blob: 95cf4932e6e2c3053155a6051289e78eac74e797 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Owned and borrowed Unix-like file descriptors.
//! This module is supported on Unix platforms and WASI, which both use a
//! similar file descriptor system for referencing OS resources.
#![stable(feature = "os_fd", since = "1.66.0")]
// `RawFd`, `AsRawFd`, etc.
mod raw;
// `OwnedFd`, `AsFd`, etc.
mod owned;
// Implementations for `AsRawFd` etc. for network types.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "trusty"))]
mod net;
mod tests;
// Export the types and traits for the public API.
#[stable(feature = "os_fd", since = "1.66.0")]
pub use owned::*;
#[stable(feature = "os_fd", since = "1.66.0")]
pub use raw::*;