blob: 5f3d66e3773f1edf257e2e8dd0cbdabdb09c9d50 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use crate::ptr;
/// A wrapper to inhibit compiler from automatically calling `T`’s destructor.
/// This wrapper is 0-cost.
/// `ManuallyDrop<T>` is guaranteed to have the same layout as `T`, and is subject
/// to the same layout optimizations as `T`. As a consequence, it has *no effect*
/// on the assumptions that the compiler makes about its contents. For example,
/// initializing a `ManuallyDrop<&mut T>` with [`mem::zeroed`] is undefined
/// behavior. If you need to handle uninitialized data, use [`MaybeUninit<T>`]
/// instead.
/// Note that accessing the value inside a `ManuallyDrop<T>` is safe.
/// This means that a `ManuallyDrop<T>` whose content has been dropped must not
/// be exposed through a public safe API.
/// Correspondingly, `ManuallyDrop::drop` is unsafe.
/// # `ManuallyDrop` and drop order.
/// Rust has a well-defined [drop order] of values. To make sure that fields or
/// locals are dropped in a specific order, reorder the declarations such that
/// the implicit drop order is the correct one.
/// It is possible to use `ManuallyDrop` to control the drop order, but this
/// requires unsafe code and is hard to do correctly in the presence of
/// unwinding.
/// For example, if you want to make sure that a specific field is dropped after
/// the others, make it the last field of a struct:
/// ```
/// struct Context;
/// struct Widget {
/// children: Vec<Widget>,
/// // `context` will be dropped after `children`.
/// // Rust guarantees that fields are dropped in the order of declaration.
/// context: Context,
/// }
/// ```
/// [drop order]:
/// [`mem::zeroed`]: crate::mem::zeroed
/// [`MaybeUninit<T>`]: crate::mem::MaybeUninit
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
#[lang = "manually_drop"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ManuallyDrop<T: ?Sized> {
value: T,
impl<T> ManuallyDrop<T> {
/// Wrap a value to be manually dropped.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
/// let mut x = ManuallyDrop::new(String::from("Hello World!"));
/// x.truncate(5); // You can still safely operate on the value
/// assert_eq!(*x, "Hello");
/// // But `Drop` will not be run here
/// ```
#[must_use = "if you don't need the wrapper, you can use `mem::forget` instead"]
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_manually_drop", since = "1.32.0")]
pub const fn new(value: T) -> ManuallyDrop<T> {
ManuallyDrop { value }
/// Extracts the value from the `ManuallyDrop` container.
/// This allows the value to be dropped again.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
/// let x = ManuallyDrop::new(Box::new(()));
/// let _: Box<()> = ManuallyDrop::into_inner(x); // This drops the `Box`.
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_manually_drop", since = "1.32.0")]
pub const fn into_inner(slot: ManuallyDrop<T>) -> T {
/// Takes the value from the `ManuallyDrop<T>` container out.
/// This method is primarily intended for moving out values in drop.
/// Instead of using [`ManuallyDrop::drop`] to manually drop the value,
/// you can use this method to take the value and use it however desired.
/// Whenever possible, it is preferable to use [`into_inner`][`ManuallyDrop::into_inner`]
/// instead, which prevents duplicating the content of the `ManuallyDrop<T>`.
/// # Safety
/// This function semantically moves out the contained value without preventing further usage,
/// leaving the state of this container unchanged.
/// It is your responsibility to ensure that this `ManuallyDrop` is not used again.
#[must_use = "if you don't need the value, you can use `ManuallyDrop::drop` instead"]
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop_take", since = "1.42.0")]
pub unsafe fn take(slot: &mut ManuallyDrop<T>) -> T {
// SAFETY: we are reading from a reference, which is guaranteed
// to be valid for reads.
unsafe { ptr::read(&slot.value) }
impl<T: ?Sized> ManuallyDrop<T> {
/// Manually drops the contained value. This is exactly equivalent to calling
/// [`ptr::drop_in_place`] with a pointer to the contained value. As such, unless
/// the contained value is a packed struct, the destructor will be called in-place
/// without moving the value, and thus can be used to safely drop [pinned] data.
/// If you have ownership of the value, you can use [`ManuallyDrop::into_inner`] instead.
/// # Safety
/// This function runs the destructor of the contained value. Other than changes made by
/// the destructor itself, the memory is left unchanged, and so as far as the compiler is
/// concerned still holds a bit-pattern which is valid for the type `T`.
/// However, this "zombie" value should not be exposed to safe code, and this function
/// should not be called more than once. To use a value after it's been dropped, or drop
/// a value multiple times, can cause Undefined Behavior (depending on what `drop` does).
/// This is normally prevented by the type system, but users of `ManuallyDrop` must
/// uphold those guarantees without assistance from the compiler.
/// [pinned]: crate::pin
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
pub unsafe fn drop(slot: &mut ManuallyDrop<T>) {
// SAFETY: we are dropping the value pointed to by a mutable reference
// which is guaranteed to be valid for writes.
// It is up to the caller to make sure that `slot` isn't dropped again.
unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(&mut slot.value) }
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ManuallyDrop<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
#[stable(feature = "manually_drop", since = "1.20.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for ManuallyDrop<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.value