blob: 185e1945faa2f1f8735675f8d03a1017c9c34244 [file] [log] [blame]
macro_rules! cast_types {
($start:ident, $($target:ident),*) => {
mod $start {
use core_simd::simd::prelude::*;
type Vector<const N: usize> = Simd<$start, N>;
mod $target {
use super::*;
test_helpers::test_lanes! {
fn cast_as<const N: usize>() {
&|x| x as $target,
&|_| true,
// The hypothesis is that widening conversions aren't terribly interesting.
cast_types!(f32, f64, i8, u8, usize, isize);
cast_types!(f64, f32, i8, u8, usize, isize);
cast_types!(i8, u8, f32);
cast_types!(u8, i8, f32);
cast_types!(i16, u16, i8, u8, f32);
cast_types!(u16, i16, i8, u8, f32);
cast_types!(i32, u32, i8, u8, f32, f64);
cast_types!(u32, i32, i8, u8, f32, f64);
cast_types!(i64, u64, i8, u8, isize, usize, f32, f64);
cast_types!(u64, i64, i8, u8, isize, usize, f32, f64);
cast_types!(isize, usize, i8, u8, f32, f64);
cast_types!(usize, isize, i8, u8, f32, f64);