new(false), alive_count: AtomicUsize::new(0) }
fn check(&self) {
assert!(!self.dropped_twice.load(SeqCst), "a value was dropped twice");
assert_eq!(self.alive_count.load(SeqCst), 0);
struct DropCheck<'a> {
info: &'a DropInfo,
was_dropped: bool,
impl<'a> DropCheck<'a> {
fn new(info: &'a DropInfo) -> Self {
info.alive_count.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
Self { info, was_dropped: false }
impl Drop for DropCheck<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.was_dropped {, SeqCst);
self.was_dropped = true;, SeqCst);
fn iter(info: &DropInfo, len: usize, panic_at: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = DropCheck<'_>> {
(0..len).map(move |i| {
if i == panic_at {
panic!("intended panic");
fn check<const N: usize>(len: usize, panic_at: usize) {
check_drops(|info| {
iter(info, len, panic_at).map_windows(|_: &[_; N]| {}).last();
fn check_drops(f: impl FnOnce(&DropInfo)) {
let info = DropInfo::new();
let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
fn no_iter_panic_n1() {
check::<1>(0, 100);
check::<1>(1, 100);
check::<1>(2, 100);
check::<1>(13, 100);
fn no_iter_panic_n2() {
check::<2>(0, 100);
check::<2>(1, 100);
check::<2>(2, 100);
check::<2>(3, 100);
check::<2>(13, 100);
fn no_iter_panic_n5() {
check::<5>(0, 100);
check::<5>(1, 100);
check::<5>(2, 100);
check::<5>(13, 100);
check::<5>(30, 100);
fn panic_in_first_batch() {
check::<1>(7, 0);
check::<2>(7, 0);
check::<2>(7, 1);
check::<3>(7, 0);
check::<3>(7, 1);
check::<3>(7, 2);
fn panic_in_middle() {
check::<1>(7, 1);
check::<1>(7, 5);
check::<1>(7, 6);
check::<2>(7, 2);
check::<2>(7, 5);
check::<2>(7, 6);
check::<5>(13, 5);
check::<5>(13, 8);
check::<5>(13, 12);
fn len_equals_n() {
check::<1>(1, 100);
check::<1>(1, 0);
check::<2>(2, 100);
check::<2>(2, 0);
check::<2>(2, 1);
check::<5>(5, 100);
check::<5>(5, 0);
check::<5>(5, 1);
check::<5>(5, 4);
fn output_n1() {
assert_eq!("".chars().map_windows(|[c]| *c).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);
assert_eq!("x".chars().map_windows(|[c]| *c).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec!['x']);
assert_eq!("abcd".chars().map_windows(|[c]| *c).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
fn output_n2() {
"".chars().map_windows(|a: &[_; 2]| *a).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
<Vec<[char; 2]>>::new(),
assert_eq!("ab".chars().map_windows(|a: &[_; 2]| *a).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![['a', 'b']]);
"abcd".chars().map_windows(|a: &[_; 2]| *a).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
vec![['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'd']],
fn test_case_from_pr_82413_comment() {
for () in std::iter::repeat("0".to_owned()).map_windows(|_: &[_; 3]| {}).take(4) {}
#[should_panic = "array in `Iterator::map_windows` must contain more than 0 elements"]
fn check_zero_window() {
let _ = std::iter::repeat(0).map_windows(|_: &[_; 0]| ());
fn test_zero_sized_type() {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Data;
let data: Vec<_> =
std::iter::repeat(Data).take(10).map_windows(|arr: &[Data; 5]| *arr).collect();
assert_eq!(data, [[Data; 5]; 6]);
#[should_panic = "array size of `Iterator::map_windows` is too large"]
fn test_too_large_array_size() {
let _ = std::iter::repeat(()).map_windows(|arr: &[(); usize::MAX]| *arr);
fn test_laziness() {
let counter = AtomicUsize::new(0);
let mut iter = (0..5)
.inspect(|_| {
counter.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
.map_windows(|arr: &[i32; 2]| *arr);
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 0);
assert_eq!(, Some([0, 1]));
// The first iteration consumes N items (N = 2).
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 2);
assert_eq!(, Some([1, 2]));
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 3);
assert_eq!(, Some([2, 3]));
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 4);
assert_eq!(, Some([3, 4]));
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 5);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(counter.load(SeqCst), 5);
fn test_size_hint() {
struct SizeHintCheckHelper((usize, Option<usize>));
impl Iterator for SizeHintCheckHelper {
type Item = i32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
let (ref mut lo, ref mut hi) = self.0;
let next = (*hi != Some(0)).then_some(0);
*lo = lo.saturating_sub(1);
if let Some(hi) = hi {
*hi = hi.saturating_sub(1);
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
fn check_size_hint<const N: usize>(
size_hint: (usize, Option<usize>),
mut mapped_size_hint: (usize, Option<usize>),
) {
let mut iter = SizeHintCheckHelper(size_hint);
let mut mapped_iter = iter.by_ref().map_windows(|_: &[_; N]| ());
while mapped_iter.size_hint().0 > 0 {
assert_eq!(mapped_iter.size_hint(), mapped_size_hint);
mapped_size_hint.0 -= 1;
mapped_size_hint.1 =|hi| hi.saturating_sub(1));
check_size_hint::<1>((0, None), (0, None));
check_size_hint::<1>((0, Some(0)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<1>((0, Some(2)), (0, Some(2)));
check_size_hint::<1>((1, None), (1, None));
check_size_hint::<1>((1, Some(1)), (1, Some(1)));
check_size_hint::<1>((1, Some(4)), (1, Some(4)));
check_size_hint::<1>((5, None), (5, None));
check_size_hint::<1>((5, Some(5)), (5, Some(5)));
check_size_hint::<1>((5, Some(10)), (5, Some(10)));
check_size_hint::<2>((0, None), (0, None));
check_size_hint::<2>((0, Some(0)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<2>((0, Some(2)), (0, Some(1)));
check_size_hint::<2>((1, None), (0, None));
check_size_hint::<2>((1, Some(1)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<2>((1, Some(4)), (0, Some(3)));
check_size_hint::<2>((5, None), (4, None));
check_size_hint::<2>((5, Some(5)), (4, Some(4)));
check_size_hint::<2>((5, Some(10)), (4, Some(9)));
check_size_hint::<5>((0, None), (0, None));
check_size_hint::<5>((0, Some(0)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<5>((0, Some(2)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<5>((1, None), (0, None));
check_size_hint::<5>((1, Some(1)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<5>((1, Some(4)), (0, Some(0)));
check_size_hint::<5>((5, None), (1, None));
check_size_hint::<5>((5, Some(5)), (1, Some(1)));
check_size_hint::<5>((5, Some(10)), (1, Some(6)));