blob: 243df015f9a26e767c4435583be54e86dea5a07c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::fmt;
use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
use crate::marker;
/// Creates an iterator that yields nothing.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use std::iter;
/// // this could have been an iterator over i32, but alas, it's just not.
/// let mut nope = iter::empty::<i32>();
/// assert_eq!(None,;
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
#[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_iter_empty", since = "1.32.0")]
pub const fn empty<T>() -> Empty<T> {
/// An iterator that yields nothing.
/// This `struct` is created by the [`empty()`] function. See its documentation for more.
#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
pub struct Empty<T>(marker::PhantomData<fn() -> T>);
#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
impl<T> fmt::Debug for Empty<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
impl<T> Iterator for Empty<T> {
type Item = T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, Some(0))
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for Empty<T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
impl<T> ExactSizeIterator for Empty<T> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
unsafe impl<T> TrustedLen for Empty<T> {}
#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
impl<T> FusedIterator for Empty<T> {}
// not #[derive] because that adds a Clone bound on T,
// which isn't necessary.
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
impl<T> Clone for Empty<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Empty<T> {
// not #[derive] because that adds a Default bound on T,
// which isn't necessary.
#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
impl<T> Default for Empty<T> {
fn default() -> Empty<T> {