blob: 5e1d859ee99c3dff556172da35c9e7c62fb060d8 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A simple queue implementation for synchronization primitives.
//! This queue is used to implement condition variable and mutexes.
//! Users of this API are expected to use the `WaitVariable<T>` type. Since
//! that type is not `Sync`, it needs to be protected by e.g., a `SpinMutex` to
//! allow shared access.
//! Since userspace may send spurious wake-ups, the wakeup event state is
//! recorded in the enclave. The wakeup event state is protected by a spinlock.
//! The queue and associated wait state are stored in a `WaitVariable`.
mod tests;
mod spin_mutex;
mod unsafe_list;
use crate::num::NonZeroUsize;
use crate::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use crate::time::Duration;
use super::abi::thread;
use super::abi::usercalls;
use fortanix_sgx_abi::{Tcs, EV_UNPARK, WAIT_INDEFINITE};
pub use self::spin_mutex::{try_lock_or_false, SpinMutex, SpinMutexGuard};
use self::unsafe_list::{UnsafeList, UnsafeListEntry};
/// An queue entry in a `WaitQueue`.
struct WaitEntry {
/// TCS address of the thread that is waiting
tcs: Tcs,
/// Whether this thread has been notified to be awoken
wake: bool,
/// Data stored with a `WaitQueue` alongside it. This ensures accesses to the
/// queue and the data are synchronized, since the type itself is not `Sync`.
/// Consumers of this API should use a synchronization primitive for shared
/// access, such as `SpinMutex`.
pub struct WaitVariable<T> {
queue: WaitQueue,
lock: T,
impl<T> WaitVariable<T> {
pub const fn new(var: T) -> Self {
WaitVariable { queue: WaitQueue::new(), lock: var }
pub fn queue_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn lock_var(&self) -> &T {
pub fn lock_var_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.lock
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum NotifiedTcs {
All { count: NonZeroUsize },
/// An RAII guard that will notify a set of target threads as well as unlock
/// a mutex on drop.
pub struct WaitGuard<'a, T: 'a> {
mutex_guard: Option<SpinMutexGuard<'a, WaitVariable<T>>>,
notified_tcs: NotifiedTcs,
/// A queue of threads that are waiting on some synchronization primitive.
/// `UnsafeList` entries are allocated on the waiting thread's stack. This
/// avoids any global locking that might happen in the heap allocator. This is
/// safe because the waiting thread will not return from that stack frame until
/// after it is notified. The notifying thread ensures to clean up any
/// references to the list entries before sending the wakeup event.
pub struct WaitQueue {
// We use an inner Mutex here to protect the data in the face of spurious
// wakeups.
inner: UnsafeList<SpinMutex<WaitEntry>>,
unsafe impl Send for WaitQueue {}
impl Default for WaitQueue {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a, T> WaitGuard<'a, T> {
/// Returns which TCSes will be notified when this guard drops.
pub fn notified_tcs(&self) -> NotifiedTcs {
/// Drop this `WaitGuard`, after dropping another `guard`.
pub fn drop_after<U>(self, guard: U) {
impl<'a, T> Deref for WaitGuard<'a, T> {
type Target = SpinMutexGuard<'a, WaitVariable<T>>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'a, T> DerefMut for WaitGuard<'a, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<'a, T> Drop for WaitGuard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let target_tcs = match self.notified_tcs {
NotifiedTcs::Single(tcs) => Some(tcs),
NotifiedTcs::All { .. } => None,
rtunwrap!(Ok, usercalls::send(EV_UNPARK, target_tcs));
impl WaitQueue {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
WaitQueue { inner: UnsafeList::new() }
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Adds the calling thread to the `WaitVariable`'s wait queue, then wait
/// until a wakeup event.
/// This function does not return until this thread has been awoken.
pub fn wait<T, F: FnOnce()>(mut guard: SpinMutexGuard<'_, WaitVariable<T>>, before_wait: F) {
// very unsafe: check requirements of UnsafeList::push
unsafe {
let mut entry = UnsafeListEntry::new(SpinMutex::new(WaitEntry {
tcs: thread::current(),
wake: false,
let entry = guard.queue.inner.push(&mut entry);
while !entry.lock().wake {
// don't panic, this would invalidate `entry` during unwinding
let eventset = rtunwrap!(Ok, usercalls::wait(EV_UNPARK, WAIT_INDEFINITE));
rtassert!(eventset & EV_UNPARK == EV_UNPARK);
/// Adds the calling thread to the `WaitVariable`'s wait queue, then wait
/// until a wakeup event or timeout. If event was observed, returns true.
/// If not, it will remove the calling thread from the wait queue.
pub fn wait_timeout<T, F: FnOnce()>(
lock: &SpinMutex<WaitVariable<T>>,
timeout: Duration,
before_wait: F,
) -> bool {
// very unsafe: check requirements of UnsafeList::push
unsafe {
let mut entry = UnsafeListEntry::new(SpinMutex::new(WaitEntry {
tcs: thread::current(),
wake: false,
let entry_lock = lock.lock().queue.inner.push(&mut entry);
usercalls::wait_timeout(EV_UNPARK, timeout, || entry_lock.lock().wake);
// acquire the wait queue's lock first to avoid deadlock.
let mut guard = lock.lock();
let success = entry_lock.lock().wake;
if !success {
// nobody is waking us up, so remove our entry from the wait queue.
guard.queue.inner.remove(&mut entry);
/// Either find the next waiter on the wait queue, or return the mutex
/// guard unchanged.
/// If a waiter is found, a `WaitGuard` is returned which will notify the
/// waiter when it is dropped.
pub fn notify_one<T>(
mut guard: SpinMutexGuard<'_, WaitVariable<T>>,
) -> Result<WaitGuard<'_, T>, SpinMutexGuard<'_, WaitVariable<T>>> {
// SAFETY: lifetime of the pop() return value is limited to the map
// closure (The closure return value is 'static). The underlying
// stack frame won't be freed until after the WaitGuard created below
// is dropped.
unsafe {
let tcs = guard.queue.inner.pop().map(|entry| -> Tcs {
let mut entry_guard = entry.lock();
entry_guard.wake = true;
if let Some(tcs) = tcs {
Ok(WaitGuard { mutex_guard: Some(guard), notified_tcs: NotifiedTcs::Single(tcs) })
} else {
/// Either find any and all waiters on the wait queue, or return the mutex
/// guard unchanged.
/// If at least one waiter is found, a `WaitGuard` is returned which will
/// notify all waiters when it is dropped.
pub fn notify_all<T>(
mut guard: SpinMutexGuard<'_, WaitVariable<T>>,
) -> Result<WaitGuard<'_, T>, SpinMutexGuard<'_, WaitVariable<T>>> {
// SAFETY: lifetime of the pop() return values are limited to the
// while loop body. The underlying stack frames won't be freed until
// after the WaitGuard created below is dropped.
unsafe {
let mut count = 0;
while let Some(entry) = guard.queue.inner.pop() {
count += 1;
let mut entry_guard = entry.lock();
entry_guard.wake = true;
if let Some(count) = NonZeroUsize::new(count) {
Ok(WaitGuard { mutex_guard: Some(guard), notified_tcs: NotifiedTcs::All { count } })
} else {